The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)


rnoch sporulatlon about thsfffArt which VTLlos not Home. Counties rationing schom*o f. klvVon rwUuranU. extra trouble which i no the proprietors of rr41ecting from their cu nerm ta regarded lightly. 7Yaer Ware miItR concerning Ute i of peT1 liblT to have coupons to It moat meals away from their borne It is r.

believed that lb 404 IC moat dishes fle dared to an extent which will leave U. TBo option hut to lv up the penvbioa or meat. ni .1..1. have already d. to iv rrm of saoa an.

the next and Lu as nt. lib SimpMna iii UM Vi Ikers iUlity. If tho if th are found to be formidable that i will hi. tricW to l. and the other oJMw until the weekly ration of moat can Public aU Order.

by Lord hotels and rurat. were allowed to Tv a neat each IN" at. Iinch and dinner. 7 farther Sot. at U.

lUrin the period no enmruhnrT nmttbwi day this a rxuVlent in an el might bi supplied wk The generous 00 light th iua- van provoked some grumbling at the time fwv4 who been atut4IUw4 to ontoing Zto. Ar larr ebon mm the rifl. new PUhflC Si Order. ued 14. month by I Ithondh.

I I la meat ration to Jna. at lunch and dinner. from UM bn Ua taU. and Inday rVm llb tb prrraittMl thns Ml suddenly to lib. I.

wtrnuity KM a rrnrir or Now the Lone IJQT wtich wn a ay the meat TWOYiiona of I i sbbe MM Order and make. it ImpoaibIe yee to obtain more than lIbudnratlna wk. A RlnrTArLxT ADVANTAGE. expected that few people wing the restaurants a to give up mot than half a coupon at one-el This will mean that the uncooked weight. bone of beef.

mutton. lamb or pork served exceed In the Ck of poultry the i be and of bare or rabbit boa. The of a coupon does not enter into the vjioi when meals at. taken in public rating. Ms sad In this respect theta is a alight advantage piafd by taking fresh If or mutton in a 1 snt instead of tEng the coupons for tram a butcher for home consumption.

A i ad at the butchers will rover the purchase. flv pennyworth of meat. and with the current 01 prices this would mono that not more than fesf rump steak or shout 4. of sirloin of beef or vkwl ct of mutton could be obtained. In the iats the full coupon would be valid for Cos.

Wlofa or a portion of a leg of mutton. UM caterer is that. hkh meat including bone the quantity OB hall a coupon npn tuta only I toe. of a wrvnd to the customer and i that the of the helping will i sad an inn ion that the amount In. Ml kttobe.

If in order to pt a aatktactory lot tu mei elect. to me a whole coupon. Mat in the we will he limited to tca4 Ii the ca of thove who mut leare coupons ItaaM for the family porchaaf perhaps only two I De I complicated that few I have yet made definite plan. to Mut0a. I.

that they must wait aiM hew ehem works and adapt their pro. is drromatances as they develop. of a working men. roffee shop la protwt against the application of the I to his type of Put. of his KM lat.

became ft wifl tie psofbIe to watitMa of margarine or butter without the rationing artanemnt I but. ii stmticst that Uwftt should be IOIted to kiaal to similar small caterers a definite quantity and that they should be left to distribute It. their tmUitntrs. It may be said that tissw this distribution is already left to the dr the. rtauraat proprietor.

They tan a he quantity of meat they timat to be ssry for their business Del the only oQ them is to collect the number of coupons xtnl balance the uppes they hare rvcdred DELAY Dr lastt or Ca. many hooKboldeni had not up to yreter- their food cards it is stated by oOiciak kKia ti7 of Food that these I. no oroMon for er the delay. The nchwioo of meat in lll scbrme adds to the clerical althnvmon the stall of the local cummrUeoi sifjart has aim been some difficulty in gating the OM nptditioaaly. Nearly an the cards NssrtbKtoeliTered by Monday.

ltentlwyare IssMd kaowoalders should imnwdiateiy I A tt thrr bar selected to supply them lattktBticnedfoads. I Bs a moderate rapply of imrortNi beef at ItCateU yesterday but mutton was scarce. anrnki of beef roinpriard 40 tons Srott. SO Mndsu IUI chilled hind and lore quarters. and 1 from The work-end joint will not 1 to obtain.

in the middle I I. the neighbournood of stirrt Mar long meat queues assembled. Fish this si is fair nzpply. but. with the exception of hfck is selling at Is a IK oIaire at U.

6d and I at all kinds are ig the fun MEAT Pun TW ct Meat Maximum Price. Order was yeerday. It prohibits any artificial or transaction or the making or demanding isy charge. and applies only to i mi The schedule of retailers' m. i yn at follows JT ClAUt JK- cc hktf.

CG sraUaa lit Km as4 UTi Bwttoa. tntat U. 114. CC mutton llCi toU4 at. nCCk etCCMtt i BOOB boo mgtm.

la. pa Us of 240. sat 4s. per art CC. hwt.

cc maUam ns nMlo boat. boUod bed. la. 74. pet Us of I3a UT Ua I os.

Bhondda ha. signed the Milk Mothers and Order. which provides that In the supply of certain foods priority shall be given to 2" ninth. nursing mothers. and children a years of age.

In necrasitous ease. food or 7 be provided free of or at lnthan fXISCESS MARY AT SELGIAX CONCERT. Mary ho wax attended by lady Eva waspnt yeirterday afternoon. wearing vlt iba. and bat to match at a concert I squara by permimon of Mrs.

is aid of consumpUve and dntitutm IMgian The concert was und the patronage of Napoleon wbo was priacoL Among mA CmUm 4 tatsinl. OmlMv WriniI IMtMkIine VM CoBreim. Ni. enocert was most succoakfu and it Is hoped was raised in answer to tb appeal. liy Robsoa ang d.

Mile. Maud pyof violin colun. Mr. liudlen Moree. piano sulon.

Mr. Hubert Itaidx-h and I iT itang. and wane charming children I Prmcn Mary a ked to have of the introduced to her and pho congratulated I. who is bond on hi admirable rend Ting I fe concert uaarr the direction CCU A RiyTiyTRESTACRA XTS. ryof Food having received Inquiries as to ew of the I ublic Meals timer.

ls. Si tnr orvod to boU-b. TtUTflt and iZ Ut uto for sugar for sweetening lieverage to be known that there Is no oh- evor to Uie provision of saccharin for use T. but that it is nudfMrable that it shall without the conmmers know lodge. The vaaable quantity is limited but.

it Is exported supplies of sacrhariD at a roduced ITIC available at an eariy dat Pareefci tea flour. and Fir. have been Queen Mary. Ilwpital tot the Ka End. ring the past two day.

THE TANK BANKS. of tbo TankTlUnk oporaUng in tb erday were as' follows 340345 TIJ tto2362 U4MZ1 1101511 M0 was paid in at Oldham. eat tho record lot Yorkshire towns i ertod head of the population j. UiddWbrough. Tho ta before the Bw rIM U7SOOO so that another quarter fubacribed to achieve the end in OF JTMK pILSKIX TRADE.

tVfenee the Realm Regulations 1 require an ponntM engaged Intbe repair of oldrmed clothing in. wka jarkotji trounen. long teats. kpoa and lvwsinge to furoleb to the ny Contracts such information as to I4" machinery and output isT1- further particulars 4 their bust- required on his behalf. and to kts TnaUon in such manner hi may GOVERNMENT WASTE OF PAPER.

61 TONS THROWN AWAY. The Select Committee appointed to Inquire lobe the expenditure on stationery arid printing for the House of toaiuxns ar4 the public service generally is i ed a rrpt rt yerterlay on UK steps taken. at the request of the War Cabinet to enforce economy In the consumption of iatcr Government LVport- Went. is recorded that a system of central control of demands for printing by hich the Atanre of the Stationery Ottire II available for every Department has proved of great advantage. and that its abwncv oult have led to great conlwiun in the supply of competing llfparUnrnU which In Ixmever.

generally acquMS3ord in a mutually heocildal system. In some Instances the advice of U. Stationery Office has not been sought or accepted. Oreat rspenM and Inconrnienc. have been csuerd by ill cd hu5t e.

In one case urgent demands for two sets 01 300000 posters required the total of oOOuO to be printed in three days. It. was Uiree days alter the ompletion of this order before addresses' were ready. Then they were supplied for a small portion only of the 600000. and alter days only 60000 bad horn dispatched.

