Learn Tarot with Free Download Tarot Card Reading Software (2024)

Free Download Tarot Card Reading Software: A Guide for Beginners

If you are interested in learning more about yourself, your life, and your future, you might want to try tarot card reading. Tarot card reading is a form of divination that uses a deck of cards to reveal messages, insights, and advice. It can help you gain clarity, guidance, and inspiration in any situation.

But how can you learn to read tarot cards without spending a lot of money on books, courses, or professional readings? The answer is simple: you can use tarot card reading software apps that you can download for free on your phone or computer. These apps can help you learn the basics of tarot, practice your skills, and get personalized readings anytime, anywhere.

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In this article, we will explain what tarot card reading is and how it works, what are the benefits of tarot card reading for your mental health and well-being, what are the best tarot card reading software apps to download for free, and how to use them effectively and ethically. Let's get started!

What is Tarot Card Reading and How Does It Work?

Tarot card reading is a form of divination that uses a deck of cards to reveal messages, insights, and advice. It can help you gain clarity, guidance, and inspiration in any situation.

The History and Origin of Tarot Cards

The origin of tarot cards is not certain, but they are believed to have emerged in the 14th century in Western Europe from Turkey. They were initially used for playing games, but later became associated with mysticism and magic. The first known tarot deck was created in the 15th century in Italy by a painter named Bonifacio Bembo. It consisted of 78 cards divided into two groups: the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards).

The Structure and Meaning of Tarot Cards

The Major Arcana cards represent the major themes and lessons of life, such as love, death, change, justice, etc. They depict archetypal figures and symbols that reflect universal human experiences. The Minor Arcana cards represent the minor aspects and details of life, such as work, money, family, health, etc. They are divided into four suits: Wands (action, passion, creativity), Cups (emotion, intuition, relationships), Swords (thoughts, challenges, conflicts), and Pentacles (materiality, practicality, security). Each suit contains 14 cards: Ace (the essence), 2-10 (the progression), Page (the student), Knight (the adventurer), Queen (the nurturer), and King (the leader).

Each tarot card has a specific meaning that depends on its imagery, symbolism, number, suit, element (fire, water, air, earth), astrological sign (Aries, Taurus, Gemini...), etc. However, these meanings are not. fixed and absolute, but rather flexible and relative. The meaning of a tarot card can vary depending on the context, the question, the spread (the layout of the cards), the reader, and the querent (the person asking the question). Therefore, tarot card reading is not a science, but an art that requires intuition, imagination, and interpretation.

The Process and Purpose of Tarot Card Reading

The process of tarot card reading involves shuffling the deck, asking a question, drawing one or more cards, and interpreting their meaning. There are many different ways to do this, depending on the purpose, the preference, and the skill level of the reader and the querent. Some common types of tarot card readings are:

  • The One-Card Reading: This is the simplest and quickest way to get an answer or a message from the cards. You just draw one card and interpret its meaning in relation to your question or situation.

  • The Three-Card Reading: This is a more detailed and comprehensive way to get a snapshot of your past, present, and future. You draw three cards and interpret their meaning in relation to your question or situation.

  • The Celtic Cross Reading: This is one of the most popular and complex ways to get a deep and thorough analysis of your question or situation. You draw 10 cards and arrange them in a cross-shaped pattern. Each card represents a different aspect of your question or situation, such as the current situation, the challenge, the past, the future, the advice, the outcome, etc.

The purpose of tarot card reading is not to predict the future or tell you what to do, but rather to help you explore your options, understand your feelings, discover your potential, and make your own decisions. Tarot card reading is a tool for self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-empowerment. It can help you find answers within yourself, rather than outside yourself.

What are the Benefits of Tarot Card Reading for Your Mental Health and Well-Being?

Tarot card reading can have many positive effects on your mental health and well-being. Here are some of the benefits of tarot card reading for your mind, body, and soul:

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Tarot Card Reading Can Provide Insight, Clarity, and Guidance

One of the main benefits of tarot card reading is that it can help you gain insight into yourself, your life, and your future. Tarot cards can reveal hidden aspects of your personality, subconscious thoughts, feelings, desires, fears, hopes, dreams, etc. They can also help you see things from a different perspective, clarify your doubts and confusion, and guide you towards your best course of action.

