The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (2024)


A fortnightly chat about about large format photography

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (1)

#68 Nick Carver, The Man With A Name

With the full gang back together it was a pleasure to get to talk to Nick Carver about his love for 6x17 large format photography, his recent commissioned trip to Spain, other formats to boost the creative juices, his You Tube Channel and much more.If you’re not familiar with Nick and his work then here is a part of his bio from his website.“Nick Carver is a working photographer and photography instructor based in Orange County, CA. His professional work centres primarily on architectural photography for commercial properties (office buildings, industrial buildings, retail centres, hospitality), and through his online photography courses Nick delivers instruction to hundreds of students in over 30 countries.Nick’s career reflects a deep-seated dedication to the craft of photography with an enthusiasm for traditional analogue film. You may recognize him from hisYouTube channelwherein he takes viewers into the classroom and out in the field to share the process behind his work”Things we chatted about on the show:We were talking about modern lights on buildings and how LEDs were ruining the character and atmosphere for us film photographers. Nick mentioned Technology Connections, an interesting You Tube Channel that picks apart and explains all sorts of modern and older tech ideas and explains them simply, they have some film photography videos there amongst a whole bunch of interesting topics. Nick started with a 6x17 back he explains how he found it ultimately limiting so now has a dedicated Shen Hao 617 camera, if you want one too like Andrew does then head over to their website. If you’re in the USA then Badger Graphic are the importers of these and many other format iterations of these Chinese built large format cameras. mentioned the upcoming “Mersey Meetup” on 25th May, this one focuses on the back alleyways and unexplored side streets of Liverpool. These events are organised by Steve Starr and if you want to attend then turn up outside Lime Street Station in Liverpool at 10.30.Steve is on social media platforms usually as @stigofthedump.You can sign up via the excellent website here: you want to get started with 6x17 photography using your large format camera then probably the best option is to head over to Steve Lloyd’s site at Chroma Camera. As well as hand held 617 options he offers a dedicated roll film back for your camera.’s linksNicks YouTube channel. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group. now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe. updates from Simon. feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective

5/6/2024 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 4 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (2)

#67 Intended Art At Negative Thinking

It has been far too long between shows and hopefully we can now get back to some kind of regular output.For this show our last guest Nick Davis (The 120ist on the YouTube) makes a visit to community darkroom / darkroom community that is “Negative Thinking” in Bristol where he gets to interview Tim Pearse about the space, the community he is helping to build, his love of the darkroom as a means of expression and creating unique works of art.Things we chatted about on the show:Negative Thinking Community. Sabattier Effect and Solarization – an interesting article for more background reading. process. Printing a useful starting point. (@stigofthedump) Starr has made a wonderful book of his lovely coastal images and thoughts and now an exhibition in North Wales where his prints are being sold for a good cause. operating from Bristol and, like Negative Thinking, building community and affordable access to creative photographic art is Justin Quinnell. Bellingham (former guest) and local to Nick.’s linksNicks YouTube channel. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective

4/13/2024 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 33 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (3)

#66 On Safari With The 120ist

#66 On Safari With The 120istIn so many ways this show episode typifies what we love about making this podcast – it was just like being in a pub (or coffee shop) and having a chat with like minded folk about, mostly, large format photography. The fact that the conversation wanders around is exactly what happens when you have enthusiastic guests and hosts getting together to ponder the thing that occupies their minds for most of the time.Nick Davis is better known for his YouTube channel the 120ist – contrary to the title it isn’t just medium format film and cameras that feeds his content but his sheer love for film, the process, the ideas, creativity, trying new things and explaining what he’s doing in a “come and learn with me” approach.Things we chatted about on the show:Zebra Plates and various other LF related accessories for wet and dry plate working.“Mr Zebra” has a really good You Tube Channel that’s worth checking out too. recently purchased a pack of Zebra Tintypes and his latest video shows how he got on – here is a link to learn more about the history of Tintypes. if you want to make your own….. Bellingham (former guest) and local to Nick gets a mention by Simon for the excellent video content on his You Tube channel. conversation wanders off to photographers who influence us, who we admire and some books about the “why” of photography.Jason Lane. Horne. Fee. books…….Photography Workshop Series are excellent and published by Aperture. Misrach Desert and Border Cantos – search for best deals and availability.Nick mentioned “Landscape Within” if you are struggling with your landscape photography. we were discussing darkroom spaces and Guy Bellingham – Negative Spaces came up.’s linksNicks YouTube channel. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective

9/29/2023 • 2 hours, 17 minutes, 30 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (4)

#65 Liquid Emulsion With Graham Vasey

We first interviewed today’s guest over 4 years ago, in fact he was our first proper guest to help us and our listeners along the “new to LF path”. Show 2 with Graham Vasey is worth a listen as we touch on many interesting subjects, one area Simon and I wanted to return to was Graham’s use of liquid emulsion on watercolour paper and that’s pretty much what we covered in show 65.So thank you Graham for indulging us once again and we look forward to following up another topic in 4 years time.Things we chatted about on the show:We mentioned a few books that Graham has found useful. is probably the only printed definitive guide to using liquid emulsions and copies are getting more expensive, if you can get a copy then it’s an excellent resource for all things “liquid emulsion”After relistening to show 2 Simon went out and bought a copy of Fred Picker’s book on the fine print, turns out its not the same one Andrew has, and Erik has neither (maybe he should make one). Anyway here are some links to both (shop around is my advice as some silly money is being asked for ) mentioned several commercially available liquid emulsions from Rollei, Forte, Fotospeed and Foma – the latter is his favourite. found that 300g NOT watercolour paper from Bockingford works well.’s linksBest to head over to IG as his website is a bit broken.’s work is represented in a local arty gallery – take a look’s film work can be hunted down on YouTube and Vimeo but here is an interesting insight into what we have been talking about in show 65 links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective

7/27/2023 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 2 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (5)

#64 The Hell Of The North

#64 The Hell of the North Our second catch up show of the year once again saw the return of Simon to the fold who, it turns out, has had sufficient time off to be reinvigorated and enthused for all things LFPP. What does that mean? Well, more shows we hope, at least three a year……Things we chatted about on the show:As we didn’t have a guest on show 63 Simon kicked things off by thanking those who had so very kindly sent in Ko-Fi donations (see link to the LFPP Ko-Fi site somewhere at the end of these notes) with nice words as well. So very appreciated and well, considering we haven’t had a show out since, a tad humbling.One of the donors to the show mentioned Conflict Cameras who are making superb progress with an auto focus large format camera, I know, right! The mind boggles. Anyway follow along here whilst we see if they can be a guest on the show. had just come back from another “#MerseyMeetup” organised by the nicest Liverpudlian we know Steve Starr Walsh was there, we spoke about George and his repairs to Graflex cameras back on show 63 and George is another guest we have lined up. George’s Facebook details are here: (18) George Walsh | Facebook should you have a similar request.Erik brought us up to date with his large format photo journalist escapades on the Paris to Roubaix cycle race in Northern France, this race was named “The Hell of the North” by those who took part in its inaugural 1919 outing, just one year after the WW1 Armistice when the land was, well, like hell on earth. Erik is getting his work published which is fantastic, here is the latest piece in the Radavist Cycling journal. explains how he loves to use orthochromatic film and how it fitted in well with this project as its close to the emulsion that would have been available at the time plus he was using his modified Kodak 3A till it broke, a camera that would also have been around back then over 100 years ago.Erik also took with him a modified Polaroid roll film camera he 800 which can be modified to take 4x5 film here is a link but there are others out there if you are interested in doing the same thing. Film are or have introduced a 400 speed Ortho film which is a welcome addition to those who love that unique look where reds turn very dark and skies are very light (as are blue eyes) read more here… in France Erik visited the grave or memorial to John Kipling (Rudyard Kipling’s Son) – and interesting story about him on the BBC History site. brought us up to date on his “What lies beneath” project looking at the modern day landscape around the numerous WW1 grave sites around the Ypres Salient. Andrew started this project back in 2017 and shared some images and thoughts on his blog. time, with more negatives to add to the collection he intends to make 5x7 Warmtone prints for scanning then fibre prints with typed notes for a “box set”.Anyway its good to have a project.Finally, Andrew spoke about our previous guest, Jeff Perry and the astonishingly bad times he is currently going through. Jeff can be supported here: links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective

7/3/2023 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 50 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (6)

#63 The Return Of The Prodigal Gearhead

#63 Return of The Prodigal GearheadWe have been waiting for the return of our beloved Simon to the podcast for some time now, so a threesome to kick off the new year of 2023 was a perfect opportunity for us all to have a catch-up and hopefully make Simon realise he misses this whole podcast thing and there’s more to life than the 3d printing of camera accessaries.As things turned out we didn’t get to cover everything we had planned, even Erik only managed a couple of swear words such was the focus on what Simon has been up to.Anyway, that’s good as it means we will almost certainly have a follow up……Things we chatted about on the show:Our conversation was a tad shorter than usual due to Erik not being able to get out of bed, however, it was enough time for Simon to bear his soul and admit he doesn’t really know anything about photography.OK, a bit harsh but once you’ve listened you will see what I mean.His lovely MPP MicroPress, partnered with a Bronica S mount (6x6 medium format camera) Nikon (Nick-on) 25cm f/4 lens and the wonderful edge “otherworldliness” was the focus of a lot of chatter as he has now had it serviced (the MPP) by George Walsh – George’s social media details are here, should you have a similar request. in 2022 Simon shared some photos from a LF trip he had in Snowdonia, a bit of a turning point for him really as the blank images he returned with made him realise he had to make things a bit simpler and not try too many new things at once.In fact it was a photowalk with Simon’s friend, Christopher McKie, during a photo walk with Simon around the Queen Street Mill in Burnley with just one camera that Simon realised 1) HP5 is actually a pretty good emulsion and doesn’t have to be grainy and 2) It makes nice prints in HC110 dilution B.So you have a combination that you like why change and indeed why not focus on that combo in LF?More chatter followed………Erik briefly told us about the million lens elements friend of the show Jason Lane sent him.Jason is the man behind J Lane dry plates and is also an optical engineer. He is currently looking to restart coating more dry plates as life has gotten in the way. Lloyd invariably gets a mention on pretty much every show (don’t think we have seen that endorsem*nt fee yet Steve). This time when Simon mentioned Dave Whenham and his lovely night time images made with Steve’s snapshot camera.Dave in Elland (@elland_in) / TwitterDave Whenham (@dave_in_elland) • Instagram photos and videos(18) Dave Elland | FacebookErik also mentioned the new Jason Lane designed single element lens Steve has recently launched for thread mount Leica things.Chroma Camera LtdAll in all a fun chat.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective

1/16/2023 • 1 hour, 10 minutes

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (7)

#62 Simon Riddell - Wet Plate Saved My Life

From Simon’s website - “I specialise in analogue and alternative forms of photography, this is my passion. Currently, I'm immersed in practicing the art of Victorian wet plate photography, invented in 1851 the process is still to be rivalled today. There are only a small number of people worldwide practicing wet plate.​I became an artist in 2016, travelling through various analogue and darkroom disciplines. In 2021 I won a global wedding award for my natural portraiture. I also worked closely with Channel 4 on the set of SAS: Who Dares Wins.I have a bespoke studio and darkroom located at the top of the picturesque Nigg Hill, Ross-Shire, in the Scottish Highlands. The rest of my time is spent in the Isle of Skye, where I'm currently immersed in the Skye Collodion Project”.And….. so very much we didn’t talk about.If he survives his daring adventure up a mountain, in December, with wet collodion…..then I’m sure we will have him back on to finish the story…….With Simon though, we are not at all sure there will be an ending in sight.Things we chatted about on the show:Andrew met Simon at the Photography Show in Birmingham and sat in awe as he presented some images from his widely publicised “Mental Collodion” body of work. If you aren’t familiar with this visual exploration of one man’s recovery from depression and PTSD then maybe take a look at these links.MentalCollodion with Simon Riddell ( MentalCollodion: Shining light on mental health struggles - EMULSIVEAs we knew Simon was embarking on a project called #PeakPerserverence and that part of this “adventure” would involve filming a documentary with footage from the trip and interviews with mental health professionals we thought we would start there.Simon is trying to raise some extra cash for the trip and has a Go Fund Me page which explain more about the project. of the therapies Simon has used with great success is EMDR, we didn’t really go into any detail in the chat but here is a link.What is EMDR? - EMDR Institute - EYE MOVEMENT DESENSITIZATION AND REPROCESSING THERAPYSimon and his fellow adventurers will spend time on the Cuillin Ridge helped by Mountain Guide Adrian Trendall – you can read more about this environment and Adrian here.All Things CuillinOne (and there are a few) of the challenges of using wet plates on a mountain, in December is the lack of washing water so he has asked Steve at Chroma Camera to make a “holding tank” for his plates, which can be filled with water to stabilise the exposed plates for later washing.Chroma Camera LtdOur Erik mentioned this Eric – who also does things up mountains.Eric Bouvet | Paris | FacebookSimon has had lots of help and encouragement from Markus Hofstatter, Borut Peterlin and Shane Balkowitsch.Markus Hofstätter (@mhaustria) • Instagram photos and videosBorut Peterlin Photography – Borut Peterlin is a fine art photographer and educator, dealing with wet plate collodion process, albumen printing, salt printing, carbon printing and woodburytype printing processesShane Balkowitsch Wet Plate Collodion Ambrotype PhotographyAnd whilst we were referencing inspirational wet plate photographers we had to mention our buddy Dave Shrimpton. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective

11/26/2022 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 5 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (8)

#62 Sammy, The Afghan Camera Lady

#62 Sammy the Afghan Camera LadyErik and Andrew are joined by the force of nature known as the Afghan Camera Lady for an enjoyable natter.Sammy has a background in commercial photography but with the help of her local analogue photography group Leicester LoFi became obsessed with the Afghan box camera.Currently Sammy takes her huge “portable darkroom and studio” camera to festivals and weddings to make unique “instant” portraits.Bursting with enthusiasm and ideas for how she might develop her work Sammy made our life easy for this recording.Things we chatted about on the show:When Sammy lived in Leicester she discovered they had an Afghan Box Camera and decided there and then that “it was a camera to match her personality” all things related to these wonderful cameras you should look at the Afghan Box Camera Project Website.This project was initiated early in 2011 by Austrian artist Lukas Birk and Irish ethnographer Sean Foley. The aim of the project from the outset was to create an urgent record of the disappearing art of Afghan box camera photography and make that information freely available online for all. Funding for the project in 2011 as in 2012 came primarily via crowdfunding on the KICKSTARTER website. The Visual Anthropology Dept. at Goldsmiths University, London has also contributed funding.Afghan Box Camera ProjectThe discussion turned at some point to the “6 degrees of separation” that led to Erik being a co-host on the show so we ended up talking about the work of former guests Wayne Martin Belger and Jenny Sampson."The Beauty of Decay" Project ( sampson photographyJenny Sampson Photography jenny sampson photography, gallery tintypesErik is building a camera around an RB67 back and Mamiya press lenses to take an Instax Wide back – Friend of the show Ethan Moses has helped him a lot.CAMERADACTYLA man with a similar brain for camera design is Steve Lloyd of Chroma Cameras and you can see what he can offer you here.Chroma Cameras – Unique 4×5, medium, instant and 135 format..analogue camerasLast but not least it was Suffolk photographer and all round lovely chap Mark “Jimmy” Hickford who first suggested that Sammy would be a good guest for the show.Mark 'Jimmy' Hickford (@jimmyshootsfilm) • Instagram photos and videos links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective Safe

10/2/2022 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 16 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (9)

#61 Alys Tomlinson - Vera, Lost Proms and Gli Isolani

Alys was first on the show in 2019 following the hugely successful launch of her 5 year “Ex Voto” project researching modern day pilgrimages across Europe and photographing the relics/offerings left in the landscape (the ex votos) and the people she met along the way.Since then she has published “Lost Summer” photographing teenagers who lost their summer prom due to covid, winning first prize in the 2020 Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait competition.In 2022 Alys completed her second Kickstarter for her new book Gli Isolani (The Islanders) – link below to pre order the book from GOST books.Things we chatted about on the show:The Ex Voto project. Summer. Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize. Isolani (The Islanders). Fine art represents Alys and you can see an exhibition of her latest work from 6th September. got her original inspiration for the work now known as The Islanders from a visit to the Venetian Cemetery Island of San Michele 20 years ago. talked about his recent commission to photograph the Gravel bike event. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective Safe