The cot of overtiioe work WI' 330 a lditioDal in a total of f750. In another ease 00004 rs were orderud to be delivered in three days. Of oooo forwarded in completion of the orter only kooo were accepted. and 62000 were returned to the printers and cre still la their hands at the end of January. The Cvmmittee were informed that" the War Office worked with the Stationery Office regarding the economical use of paper in a remarkably all.

end suceraful manner. Early in 1916 the Commander. ui-Chiet in France was informed that a ritortage of might nemmitst reconsideration and revision ut eii Uug methods of administration. The stationery detailS at bases in France were Inrpected by Sir Frederick Attirbury. Controller of the Stationery Otlce who found the syrteia of control admirable.

The Committee express the opinion that no measures which can be suggested from the outside can be so rflectire as the constant pressure of superior ofttciali within a department. Reprehensible eases of extraragance they say are frequently the work of new an inexperienced members of largely ex- pandnl stalls. It is recommended that. In any scheme strengthening Treasury control. supervision by the Stationery Unic of printing should be Included.

and the nornity of bringing pusoLle printing within contract terms to emphasized. The shortage of pa is more' acute. it is stated. and the drain or labour from the printing trade more widespread than in-1917. and the nerd for penurious rwtnction will therefore be evtn more necessary in leu.

Voluntary economy by depart menu has achieved a great deal. but a drastic rationing of all paper consumer. rosy be iieeeasary In this event. restrictions In a direttiuo not contemplated in the part by the Com Rnlttre will be unavoidable. As the amount of paper available for the service of the llouso of Commons may in the near future be reduced to lees than quarter of the normal supply temporary restrictions inrolvingsome Inonnvenence to members will be necessary.

The Committee recommend that in the approaching Session the necessity be reconsidered of supplying the Votes and Proceedings daily to all members without special demand and that the number of copies or hula. amendments. it be kept within strict limitA. Mr. W.

K. Codling. Deputy-Controller of the Sta. tionery Ore. staled in evidence that last October.

the headquarters of a department waste paper was lying. consisting of obsolete posters forms. and leaflets amounting to over 0 tons of paper. which had been printed to the order of the department seemingly without any regard to the numbers likely to be yr. quired.

A further quantity of about 11 tons consisting of two leaflets two forms and two posters all obsolete was found when another department took ever certain premises in November. Cases came to light where millions of forms had been ordered from private firms by another new department. Indepen. dently of the Stationery Office apparently without regard to expense. Those large orders were given at prices which were not the result of competition.

la some cases the firms sub-let to other firms. and. in one case a job was sub-let twice. ELTUAM COMMON CRIME. A MAN DETAINED.

Last evening the police detained a man In eon- notion with the murder at Elthazn Common of Nellie Trew. 14 a clerk at Woolwich Arsenal. The man. who was formerly in the Army is about 21 years of ajro. iThe lnveatlzatlone have for several days been engaging the.

attention of Chief Inspector CazIln. of irotiaiid Yard. and Divisional Inspector Brown. expectod that Ute detained man will be brought up at Woolwich Police Court this morning. REVENUE' AND SOBRIETY.

LORD DABERNOS OW FUTURE OP DRINK TRADE. I oAniixoN Chairman of the Liquor Control Hoard spoke in Manchester yesterday on Future Regulation of the Drink Trade. The loan MAYOR presided at the meeting. which we public and held II the Town IlalL wan DAnloiNox insisted on thren points I That th war profits of the trade land not lie. must be.

taken as the uaau for any future dealings with it by the Stale ft that the old conditions of the trade in regard to hour. mutt not restored and 3 that th prenent low level or Intemperance. due to the existing restrictions on drinking. mu be taken as the new standard which must not be exceeded. With the observance of there conditions an increase In the.

revenue from alcohol amounting to between 30000040 and 6100000000 annually was possible. The urge reduction in the total quantity of alcohol set free for public consumption had been determined not uponconsideration of public temperance. but upon considerations of food supply and shipping. It appeared certain that no limitation or output a now in force could be maintained after the war or after the solution of the submarine problem and any attempt so to maintain it would not he believed rest on the security of public approval. U.

therefore improvement in public order were a direct effect. of the limitation of output introduced to meet problems of food supply under emergency conditions that improvement would be but temporary and precarious. U. on the other hand improvement had been mainly or entirely du to mnures of another character whether restrictive or constructive there was no valid reason why the ground gained should not. be permanently held and why measures might not be devised which would keep runkemuse down to its present level while enabling at the same time the Chancellor of th 9 Exchequer to recover the per.

manent revenue he. had lost. The result aimed at in ameniing taxation should be to male the trade dependent for profit lie. on. a large output than on a greater measure of economy in working.

The final conclusions were a That taxatkm of alcohol can furnish the annual interest required for the net indettednn cauwd by about 1 months of the war or about 2OOOu XIUOOwit bout redwing trade profits below the war standard and ft that this taxation taken Hh with the alleviation and developments rendered invisible would conduce to maintain sobriety and national efficiency at their r'D high level and would facilitate social prY1w JEWELRY THEFT BY HOTEL VALET. At Bow- treet Police Court yesterday. before Mr. Garrett. HEX XX.

31. described as an assistant valet of Swiss nationality wee sentenced to three mouths' imprisonment with hard labour for stealmg a jewel case containing a pearl. diamond and opal neckUre. three ring. a diamond ant pearl ridant.

a set of pearls and other article of the total value of 475. the property of Muriel Jiosaiind Ietre wife of Captain Petre. of Odibam. HanU. The praecutrll had been staying at the Savoy Hotel whor* the prisoner was employed.

and the jewel case and its content had taco abstracted from her portmanteau. When arrested by Detective- Inspector Ashley. of New Scotland Yard the prisoner aid Quito right I hay teen terribly worried ever since because I knew I was swiierted. I opened the lady's bag with a key took ut th. jewel caoe and lurked the ling again.

VII the rU kn pro petty watf fount in the prisoners Putonniun. CttCRCU A PPOIXT EXTS. i Tho Rex. DR. J.

P. WIHTXET who recently resigned the Profeesorehip of Krcle ia tical History at Kings College London has I. instituted to the tertory of Wicken-Upnbunl. near Newport. Kwex.

1 to which be was anointed by the liichop of Chelius- ford. The. lord Chancellor has appointed CANON J. J. COOKE lat vicar of Chnntchurch.

itanta. to the rectory of Puttcitham. Surrey. STATE PURCHASE OF LIQUOR TRADE. The Government are now la powvMuon of the final reports of the Cuinmimione appointed to consider the h-aaibility of State purch of th liquor interest in England Ireland.

and Scutland. All three reports agrm that Stale purchase Is foaxiM on 14110. and the. English and Irish Commis. sions express the opinion that thould State purchase be the naltbouisc.

should be taken over a. well as the breweries and distilleries. UGB FOOtBALL LL TQDA Y. The following Rugby Football matches have been arranged for to-day i At ri1ti RJ I Mvfaaa4aa Timor Oak. Offrt Itavltal v.

1. Butbnfcmews HmMul Woonrtra. RitA v. cklB Gm TO MirasUiaml at KMuooM. Ulc srOo il v.

S. IKruioB at lvoeewt RJ. liraf v. nil lUmen at ljoeiam ttai rbmlul v. wtfca t.

rcfa i at Greeakt A ltLc4hasUO v. Zealand COXSC1KXCEMOXEY. The Chancellor of the Exchequer acknowledges the receipt of conscience money from Ke jccted OB account of income tax. ALLIES IN LEARNING. THREE AMBASSADORS AT SHEFFIELD.

Lord trw was installed yesterday as Chancellor of the University of HbeffieU in suececlon to the late Duke of Norfolk. A marked feature of the occasion was the enthusiasm with which the ritjzi-iia greeted the iors of Allied Power. on tom were conferred honorary degrees and. nut kern notably the welcome accorded to Mr. Fisher.

the President of the Board of Education. the recipient of an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters. When the proceedings opened in the Victoria Hall the Senior Pru-ChanceILor was supported on the right by the French IC I. Paul Cmbonl the Ambassador of Italy the Marquis Impertali the United State. II.

Mr. W. II. Page Lord ticarbrouh. Mr.

IL A. I. Fisher President of the. Hoard of and Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kenyan tepbeneon. Lord Derby and the Japanese Ambassador Viscount Sutini Chinda wets unavoidably absent.