Tarot Card Reading Can Help You Overcome Fear, Anxiety, and Stress

Another benefit of tarot card reading is that it can help you overcome fear, anxiety, and stress. Tarot cards can help you identify the root causes of your negative emotions, such as past traumas, unresolved issues, limiting beliefs, etc. They can also help you release them by providing healing messages, affirmations, and solutions. They can also help you cope with them by providing support, comfort, and encouragement.

Tarot Card Reading Can Inspire You, Motivate You, and Empower You

A third benefit of tarot card reading is that it can inspire you, motivate you, and empower you. Tarot cards can help you discover your strengths, talents, passions, and purpose. They can also help you set goals, plan actions, and overcome obstacles. They can also help you boost your confidence, self-esteem, and self-love.

What are the Best Tarot Card Reading Software Apps to Download for Free?

If you want to learn and practice tarot card reading without spending a lot of money, you can use tarot card reading software apps that you can download for free on your phone or computer. These apps can help you learn the basics of tarot, practice your skills, and get personalized readings anytime, anywhere. Here are some of the best tarot card reading software apps to download for free:

Labyrinthos: A User-Friendly and Interactive App for Learning Tarot

Labyrinthos is a user-friendly and interactive app that helps you learn tarot in a fun and easy way. It features a variety of tarot decks to choose from, such as the Rider-Waite, the Golden Thread, the Luminous Spirit, etc. It also features a comprehensive tarot dictionary that explains the meaning of each card in detail. You can also take quizzes and lessons to test your knowledge and improve your skills. You can also get free daily readings and personalized readings based on your questions and preferences.

Golden Thread Tarot: A Stylish and Elegant App for Practicing Tarot

Golden Thread Tarot is a stylish and elegant app that helps you practice tarot in a beautiful and intuitive way. It features a minimalist and modern design that enhances the visual appeal of the cards. It also features a simple and clear interface that guides you through the process of shuffling, drawing, and interpreting the cards. You can also track your progress and patterns with the app's journal and analytics features. You can also get free daily readings and personalized readings based on your questions and preferences.

Dark Goddess Tarot: A Unique and Powerful App for Exploring Tarot

Dark Goddess Tarot is a unique and powerful app that helps you explore tarot in a deep and meaningful way. It features a special deck of cards that depicts 78 goddesses from different cultures and traditions. Each goddess represents a different aspect of life, such as love, death, change, justice, etc. The app also features a rich and detailed description of each card's meaning and message. You can also get free daily readings and personalized readings based on your questions and preferences.

How to Use Tarot Card Reading Software Apps Effectively and Ethically?

Tarot card reading software apps can be very useful and convenient tools for learning and practicing tarot card reading. However, they are not substitutes for professional or personal readings. They are also not meant to be used for malicious or unethical purposes. Here are some tips on how to use tarot card reading software apps effectively and ethically:

Choose an App that Resonates with You and Your Goals

There are many different types of tarot card reading software apps available on the market, each with its own features, design, style, etc. Not all of them may suit your needs, preferences, or goals. Therefore, it is important to choose an app that resonates with you and your goals. For example, if you want to learn tarot in a fun and easy way, you might want to choose an app that has a user-friendly and interactive interface, such as Labyrinthos. If you want to practice tarot in a beautiful and intuitive way, you might want to choose an app that has a stylish and elegant design, such as Golden Thread Tarot. If you want to explore tarot in a deep and meaningful way, you might want to choose an app that has a unique and powerful deck, such as Dark Goddess Tarot.

Follow the Instructions and Tips Provided by the App

Most tarot card reading software apps provide instructions and tips on how to use them properly and effectively. For example, they may tell you how to shuffle, draw, and interpret the cards, how to ask clear and specific questions, how to choose the best spread for your situation, etc. It is important to follow these instructions and tips to get the most out of your readings. They can also help you avoid common mistakes and misunderstandings that may affect the accuracy and quality of your readings.