7/6/2022 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 11 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (10)

#60 Frank Thorp V, Capitol Chap

Frank is an NBC producer and off air reporter who uses his access to the USA Capitol building to explore his film obsession.Using a Speed Graphic camera and Aero Ektar lens he made a moving photo essay 100 days after the January 2020 storming of the Capitol building.“After the Riot” is a series of portraits of 12 individuals who work in the building, made in locations that resonated with each person (from the day of the storming) and aims to bring a sense of closure to the subjects and indeed to Frank who was also in the building on that fateful day.Project links.See Frank’s portraits here as well as the YouTube video with interviews. we chatted about on the show:The community darkroom that Frank learned at: Avedon was mentioned as one of the photographers Frank looked to before embarking on his portraiture project – Erik mentioned this book “Portraits of Power”. has started using Jason Lane’s dry plates – just to make his life a little harder. owes a debt of gratitude to his friend David Burnett and Erik mentioned his body of work documenting the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Richards “War is Personal”. Guerin got a shout out as Frank is considering how he might make pinhole photography work for him in the Capitol building. Wilson, the legendary Getty photographer Frank got his first 4x5’s from. Thorp’s social media:IG: links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon (Yes he’s still part of the show) – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective Safe!

5/13/2022 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 17 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (11)

#59 The Nomadic Photo Ark

#59 The Nomadic Photo ArkMonica Jane Frisell and Adam Scher travel the USA with their mobile darkroom, studio and office telling the stories, in recordings and 8x10 portraits of people they meet on their way.Both were clearly fated to meet and undertake this life-changing adventure.Living the dream?We think so…..Project links.The website is the place to go to for all things Nomadic Ark.Travel blog, links to Twitter and Instagram plus ways you can support them financially through Patreon or print sales, are some You Tube videos showing the building of the Ark and more.Subscribe and follow along. we chatted about on the show:Working with Laura McManus photographed domestic workers and sought to give them a voice. links here before Covid 19 turned the world upside down Monica and Adam met and a synergistic relationship (always the best) began to bloom.Adam’s strength lay in sound recording and is this, combined with Monica’s passion for traditional large format photography that has led to the (working title) Portraits of US project.Adam has cycled, well, miles across the USA and Europe and we speak about it in the show.Adam completed a leadership course with the Adventure Cycling Association, a bad bike accident, cycled along the US coast and then met Monica…..Giles Duley rest is unfolding.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective Safe

3/9/2022 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 55 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (12)

#58 Gordon Szeto- Pandemic Days and Nights

“I like to see myself as a storyteller. Photography happens to be the way I tell stories. I see the world in a certain way and try to create visual images to take viewers on ajourney. I gravitate towards emotional,ethereal and dream-like imagery andI use cameras like pinholes and lenses like the Aero Ektar 178mm as tools to create the look and feel I strive for”.Gordon’s links we chatted about on the show:Photographers who have had an influence on Gordon’s work or who he has admired……or maybe random links from Erik.Gordon has made some wonderful night work, so has another photographer.Todd Hido - http://www.toddhido.comGordon Parks - Burnstine - Carter - Titarenko -…..plain environmental, isolated…..two different approaches.Richard Avedon - Brown - Harding, City College - camera, one lens, standard development………or not?John Blakemore - discussed the topic of story telling with pictures and image sequencing.Niniane Kelly - Jastrab -’s photo collective - terLFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. East Bay Photo Collective Safe

10/23/2021 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 6 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (13)

#57 Sandy King, The Pyro Cat

#57 Sandy KingLouisiana born and bred, lover and teacher of Spanish literature, citizen of the world, fine art printer, abstract landscape photographer…..oh and did I mention he also loved staining developers so much that he developed his own?I first became aware of Sandy King as, like many others, I began investigating Pyro staining developers. There is much, much more to Sandy than his work developing PyrocatHD and today we scratch away at the surface.Sandy’s links we chatted about on the show:As we are chatting I can see Erik Mathy moving his fingers over his keyboard as he sends links to us all via our messenger chat . He seems to be able to pick up on things the guest is saying, do the Google research and send the links over and still keep track of the conversation....clearly he isn’t a proper male! mentioned Sam Wang a few times – I hope I have the correct person here – either way it’s pretty interesting. Davis, author of Beyond The Zone System is a book that I have but despite several attempts remains impenetrable to me. I was, therefore pleased that even Sandy struggled with it… least on the first read. course the much mentioned article by Sandy on Pyro developers which is available from his website. PyrocatHD formula and notes from Unblinking Eye. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