LORD after being formally installed delivered an address In which he said that if the country was determined-as he believed it was that a university carver should be just as attainable by the child of the English labourer as it had been by the child or the Scottish peasant that goal could only be reached by large I It was into the public purse that they hoped to dip. and he said this without. apology or shame in the presence of the President of the Hoard of Education. Though II' Fishers hand might not. be the hand to write the tbrqlM his was the voice to demand that It must be written.

Mr. Fisher had the hope and the heart to realize the need to get the thing done. Cheer. The candidates I. honorary degree were presented to the Chancellor by Profes Lraby Public Orator.

The degrees konon. eavna were conferred a. follows I Doctors of Laws The French. Italian. and United Mates Ambassadors.

Lord l4carbruizgh. and Lieutenant-Colonel llenry KnOll Stephenson. Doctor of Letters. Mr. II.

A. Fisher After their formal admission to the dodo" the newly-created Jigsij addressed the assemblage. X. Cuiwox recalled the fact that Sheffield was mentioned in the pains of Chaucer. He referred to the importance of university extension on the U.

of scientific research and referred to the solidarity of the Allies in their struggle against a brutal poti in the us of crviliution and of liberty. The MAR CISI IxPKUAU said that in hOQPurl him. he knew that the intention was to honour his country. Italy. The mother of the arts and of the srtenreahad risen in arms and had joined her pliant am.

to defeat an inquitoWl ronnpirary' against the spiritual and material liberty and security of th world. Peace might soon come to crown the united efforts of the Allies but it must be a peace which would give the world that safety and true fib-ct which we. an indispensable condition. Cheers. Mr PAGE.

la accepting the conferred on him as an expression of appreciation of the great Republic which he represented said that the United Kingdom had brought about an achievement un. paralleled in history. had round Its strength. developed its character and performed a miracle of endurance nix own country which had stored up restless spiritual forces for the furtherance of human interests now. for the tint tune had a subject worthy of itself.

They had entered a conflict the object. of which was to mats this world a world worth living in. With the United States Uai1 country had ties of kinship of institutions and of language but we must strive to the utmost that they should become brothers for lit. Cheers. Mr.

mat. who was also greeted with marked cordiality said that the establishment of newer uniVeNiti 54 an intellectual faith bad been junticed by the remit. lie hoped that as one outcome of the educational proposal to which the Chancellor had referred the universities might grow to their full and appropriate stature. The Master Cutler and the president of the Chamber of Commerce then presented to the Chancellor the trust died of the fund raised by the citizens of Sheffield in memory of the tat. Colonel Herbert Hughes treasurer of the University.

Mr. Albert Settler and Mr. 1. Senior presented 3000 to endow a scholarship in memory of their father. Mr.

leery Senior and Mr. WIUrcd dlilljtton pro. sented 1150 to endow a scholarship in memory of his son. Ernest boa Adlington who was killed in action on the Western front. Afterwards the Chancellor and a party visited the Brlghtiiide Works and were entertained at luncheon.

AUlEBJIAX IIOBAUN presided. The party later in the day were received at the works of Mnr Vickezs and returned to London in the evening. TOE' FELLOW WORKERS" LEAFLET. CHARGE AGAINST A MECHANIC. At street Pollen Court.

yesterday. bet. Mr. Garrett. DoYALD Joux Hoax.

of road. road described as a mechanic employed on munition work. was charged with obstructing the police. and with being unlawfully in posHeotion of a leaflet headed Fellow workers. Do you want Freedom the contents of.

which had not been submitted to or passed by th Director of Official 1. Bureau. Inspector Allen. Division said that on Thursday afternoon a crowd of own trio-d to obtain admission to Bow Police Court while a raw was bring heard against tour defendants in rt ix-ct or a certain leaflet. The prisoner was standing near the entrance i and started singing The lied Fug In which others joined.

The witness requested him to d. The prison- addressing the crowd then nai ome un. lets rush in. Why should we stand here Later on the prison pin started singing The Red Flag. and.

having Uiiwlied shouted at the top of his voice Three cheers fur I he revolution i The men in the crowd cheered. The witness then I gave orders for the crowd to neared away. AH the ITiaoner though several times cautioned. refused to leave he took him into custody for obstructing him in the execution of his duty. Whencharged he said.

I Three cheers for th social revoju- tion On being searched the prb on ws. lo to have in his ptuaesbion a copy of U. leaflet mentioned. Mr. QAIUIETT remanded the accused in custody.

i MR. KIPLING OS A GERMAN PEACE. THE MEANING OP El i Mr. IfinrAHU KIPLING spcskin at a war aims 1 mtiD at toltotone yesterday said We are fighting for our lives the litre of every man woman and tlald In re and everywhere else. We I re fighting that may not herded into actual slavery such as the German have est I force I of their ml We are nhlinr against Ivmra a day forced laliour under the lash or at the point of I the bayonet with a dogs death and a do burial at the end of it.

We are. lighting that men. won ion. I and children may rot be tortured Iunel an mutilated. I Under tin.

lion rwtion mm will htTomo i cm more the natural In' of Ins brtter- rwih- I bourn women will be tin- mere instninicot fur eon- tinuin the breed. the vessel of minn ul and mans ticlt1 and Uliour will teconit- a thin I. knoihel on the il if it dani to truble oinl worked tG loath if it do not. He rontinwd ntli of the toriti that Onnny had committed hid not bv made public. lie thought that was a mistake.

Till the veil was lit 1 alter the war we should have no conception of the range and system of those atrocities. So long as the tiermans were left with any sruIP for Ulinkinj that such thing. paid no peace could Le made with War work was the only thing of the lea importance now. erythini I was danger wa te. If for an reason we fell short of ieti.ry- an there was no way how.

between victory and defeat---- ever thing on which eIiliz4ion ha been built would CATTLE IIIIVEIS TEYC1D Our Dublin Correspondent At Ennis terdsy. ti who had in the local in- urinary fop ii we ulYrinst from the effect of huna rtrike whi n. I in limrkk Uaol. to which they were nitt oil remand were wnt to ri for I'm. var inK ftom one to two months ratU.

in t' uA tijj. They were removed to the I railway undrr a tnst ort crowd rxilicrim-n. A tar. crowd iuconi anietl them. cticcrin them I and groaning at the police.

Stone. A- thrown and a baton rjiarne was ordered to clear the street. Tin- pri onfr who cuied from tulli Court a week ao have nut Ct been arnded. SALE OF tX PICTURES. rn puturoK and drina the pro rrty of the Ute Mr.

II. II. Philupri. of KiiSM nUarc. of Mr Latinwr Clark and from other 1 were- sold at liristie yesterday.

A nud1 pirturc by Coptey Fiellmif- odoft seen user Ca I Curit old for 400 guineas Sampsou T. KaJ l' Patron and PatronnVa VL to the Villa scliool exhibited at the Academy. 1S5 3S guineas Duncan a view orr ton 1aiitino lt' by t' ZitTji 3SO guineas Duncan and two drawinire by lIirt Driving the Flock through the Village" guineas Smn anti tJoins i Market" Sin an 1111. An early drawing by A. I.

Zorn Flirtation ISSS. Unod 103 flJunthonlel. XAVAL OFFICERS I AT It AT SEA. The body ha been brought into Orimsbv of Lieutenant Charles Vernon Cro ley. DJ SlC who died at sea aged U.

Ota the outbreak of war he transferred from the Merchant Service to the Nary and was attached to sweepers. lie was awarded the uSC for his services during sweeping operations oft Scarborough In IecrmLwr er I 14. rule sweeping on December ID three violent xplovioiui occurred tins. under the stern of his ship. Trawler I No.

463 Star of Britain lie controlled the crew rid himself led into a confined space near the screw shaft. discovered the damage. and stopped the. leak ulcienUy to enable the pumps to keep the I water down lid save the ship. i THE KINGS WORDS TO SCHOOLBOYS.

MEANING OF PATRIOTISM. The King accompanied by the Queen and Princess Mary. yesterday visited P1. OUres and St. Sarioors tiranunar School ounJtion Buildings at Bee- mondser and tl girl.

department in S. Kents The ywttsse were met at the entrance to the boys' urboul by Mr. rank K. clerk to the JrfInOII and were welcomed by the la Mr. W.