Be Open-Minded, Curious, and Respectful of the Cards and Yourself

The most important thing to remember when using tarot card reading software apps is to be open-minded, curious, and respectful of the cards and yourself. Tarot cards are not magic or fortune-telling devices that can tell you what will happen or what you should do. They are mirrors that reflect your inner world and help you explore your options. Therefore, you should not take them too literally or too seriously, but rather use them as guides and tools for self-discovery. You should also not rely on them too much or too often, but rather trust your own intuition and judgment. You should also not use them for harmful or unethical purposes, such as manipulating, deceiving, or hurting others or yourself.


Tarot card reading is a form of divination that uses a deck of cards to reveal messages, insights, and advice. It can help you gain clarity, guidance, and inspiration in any situation. It can also have many benefits for your mental health and well-being, such as providing insight, clarity, and guidance, helping you overcome fear, anxiety, and stress, and inspiring you, motivating you, and empowering you.

If you want to learn and practice tarot card reading without spending a lot of money, you can use tarot card reading software apps that you can download for free on your phone or computer. These apps can help you learn the basics of tarot, practice your skills, and get personalized readings anytime, anywhere. Some of the best tarot card reading software apps to download for free are Labyrinthos, Golden Thread Tarot, and Dark Goddess Tarot.

However, when using tarot card reading software apps, you should be careful to choose an app that resonates with you and your goals, follow the instructions and tips provided by the app, and be open-minded, curious, and respectful of the cards and yourself. Tarot card reading software apps are not substitutes for professional or personal readings. They are also not meant to be used for malicious or unethical purposes.

We hope this article has helped you understand what tarot card reading is, how it works, what are its benefits, what are the best tarot card reading software apps to download for free, and how to use them effectively and ethically. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Happy reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about tarot card reading and tarot card reading software apps:

Q: How accurate are tarot card readings?

A: Tarot card readings are not 100% accurate, nor are they meant to be. They are subjective and relative, depending on the context, the question, the spread, the reader, and the querent. They are also influenced by many factors, such as the mood, the energy, the intuition, the interpretation, etc. of both the reader and the querent. Therefore, tarot card readings should not be taken as absolute truths or facts, but rather as possibilities and potentials.

Q: How often should I use tarot card reading software apps?

A: There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on your personal preference and purpose. However, a general rule of thumb is to use tarot card reading software apps sparingly and moderately, rather than excessively and obsessively. For example, you can use them once a day for a daily reading, once a week for a weekly reading, once a month for a monthly reading, etc. You can also use them whenever you feel the need or the desire to get some guidance or insight on a specific question or situation. However, you should avoid using them repeatedly or constantly for the same question or situation, as this may lead to confusion, frustration, or dependence.

Q: How can I improve my tarot card reading skills?

A: The best way to improve your tarot card reading skills is to practice regularly and consistently. You can use tarot card reading software apps to practice your skills anytime, anywhere. You can also read books, articles, blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. about tarot card reading to learn more about its history, theory, technique, etc. You can also join online or offline communities of tarot enthusiasts to share your experiences, insights, tips, etc. with other like-minded people.

Q: What are some ethical guidelines for using tarot card reading software apps?

A: Some ethical guidelines for using tarot card reading software apps are:

  • Do not use them for illegal or immoral purposes, such as spying, cheating, blackmailing, harming, etc. others or yourself.

  • Do not use them to replace professional or personal advice, such as medical, legal, financial, psychological, etc. advice.

  • Do not use them to impose your will or beliefs on others, such as forcing, manipulating, coercing, etc. others to do what you want or think.

  • Do not use them to avoid responsibility or accountability for your actions and choices.

  • Do respect the privacy and autonomy of others, such as asking for their permission and consent before reading for them or about them.

  • Do respect the integrity and authenticity of the cards, such as following their meanings and messages rather than twisting or ignoring them.

  • Do respect yourself and your intuition, such as trusting your own judgment and feelings rather than relying solely on the cards.

Q: Where can I download tarot card reading software apps for free?

A: You can download tarot card reading software apps for free from various sources, such as the App Store, Google Play Store, or the official websites of the apps. However, you should be careful to download them from reputable and reliable sources, as some apps may contain viruses, malware, spyware, etc. that may harm your device or data. You should also read the reviews and ratings of the apps before downloading them to make sure they are of good quality and performance.

Learn Tarot with Free Download Tarot Card Reading Software (2024)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.