U. Iwhbruukc the warden. Mr. Uridley. and the warden.

Mr. Robert Fen. After inspecting the school their Majesties went into the common hall where the King addressed the. pupil. Ills Majvrr said I would like to pay whit pleasure it has given to the Queen and myself to visit you to-day.

Your school. I believe is one of the. oldest London. having been founded In un in the reign of Queen Elizabeth Your srhool al has a great reputation and its reputation was never higher than now under your precnt headmaster. bo has been here for years.

You are fortunate both in your headmaster and in tilt' various masters serving under him. You have a Cadet Corps and I base seen some of iU members at their lessons in the different rooms. I hope to see them azein as a body I leace the school presently. I congratulate the school that up to the present its boys and old boys to the number of upward. of a thousand have Joined the Army.

I think you are justly proud of your roll of honour. and I am informed that over a hundred boys hue laid down their lives for their country. You all know what patriotism Is. Patriotism as I understand it is a love of your country a love so great that you are prepared to give up your own and even to ueriO. your lives nenvsary.

for the honour and welfare of your country. During this terrible war I can say that. the whole nation has its. patriotism in a remarkable manner. I feel sort.

that when you leave school you will never what you have been taught here and that you will show the seine patriotism as thus. who he gone before you. and keep bright the. high traditions of this old school. On their way to the.

girls' school UM King Del Queen drove through a poor district and it. was noticed that they observed and remarked upon the iced queues outside some of the shops. The Royal visitor. were received at the school by Miss I. G.

rodIIbam A the' headmistress. and thin to the M-honl hall. where some 301) IL wire rd. Ills MAJETY made a short speech here aim. lie said As we were in the neighbourhood of your school we felt that we could not pans without looking In at the establishment which we opened in 1 OX That.

was 15 years ago. and I hope that daring the time which has intervened the school has e. getting on well i hope the scholars have been behaving well as I feel sum they hare and doing well also. When you leave I hope you will all endiavour to do as much credit to your training as those who hare gone before you. ANTARCTIC MEDALS.

THE SIIACKLETON EXPEDITION. The King has approved the grant oh the POW Medal with clasp inscribed Antarctic 1 to the following members of the Imperial Antarctic Expedition 1114-191f: DURANCE PARTY. harts MsiaL Mr F. R. Slucklrtoo.

CVU tela. hi Ueut. T. WiH. RVL rU mill Ueut.

Ur. Y. A. Wonlrr. RJfR RD 050.

Ueut IL T. WNR UseS. 1. U-II Wet. Art.

Born T. Clean. tN. IcUw OIIFI UouL tArtS. tIs.

R. Ktrklasne. 11. Wale Trn port Knit. Capt.

A. Ken. RN Unit. 1. II.

KX A. TIJ Mac. R. W. Jstnee RE XuB-Ueut.

R. ii. Out. RJJVK Kao. T.

U. U. LM. RMLJ K. 1.

D. A. llwrr. KJ5 tapt. J.

F. Harley LLr lcl eslr Capt. A. IL MwliIln. bog.

A. Xclbw. LC. Go A. S.

Gram. W. W. Uuv. Son.

T. T. F. McLead. W.

ltlacttaro. ArRORA A. Mactinted. lv. KKR died Is Astatkj Art J.

It. RJI II A. linens J. Owe K. Joyce ot1l Petty OflV R.

E. Wild. W. It. Rlchazds A.

Jtk 1. iu Rcr. A. P. Hwanr- mill MM la Antarctic V.

U. Idled la Asuitlr L. II. T. nom PKibr.

Flight UIIkorr A. lkke R. A. IL A. Uosncllr I ut.

A. U. Mlnnln. RVL 3Uu er. 1 UfMtrr st.

t2hV. 1. Jlloo. BSIISZK Mrret F. T.

Wise I taterturr Isfuilrr OLEF S. Atkla. Mtis41ea Onnn. NZFE W. Katuub.

J- lobutrr Rest. szgF A. Ikertt A Wares C. Mes II. W.

IL Merridse. tanrburv t4omte hat. N2S. ALLEGED FAULTY EXPLODER CONTAINERS. WOOLWICII INSPECTORS EVIDENCE At West London Police Court Jf rd before Mr.

lloyd. the livarinc was unMd of the case in which lhmNaRI. WERT KLTrcklwna managing director of a munitiora firm. and six other own. are charged with pirtnic to defraud the Minister of Munitions eommiltjll iota likely to render ex- rlodtr containers ineffective or to cause danger to the' vrsuu hdliliit thrm.

It it alleged that putty ant paint were to conceal detects and that faulty containers were tanipt with the Uovcrurmnl acceptance marl. Mr. Ilan-ey Worxl. aui ttllL in or at Woolwirh. continuing his evidence pave details of defects whith lie discovered in at the factory.

At the rvquift of Mr. Ronnie pr ecutiriK. he produced a number containers each defective in a certain decree. and demonstrate. by un.

of gaultS the tiatup' of the defects. These containers he said. ire the tlnll" ork mark anti the Government acceptance mark hut not the examiners mark- lie did not know that one tiiunititn tlrm mentioned by U. diffiidant it" up their contract on account of the defective tlN Mippl tl by the Ministry- Munitfons. lie agreed that.

in respect of one defect uhich he found in a certain container. no wrious results would follow at filling tactory. lie would a that rl. of exploder container lit the lull prier. It ought be aectpk1 at a lower price.

Iullingrr It is serviceable then Possibly serviceable at a reduction of price. Then it ii a question ef Inc. I should feel juatiflel in ting any article which did not comply ilh tin- tilkation. aol I should decline to pay Hi- lull iii" You have a choice in the matter I could do three things. I could reject finally.

I could accept. ant I could accept. lit teduition of price. further nee the witness a. to another upeciimm container dem ril bv the witnoax.

and elicited the opinion that KU a container could not yrnsiI1y cans. loss of li or jury. The ueu was sljoirnel tOR SECIIET SERVICE. Particulars of ii Sulplementsrv Estimate for 3 required for the year ending March 31 neat were i ueit yeterda Next to a um of fl iieoa iry for the National Health lnMirsnoe Joint tunnjttee the Lirwt iteiu is aii additional mount of 1 OO1 n- uire 1 for Secret Service making the tct fu. the year 7SO0 i.

The details show tluit liOl is uir" for urgent N' uiake The cierue Museum uth Ken inf i a ilall for the temporary use of the Ministry of Fund. etcewt of 111004 on one vote it due to expenditure on the Boundary miruaorw in nnioll with the wiitation of the People At about 6uOO and un the Irib Convention al ut HI2o l. With tIitintM of tlO in each caw the reviel timat of the um required lurjng the year for the of Muntere iw rill tJfoollon for the Ministry of SIuiiitn tinlminee larjries at 45U H2iHi and for the MimMry of ohilping at 1:95.1101.1110. A FHJl1IlS St.tSO.\ TICKET. At Westminster Police Court yesterday.

for Mr. Francis 11 Jou Tnx 22. of St. Mark street IJjlt wa chiirent with defrauding the London tlrijthwn. and Smith ltailws.

and Uit RT nl 3 her lrutler was with aiding and abetting. Mr. rford. for rrculioll said that the lcfcnlants the and daughter of a Jewish Rabbi i. travellI from Brighton to Victoria.

and that the young woman was found to tie using fathers 545501 ticket. When challenged the male defendant said his sister had taken tie ticket in mistake for her own. Then he offered the inspector a pound to settle the matter. Mr. Oamlin.

for the lefenee pointed out that Albert Goldstein had his own wa. on ticket. and only tried to extricate his sister from a diniult preition. She rd without know Iiilpv the other mm of the family. Mr.

FLticia fined each of the defendants 41k. and ordered them to pay three ruin. costs. WOJIENS Miziivvi FOR THE FRONT. The King and ueen have expressed their intn Women's tin of in pec1ir the tri IntlU unit of the Scottish ll pital organization on Morxlav.

before the departure of the wilt to rejoin the Serbian I ni- ion The tn. pectuu will tale place at Uulil1jlbam Palace at 1134. unit. will number 511 women. it hospital staff and 32 motor transport the corn.

nianjirig officer being I r. Annette Henson. TUB OPtlVAL SOCIETY. Professor Frederic 1. Cheshire tIlE Director of the I Department of Technical Optics at the Imperial College of Science 1 Technology has born reelected President of th Optical Societ E.

01' MISS ST. JOBS. The engagement is announced of Mm Lily St. John to Car T. leant MC.

KFC Miss tit. John is now playing In lc ncli at the Prince of Wales Theatre. News in Brief. Ebbs Vale Tribunal has resumed its sittings after a three-months strike. On March 1 the price of the Jnritk Ckrewci win be raised from to td.

Maria Oinrd. wile of Italian subject. was flied CIO at street for keeping a brothel la Wardour-strert We On Tuesday the House of WalTnbunal will consult with some of the principal advisory committees on the question of power. Metropolitan Asylums Board will be recommended to-day to mats a rate of In two yearly of 3jd. This i 5 less than last year.

Four motor dentalambulances are in active operation in France says Mr. Marpherson. la Parliamentary Pa per and the offer of another one has been accepted. Mr. MIIoCJI states In Parliamentary Papers that a soldier who has been awarded the Military Medal Is not entitled to any additional money pay- From the Local Government Directory or HIS.

which his just been issued it appears that the clerk to the guudians for the Berth Union. Yorkshire. NJt is a woman. A fine salmon of SlUb. has been caught In the Shannon at CutJcCooruwll Trout fishing has opened on that river and yesterday began.

also on the Wye. Dee. Vck. and Bal. Ute.

One of the Germans in process of repatriation. who left ton yesterday morning for Holland later committed suicide by rutting his throat. Before Ida internment he was a banker. Dr. Robert A.

Lyter Lecturer In Public Health and Forensic Medicine at St. Bartholomew' Hospital. and county medical officer for Hampshire. baa been elected editor of I' Ilealtk. On our front page the death 1.

recorded In London of Sarah Paruo Tare for 0 years a faith. ful friend in the family of the late Major Foxrrofl- Jones and his daughter. Mrs. Mortimer Rowland. At the ee of play last night in the billiards match of 11000 points up between Stevenson and fleece.

at the Grand Han. square the scores were Recce. 71 Stevenson In play e7a. The Re Cecil Henry Fielding. who died recently at Faversham.

pet 70 after holding several curacies and tbaplalnclea in Kent. received within a few hours of his nth the offer of a living from the Lord 3 Chancellor. Mr. A. O.

Hirrey. the Liberal member for Rochdale will not contest the borough at the text election. lie la suffering from throat trouble. and Ii. advised that his voice will not stint the strain of a campaign.

Mr. ph Etnile Jacobs head fruit buyer to Mtsrs Joseph Lyons and Co. died from heart disease at his flat in Bow- t-reet OR Wednesday evening aged 43. At. the Inquest a verdict of Natural causes was returned.

At the Inquest on the body of Alfred Chapman. 64. who was knocked down by a pony in Ware Highstreet and killed. the verdict was that he met hi death through negligent driving by a boy aged 34. The boy got into the trap and whipped up the pony without holding the reins property.

Nine railwaymen wet sentenced to sU weeks' Im rUonmcon with hard labour and another was ford CIO at Newport Mon. yesterday for stealing from trucks bout a too of foodstuffs and other household articles the property of the Great Western Railway Company. The value of the good was. over 100. TM Westminster police are anxious to ret Into touch with the driver of a traction enzine and trailer which passed along rood.

SW on Thurs day evening. A little boy. named Thorn. Owen Un of tltJtolt Pimliro. was riding on the connecting ml between the two vehicle when he tell off.

and was killed. A committees with Sir William It. Dunn as chair man owlhllt a presentation to Mr. George Robey. whose efforts have raised over 40000 for war charities and who has entertained thousands of wounded otnrfrs and men.

The maximum subscription Is live guineas and the hon. secretary is Mr. 11. B. Harper.

1. GCI The ceremony of blinlC the waters Ire the opening of the Tweed salmon net fUbinz season was earned out at midnight on the river banks at. Norham by the vicar. The service was attended by a large number of salmon fishers and others. The Tweed is in flood.

and tatcbM are reported as poor in the upper reaches. but fairly good nearer the mouth. A verdict of Death from burns caused by the explosion of a bomb" was returned at an Inquest yesterday on Thomas CharterU. a carpenter the Iith victim of the mil which a German situ- plane dropped on an raid shelter. A formal verdict was returned it another Court In the ease of Jane Martin.

3 the wife or a' porter the 3 th victim. When Doris Lilian Brown. months the dauthter of a driver in th Royal Engineers. was admitted into Great Umondtt hospital for Sick Children. suffering from bronchitis an X-ray examination dis- closest a pin with a larze head la the bronchial tube.

At the inquest it was stated that the pin had serene. rated death. and a verdict of wad venture" was returned. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Jngleby OJJie held an Inquiry into the death of William Arthur Jackson.

54. a nr employed at the War Office who was killed throuh the breaking of the chain of a hoist leading from the ground floor to the rub-basem*nt. The accident was duo to a flaw in a link. whit snapped. Owing to the war.

much Ira work had to he- done by tie lift hut that tat it was stated had not been overlooked by the engineers. Mr. Marpherwn states that the whole question in regard to the grant of a distinction to Territorial Corps and Units of the New Army in comrnenira Uon of their service in 1914. ban considered in connxion with the general question of the granting of decorations for servira during the war. It considered that the stuns whkk have been arrived at will provide an appropriate distinction.

or dis tlnctic to all those who accepted Imperial service In 1914. I. DOCK CASE. DISCHARGE OP ONE DEFENDANT. SIR Joit' lhcKisod again set specially at Bow.

street oli Court yesterday to continue too hear ing of the csee in which tuc I manager JOHN CWpy IK KILA laRfIO JAP IVKCT WALEKR. and JOSRPII R. CORLTT all in the employment of tilt- lumber Graving hock and tncirinlC Company Limited Imminzham are ed to. jlOlIr with tyong Wnutsi VITII. timber merchant of 111.

Lincolnshire with having conspired to uVIrand tilt' Kin of large sums of money In respect of claims for work and labor trml-j to have been done in repairing his Majestys shipi. The evidence for U. prosecution was concluded. Mr. Mortimer.

for Carson. urged that there. was no evidence upon which to commit his client for trial. The only charge azainut hint was that hi house was rain. by of tlio company's men.

time and some materials ed were chareed to Admiralty but it was not even suzsertod that Canon ordered the man to do the work or knew that the time was wrongly eharccH. II. was still tarirl on the work at lniniingtiani with the complete con. fIdn of the Admiralty and his employers. SIR Sons DXcKIUON ai 1 that.

tlxmzh Carson had only himwll to thank for hu position ho had decided to iltscharze him. The ra was then formally adjourned till Feb. ruary I LORD JELL ICO ON PROSPECT OF A BATTLE. Ai Mm. LORD Jrujror.

kIIl the pre sentation of an at the Vtoria WorLintr- owns Club. Kew lardVna last evening. mud tar did riot know how many Urn. he tool tin. rnd Fleet down the liehgoland Bis it.

draining al coat tails for the tierTnans to tired on but they never tam out. There wax still the ian keen Spirit to meet the enemy hut he was not. optimistic that our men were going to get their chance tot some little tune. I think. Lord Jllico that the Germans win remain in rno that he funks the bi newt for the German seaman i a very gallant fellow but the enemy knows he is making our task err difU cult by stopping where he is there is always the threat that ho might come out.

and there is no situation more difficult to deal with than what. Is known as naval defensive the of a weaker opponent. History ha shown time alt. time that whenever the Navy had been at war and hat had to meet a defensive attitude on the part of the enemy. it has only ID on rare occasion that the my has teen tempted out.

The Germans are ct. enough to know this and therefore. I am not ortimi lie to the chance tif the Grand Fleet ju yet. I hatt' hopes that it will come in time. and a hen it does come I know quite well what the result wilt be.

PACIFISTS IJJClEIJ UT Interruptions by pacifists resulted in a disturbance at a meeting in Glasgow on Thursday night which was addressed by Miss hristabI Pankhurst and Drwnmond on the dangers of a compromise peace. The audience included about 200 pacifists who frequently interrupted Mi a Pankhunt and then broke into the singing of the Flag. The organist played a livety air but failed to subdue the pacifists. At length the choir of women murutton workers left the pUUomi in a body ant fovitsy ejected many male interrupter. So of thi latter continued Id sing the Red Flag.

but. eventu' ally. order was rtored by the arrival of the police and special constables. POLITICS IX EA irJLTSHIRE. The Wiltshire Unionist Association have adopted their prospective candidate.

in place of Mr. Bail Peto. MP who win retire at the end of this Parliament. Lieutenant-Colonel W. C.

II. Hell. PSO of Wtnfod Manor Somerset. Colonel U. who is the son of a former High Sheriff of Wiltshire commands a brigade of artillery in Francs.

OFFICIAL SCRATCniXG. AU. ZsoaewiL-P tt i 5 4 ft VICKERS LIMITED Wanhlps' and Vessels of Type Armour Plates. Projectiles and Explosives. Cons and Gun Mountings.

Submarine Automatic Mines. Locomotive Crank and Straight Axles. Tyres. J4rtIa Brt Heavy Steel Castings and Fortunes. Electrical Plant.



London 3 Central Bd t- Westminster. SW LOCOMOTIVE CARRIAGE WAGON TYRES AXLES SPRINGS BUFFERS. Cimxnetrs High Grade VICTORIA" Brand Steel Tyres. FILES AND TOOL STEEL. Magnetic Separators Patent far Or Edgar Allen Co.

Limited Sheffield. WILLIAM BEARDMORE Co. Ltd. Steel Manufacturer Forgernaiters Gun Manufac. turers Plate Makers Shipbuilders and Engineers.

GLASGOW. Steel Castings of all Types and Dimensions Mail Steamers. Carp Yessek. The up of Machinery and the consequent low rin of production costs i of vital moment in these dirt of rrn eomptt lion. If you use cVitcKn or trn you are not Kain th rnaaimumfficicncyjf ii they re not lint with Ferodo brie Leather is swiy.

untatitfactory because ii' co friction drops very rapidly with a rite in temperature and it it liable to cV The efficiency of Ferodo brio rite with the trmperaturesnd they ara absolutely flammable. CLUTCH BRAKE LININGS. mtrarlor to llnr Otftrr 4 tdmreilfy London Om JtiMis ComfjQny Cnd VU L7crIrAr RuA1wes London cad Paris. LA TJrom THE HERBERT FROOD O. Ltd.

Work LE II cad :0 Ctapei. We hold stock at London. Birmintham. BeDtet. BrittoLOroirt.



Tenders are invited for the contracts enumerated below and are open until the elates mentioned Is. Pawrot. I nmmitu HU IJT at mthL T. A. ii.

AomwiuUi Losuus. iUl Uiwlix Oarai i lr of 4J4W omd eH wberi use I 1 1 ti uil1n b4T4 tee. Ire tie tmr imf e. L1 f. lr.n..i.

tV. Uelid fubi. 1 rt imrr IS Im MJfe rUy i rr ntMMttev. to thee Uwrwtaln u- 1 c. II It.

lily tJcrr toeu vs furtftfirT Ii haw Mrrtinl It kki tetmarT Ii. rI O. ant of siratwi LaMkAir i act ln klul UI. Sia. is k4 4 5 4 la Z1t Tfl is 4soOr wrilnc pftt li4b.

tee lMtxmt ant 4 nrkttre Tiapply of RfkCjMg nr public bar. sat swum iasotww Kiin initial li I of rokrdlkas Airci al ii rl rtih lHin re pwmr and tc lkkk sat kltentkmk II. pee J. h' inei. 44.

Klkl MkrrH k. LA SI I. NUj jKxratar II moktas. I iZSl I i SUna a. Kai Tnuinn VWitF Mora.

Pait II. 51. aUiurfn. tauwan skw urtnnt ftitnit. iMinni.

3 EALS 11 ktl t. thPeWlt liltbtl I. ri. 11I1f who It Ia IT the tn a I at Nm I the II" Lay rblie Yeal el to line' sub. In I.

MaIft hatv- I. the ot U. II a 110 bad ob from to Itb ndJ. fa4 IM cia llb the eopeina audda the lIit wt difLlws nthl the rorta ft. ow iona M.

Ordnol ma. Im ble I lib. meat RDrrA GF. L4d III' Id ioa. I hoe.

nhoI IOU ancfta mutt Ja bte ct nanrn morethD poa Iirtoia rd bone LT 11 wac pi Ie week aM it. 7 the 8 acIa a' a Ioa 1JI8 pow loo tiaa cat de quaa C' di 10 t. lot tit mun I db Uy oQ aaiIICbPme dejivered are im be auppl. 7 IIItQwd 7. I eom' i blood.

tbm' II oa iii. II 611. aIIliAda eking muimum CAxID auof rt r' m1um I GL- c. u. u.

114 CLu. c- CC I 1. be 1 UT. a I a a 1 74 kMuG Bnc af Mik ob I 0" bib pi tt. tb aPl1 lo prT I uiDI a ch.

tee tO fo pYe I. lBlCES 1a. tt ly En t7 a rl a mth I. G. Cpn dfW" II u' I ap w.

AI I 0 W1 0 1. 1 I.F I IMF 1.1 IMF 1. I. P. :11.

1. I. U. i X. fu a 140 cI lhty.

n. a prtd i 11r. UtJ r. Uu" doil chiln hd 0 tt I it. I h.

ftu. 1 Ob i bl. hi amb' I I. u. tb dioi Lb I CI RI.

I. Xir or Fo 1. uuir 1 I i 0 tr ILI Or. 11. tb a RL at.

fl a fO fn ln I boo tba tb Jb I I. U. pt Mha fe i to tb i UM. th c. Lh.

T. tty ilimit. it' i Irl Ihar a a a da. I of a a k. a lritalO cVDI to cia fiE tr Tk Ikb i t.

I. foo- ut Toa. IIOIU I U48 110111 tt' IIO la Olm. I 10 t. tt to Yek t.

In tr pruli. Wid' I 117 0 1 tt ah ab a. itlrr OIUElV TRADE IWm Ru 0 a ha Ib 0 tJI rk. jbt I a rlo fujb A Ct Infol a hD a I cr th bl a 1 mr I oMmlt. llnt bqu" Int U' nJditW tti1 rt rrntDr 1 lIDI 1.

rwr f1or 11. tf UI Wa b. tllo flm7 Ump I pr by Goum Dt. l0j 1t 11f af Cta tntl of' df. nntnl bch aL te 1 OI" ual fUI lpDat a tbtll nC tI1 b.

CnUiD tb tUnc 1Jprt. bib r. ral cW bDlda II hic lttmt1 om Dt. b. ot fJp IncDun h.

uul. laio hu'- on UIDt dead wo t. 300 s. 1u tO prDW ca Ule dar al aPIUo" orn bor tr ar fr aU PIO onl tb 60. a alr d.

600 hd tn dipth onrl w. J0 ldUDaln tta t1O. II antr 100 tr or dlt th. dy Oo rmplt' oMr 0 pw 10 Wfr I pnln a tr a DU CDmiU IDon Oa orkf wit tb IlaoDI faiDI fDnul Jp. rr ad ful mnn a Omae.

1 Fr jfor at hona I 1 ntU IWdtrUo Ud wo. uionc dmmba o. Th aUODr I dt aL. a ra tr INpW ll rtr Atrr Cntr Uon UCle ho fond fD ctl amrble Cmitl up. llo" f4.

bb olde trrff A nt rr ofda nU dpDt He hibl taaac a furl InuJneDc mb. lal7 1. Pn I IIUnf tt ay 1 in Tfu ttrt lsion ti StUODf1 u. prntn ahul Indud. tb it7 brD DI poI nl wln ctra Ir phi The hona paper I mor' Aut ad tb drLD lar rr prnllC tde mor ideprud tha In.

11. ad purou UUOD iltrl 1 mor D7 Volun fmT pr mD Ahve 1. da dule YUonil a pJ tm m. Ul fcis dltlo cnLmJItr i te CD" mt i untodhl naA' 10 nlu m. I.

ftu Ilc tn paa lor 111 Imp JriCn Ivohinl 8m DC mfm 1. CmU IIDd at tb pprl Son. D- ri wplynl Vot day a Wtho a dfad ad numbr epl. I adt t. I wt at lit r.

ClD' Dt nID. St. ti1 ie at Iu Obr. tb hadqua. ofa ruet Ar IDI.

tbl oblew pLn fo la antl o. 60 tu ppr. hib ha a prnte orfr dfpt mD117 a1 fa lumb" 117 qai. fl quatty aut. II 1.

en I I lea tw II acl pn a olt fod oor Ia tl cn r. oumbr. lrb br mio for bn orde for pvt Ins atr pat Udpi aUT Sllr Olc. pPUnl itut I fa eJ lf orde. rie a pC hb tt 11 cmP Uo" I I tb fr.

bIt otr a4 il 1 OD c. jb 8b" twc ELTHAl1 CO UION CRIME I I DEUNED wnL pU. drf ma nO marr a Eitha Cmmon II T. 16 drk Wolwch na Te ma w. fOrr7 1e.

InYplina h. snn da a en llnl tb tLD Cbf IDWtl Cal Yr a DhLonIIM tr Br. lht dfn. 1 Woohib PoC Cou mnl A D' TADE lao Lqur otm I. au Mnte Futu Rll be Dk Te" IB MYOR Pce mc.

whb rube ad te To laL Aasox Jrlt tb WU pr tre ID i 10 fu. dfl I lt ll eni be t. 1 a hOlt a the I I jtp clu tco drk mI' uke A ald hb I tb obn u. 1 le I. fr a an lf Mw t50o0 a tlooo anuT1 psbe.

ie ru i th quntt7 101 at f. fO puble Clm I. dn rdL up edeioD lo uprr bpr ptA liUhon DW i It at. a a euL th ubau prLC attpt 8 mnt. bv ft wt7 pbli ppra Ifo IprmL paLI wr rre JUli Intru ml blee lo u.

7 ci tb impnmrL t. 1. ca 0 t. otb" a m7 du m1 a tb trci rtrl U. a tbe ln.

bl lt btl ad mU Ib whb 11 dkD do. I i rt 11 whl t. tb xhu ltr tb mL HU I. Te af tAUto bd th trae dpndrt lt 1 0 le Ctp thl t. m.

ok fn adin Ta uuli. a cn fun lh aau ltf lu. fO It Idbn tauv loL 16 mullof wa. EIIIIwlbut run lre prft loow th rra a a bl thL Ih. taxti b.

a vlt dtloltnt 0. lowhl. ol tnduC nanta" Ibr" aJ wiona frP1 a br hh Irvl a ou fait aa lIT1LIET. lo lr yt fo 1. Oa.

UPY la1Ju. x. 3 dcb itt a. Pe. o.

it y. nt nt th mnL' Iprnl Ith hr ILrfr I am ctng al dimoo. ai Jp nUc tb. rl onond 1 l.n. par.

or ald. tot 10 75 II" rrpr 1.1 ltl. 1. wf. tin Ir lhm.

Bai r. ulnJ tlg lh 01 I Uo wb. rlr 11" UI. I r. ad i Cl ttr fm 1 pmnu at Itt Ip by Ntl1 rr rt he Imlly woe i kn It 10p t.

ly' I Ih t. out ad luk I. INI Ia tk Ir tny fU1 I h. rrntr Iiu ClnllCl TJ1VTS T. RE.

DI WD E. 11f lffhp ttitiaI lbt in' Ld. httu It 11. rl tb Uihr. CwI fo.

In Clir rJnt J'I Il Aa8ttl. lal. ar Ccbu 1 tb ltn 17' I Of TRADE OOvCnt IW I tb Cml.o\ ppit 1. fbiit m. Iub IquO i ED 11.

Ind u. I St. arh flo ih fnh Col I tb opinD It. pu. aO mllb.

t1 rU br diLI. IlCGBYJOOrHALL fo matd. a. a 7 JUl. Ol Jt I 0.

Crll II 1- l. IU It. I y. AC. IBL.

JI. I CO.YCl\ o. Clr ff Esbw Akal4dp iptof tl' lO m07 Je a 0 I ALLISIN AIDASSADOR SUEFI LO. re II yet1 1 Iurt 7 i au. be Db mar.

ft. tb th wlb t11I 10. ocALI 0. be tal ha liI. 1)(1' Drrb J.

II I 7 0 7 IL. I bo hill. 0 rtthethlngdo. lIah 4" re ODf I Tile ch titr Mr. I' i.vo Cha.

dwpotiem ehiiiU on nd libert Mnqvi. I. he w. rop libert the aoorome I 7 liboltT hlebn Jag nf ecl pllf CiaUon achilT hi dn inJWd ndU be lltefteta tlm. ititat Olla be mark DJ nlti ItJ1 tuaJ j.

ted adthlf 11. be E. ecbola 3 1' Isltfotth or. dj 1. aJI 110.

Camel. de hanie cba I the 1. tOl' All ruepcct tandln nlr i I rrqu tt I tro 1. me Wb 1. prisoner IIi DIt to d.

I. i' IUfn cro rb" tI. Ie i vt usloJ I onl boutrd r. this r. olu.

tin in 1' l1- ewsto. I T. i r. Itt. nAIUJ akino iay We.

or ii. m. La nnan. 10 WealC rain I. UN I lo.

i 01" I.t fre won. chi ilia I and tI. iI un i ran 01. in lnmt I' trIt 1 I m. to hail d.

in' 11 ita tenth II. Je II U. 1II ngS Ib lbinjlf least Inrt. I trlIl ng 1" ry n1 II. I urtor ttbingm iutio.

had 0 COo' it trd lin' ho I I. wk wIil wn I. and-- Jriam ul I. t. fr Fit 1- tI.

rLiI" rt of 1II. 1 colIIlIit 1 th. a 1I11t n. d. 1On1I Mal 0 ha let rich 1 Iortr Ir.

HuIl Mrs. l. tir CI I rda ure plY t.i.\ CaIMI sold 4Sun 90nl t1oI Itron VLt tI. Vil1ae 3SIJ ltu onelszitinopk. 380 11 lIun.

Iriinj :11 twill tn brtL :110 I. irtatioll. IMS 10 sui" A AI IJJTlI baa erolT IJJIc 11. I y.1 mi II min rig I opHationsorrJooarllOrouhla tr 1914. hilt I II I.

IUI uno be Tr. I t1l. tOnfi 1 i I. I do MEA I C1 U. Ia' Lemon.

r. 0. be r. ad hi" I ai also unr. bt' Youre C.

h. bod when U. nU olbor aftIjuoUT bo Ptrio am I Interests. out nen. OU holh o.

Lro rlo' qu achonlbT II I I AJ arry DI" I I bfo OJf ndl be IL 1 hard. uJao 1 fore II" ba 1 LleutCd 11" I 1tGA. 1 Ie. ani IL. kiln.

el ouiiyl. BIIn II lug. Jlc Uto R. IIcu" MEWo IrJ via RNJL JIMA 11 Je IF IIlIInPr 11Iloo. JattoJ.

ii. UFW Lii. F. II. Lu.

Llntl. slit. lLauerI. 1iL oJ. II.

taDtr Jtll a IW-I. In W11. IlIlc. CONf INEHS. A Poli fo.

bri tPITIERO munil lini ter by lIkel 1. IM' th. I loyd 01 pt oeroml1 lIn Woo I. i a I prosecuting. I I ciE IIatu Th I.

tore work tan. udat 11I 1llr 1 linistry Iuit n' 0" rio fillin not pri It nue I. I I liliit with ha' tI. I 0- I Ihin ulI JIIIII I' I sAnhI dlll opini uh illy 1 Ij um. 1.

EjJJj OR SER VICE. a tlimI li 3 I iuet 1 I 1 In. J' l1t II. itt. ftHOtPtl reiuirl f.

ttal ar t7iIJOI. aiL how 11. tI I 1 I f. najnnlljl tu Ill Kensington f. Iini ty eI.

Iit lollooar lIIIIII jO t6IIOOI about tI2IOI. ith i 1 lui.1 Ih th i. iii IH Ih 15151412 tI Iinitr tn 1 tioUTns 2 Jfrau li1C Ih 111. 01 ct Hail. UUtT CiOIInI Ir.

the I tar con nbtl h. cbll. mi. tAk. rr Ib th 0111 utri.

Ition. ht' I Ir. tIL CI" ord. pa JIEIJi ivli nJ Queen It Inlll tl-h Ilispital IoI 10M. th 1)1st.

I. 3 Dr. Thnolt eleCt the Ov L. UI t. loaln R.

t. t' in. I I 1 ri I I i I mit" maJ fte mm. I JI r. ieL I 1.

1uLear. Ia Pa I arr ard I II i PPf ruvdi 00 Do ft HollaftdIr 0 3 pl. bet StIY naoa Lri are fleece 7121 eD80" I 111 10. li ttaUbtraI 11t1 I. tbbia no cam paiJlL Jacoba ad diaf' Bo inlt' A I t.

Id his I Dejl1i bo IDe Ire' tzo. lo. ye bo trt eatlm tloo. n. nein 1 preae.

tIon r. Ro forar mf' ub Ib r. fl. tLfD fLirl bu ytt I thej i retum 36 3th I 01. the to FnIl Dfen I II oolita I I Iiaoadnnture 1 r.

Jnltl by Ot1ol ft I Jacb" 4'1' mplo 10. bo round ul basent i h. tI. I as tlt. I' r.

Mb sino 1 IL. d1d i. rri clW DS. III U. 1' y.

tCrday AI n. JO RMI all 1. are 11 01 0" pi mtn ptt c. or lalI airinl 1 r. 1 t.

n. nlb int his br 1 ON. U. I ho m. Ir eha.

fmplor tR DlItI I JEUICOl RD Jro n. Crd n. inll 1 I. I Bight. njf 1 I on.

a. sanu. int to' 1 1' I that I nnan is bo. aI. th ltht t.

m. al Hit a 10' fIfm Ili ottimistic just ho II bat It lCul 1lri labol ad alldi ei oo pl. au. 1 fTIb inrru the tu IC pol I.V- AiJrILdHIRE. Wt1to hi.

AMoria on ado tfol i. i fom Fran rr all A. EJectri 1 YO KSHIRE Sik uz S. I II Edg WILL I AM I Man uf acturer. Ship uilden I I I Machi ery' lla ton qurnt rin" I is 11 tla d.

of" I the muimum tficimcyil tM I r. 1. i of ri Im tr i totllr Tlautficieol dQ rturt re boolul 1 Don. mmahlc I i I lil3illOO lAecI a Co. pc.

i Ril 4 L. I' HERSERr Ltd. i PO III. lI rwhnClt4pl. I IaoIdtochILondoBrmiIamlHlbst Brilol rt1 E1Ihbur h.

fJ I lectftc I BEAUS. QVr M. 01 Ear- 14. ul LSn GI EEIU CO ACT in itiod 1 s-I 10" 1 1 I. tnsot- II I Lit.

1. 1. Ut O. WI of. h.

In II Uo. IL r.1bo I I. oIL I 1 4. tcTfta. I Ii .1 I Otbre teasry i a' ii 1.

bailo. r- I cof HT .1. I t. ls4tW roud' I I tv 4 i4kUrnt wI be I' 4 t4ki Ib. tttwf ri flCrTlifl I' VC I neS 7 th I.

wi urta uiucn4 rtnt izit ft1 4 Wek. a aI a hi. fonn dble i' Matlirdr. Iq ins. oa.

puhnr1 II a enerui- 4 gMt4lO' ooderin lber Ir ebop' imiwd Lrd the e4 meat teak1a I. tiea I 4oa. 1. ithh 1atinn. rking aay Mela ytooi4aia lb.

a I jial tl qttcaa ra htiom. nira abs frc mt dusk ckwoyle. 4 tco*ktd a' is ma1ln IfInnrdrtogetaMisfsctorr Ofl ifl bo I. wA Tmfeteor a anst I II qanUtia V. tbr 4 theyhoWd I distibut o.

of 7 Mv 1 amisg a 1 40b1 rly ban bees Then they Wed rist rd get4 vai. 17 i queu eid Vehise1Iingt albIalreM I tdaod ar hi hfd masiniuzo Plha.foUow.i- Q.Lbz.-Lvr. CL uI Ie. uto. t4o.

51 C3bL1tY. bd 4 ti ii. tC is CC stt bad. et b.

eat boiled ci is. uu 4r. i mstkis. biId ttr. 1s.

UkLpTtJ4lces. Ini wi asd st RISCESSMART r1I. hl. II hd Ia. lo.

under pun. t- 4. t1osut I. stor fl. Wote4n.

lady i- Lady 14 tiLl. Mae. aa Klndcea lady rn. krynt. Ni.

Paulw w4 lb. lbs. WN. Lsyea isl 4It jen Lgsmtera aM ceit ni any tioo the Lkauthy aerbp Otqgof S. aeked ne LcaeIe Li.

reudrrrng I ang. 71 wa. a ZACCIIA RIV JXRESTA CRANTS. nItlryof A lmltlrliis IUS. be s.

td Mi sst rdi. du- ft Mver U. hea conumer a LonaIdge aUequantItyMIamitdbutitiarzpertnd IL date. eiiI h114 East itlOdoringthe theTankitanke the am lb. L.

15 thi0 fioo I bt 1neust lntnt4 per I by tak I ha htoraawtI75otithat ltTrr OILSKIN tat. I ut tls1J hit11 or re a1eaia fncka 1k1 I Arey fr5111- r. and 0lt PUt. leI Vh fw ther aI lul kJtrTlIa40a a llott iiued report Va W-a4viwd bu4e. pod 1 were that paer ealeting md 917.

lfl depaflmezila InvolvIng some V. 1 I where ofthe i- the baaij 2 be must upon coniderstton If due the a 6 2QQOU1QOOwit tng4hr flow44rnt Idiham ew IeaIJ aker stolen PPOLVTWENTS Ecclesiastical I late PCJWIIASEObLIQUOR vurcbse the I na th IWGBI TO s- U' flepti a. asa4i Me5G LYe. puuic 50015 VVk' Lt. iU tiasak 14.

fr4qtwfL CONbCIENCE tro ecte4 a. tateuiAnbaecadnr was- ir Professor octot conpiracyagainct andthe L1Kx I tb aton ent ran. I said on 1 rLaoner thsezcution prisoner Ittnisan forour lere we ty doa woneci. once mans niana doca Lawn- lifUl them. wate.

any a go. 1erapt iC IflPf at. wcekstiffenng was legitii a iniinttd sm' ryiiiC large zucotiiiuxiiol am. prisoners a ho squire. FieltingSiOwdOfl.

14 I lR-38O 01 I VA I OFFICERSILATJ1 A JLR avy 9 I 4. crew. an. gnvtl Taa I. ocr who cacri ouf patzi tiarn ou ou pnordistrlctazid I.

1903. I 5 sot mu I clasp lU Be. lcIa Ua pt. LA I ltub1 eut. 1.

see. ti thretbais 4LTY rDAL. I IAevtJ I Lase L4. tiasi Ii. A1L1artjaasCA1knnetty UrsiAHNtmaIRVL Ist fpe an ireu staniped anitatit insjwetor ae gai.

e.iIl'li'l of nasa epotillcstiuli. Ii- i e. a as hf. Ol1 URSLCRLT Iii ext ttltis nettmry OsJ. required wrriees South avajlalI Comvniwions colirwIjoli an.

100 4) pping met was tset tterElr her season knowledge is ing Vomen a inspection 5 n. Society. 10. i Papers ll Jt nc it ye ForensieMedirine ear Moc tIn. I Rev.

street It 10. trail Thu an. I 61 a am an' 64 I ceri IMMINGIIAMDOCK King ITo. btendone shi ehar used etil cii hispotritlon. ease 4.

Jrtucugaeknowledring ti tb he fellow- in a. therseult Jj OJfEX Miss but EAST as SCRA TCliING. vicxzai 1. LW. a CsAti Oes3O.

4 frOss CoLt lowering setline5 aunts. is flee in a ciu- thi ccii LoedosGcaernlsssiba. openyasd Cider. co. Irwi.

S. lltsi iabui Pio47 A1 PlanS Menisfntareca LQCLNES Mae him. asst pap e. s' Lesd.w I huesy 01 a 305 lneel moIusbas izasias reroa4. ladetai 5iior7 tsu.

Reesi laSs I 3. 9igis I hstmswti sirr SW. L4SIWS.4 ring. let rESdwww. Own.

wiIc kue la lisiew. 5.eaiatore amnasi. itt tohIasS en lb. 21 Supiy I brnhv. tt.

lees a. sad 5. It. I. eat tinS ss.

arll a cn. In ares irsat Mrnwei sn StMII1agj Oesrdse-5vrel cere ant Vini4 eI and mbssd e. so Yutewat. liewsisi Ieasjaxw kctnaidn sane p4sas ua iso Ces I. larihjugs wtJ.

kIhtcntee iitii l5wti 4SSOSI 4 Steen tee a ru.teatrt twfln Moerboin. esaisoyns Ltctssay awl tramway. kJ4T. sflta lSpw. Li 1.

er V. 3. set r.nrtwe- fDrlv I bspwrsiei teadyiuet.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.