9/29/2021 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 15 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (14)

#56 Erik & The Tubers

#56 Erik & The Tubers Just over twelve months ago, Andrew and Simon were joined by the wonderful Jenny Sampson after being spotted on the front page of the relatively obscure website with a striking wet plate image. During an excellent discussion of Jenny's work, we touched upon and fell over Jenny's description of her collaboration with the Rolls & Tubes Collective; a group of photographers taking the inexplicable Covid related toilet roll shortage and recreating some of photography's greatest moments with bog roll.An excellent body of work was created and now Jenny along with Colleen Mullins, Christy McDonald and Nicole White have a sold out publication and success beyond their wildest dreams.To catch up the story, we've sent Erik all the way to California to delve deeper into the project and relive the journey.The Rolls & Tubes Collective links;Rolls and Tubes MullinsColleenmullins.net McDonald Whitenicolewhite.net SampsonJennysampson.com from discussions:Diane Arbus, twins Sommer cut paper piece Callahan Koudelka Frank Williams Maisel Rosenthal Soth Atkins - mid 19th century Shirreff Lange Hwy 45 Photo Fest 2020https://www.2020photofestival.orgLFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

9/5/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 36 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (15)

Kelly-Ann Bobb's Caribbean Photographic Practice

Kelly-Ann Bobbis an analogue freelance photographer based in the twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago.She has always had a natural inclination towards creativity. After completing medical school, she fell in love with the unending complexities of film photography.She utilizes photography as a tool of unmasking, telling stories that would not otherwise be told. Revealing as much of herself as the subjects she photographs.Kelly’s links we chatted about on the show:We spent a fair part of the time talking about two of Kelly’s projects that have received widespread acclaim.“Home Alone” and “Sacred Bodies and the Divine” – go to Kelly’s IG page to see examples. “Home Alone” project was born out of lockdown and explores how we handle solitude – its more than that so listen to the show as Kelly explains it better.Gum Oil printing – Kelly shared her experiences and love for all things alternative print making.Both Kelly and Erik recommend the work of Anna Ostania for all things gum oil. had a fascinating conversation about how traditional colour film was balances around pale Caucasian skin.Erik (good old Erik) found an interesting link. Gordon Parks. got talking about photographing in a hospital environment – here are some good books to check out. other Erik Mathy links. - well one to be precise.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

8/12/2021 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 18 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (16)

#54 Catch Up

Just the three of us this week as we recover from the trip to Dave Shrimpton’s house.This was meant to be more of an email show but there was really only one we could read out and that was just a brilliant one from Pakistan based visual artist Jahanzeb Haroon.Things we chatted about on the show:Andrew kicked off the discussion with “what we’ve all been up to”. Shamefully but rationally explained, no LF work from him for ages. The darkroom extension has been an all consuming project and with the first paying workshop customer coming in August the pressure has been on to at least get it functional, and it is now.Returning from a holiday in Northumberland Andrew has a number of rolls of fil m to develop including 4 or 5 127 films, some HP5 and a roll of expired Astia that he exposed in his Toyo 45a with the 6x17 back. The question goes begging “do we or should we take large format gear on a family holiday”?Another reason for not exposing too much LF film recently is the need to nail down rotary processing in his Jobo CPE2 or the new variable speed rotating base recently received from Student Photo Store on ebay. Settling down to PyrocatHD and ID111+1 will reduce the creative choices, and darkroom is needed to play around.Earlier in the year Mat Marrash posted a video all about determining your own personal film speed and “normal” developing time using a Stouffer TP45 step wedge, after years of doing this by trial and error Andrew has taken the plunge and ordered a step wedge.Mat’s video and a link to the Stouffer site below.,concept%20used%20when%20approaching%20the%20art%20of%20photography.Both Erik and Simon have been up to way more exciting things, actually exposing and playing around with LF film and paper.Erik has been deep diving into lens building with Bronica ETRS lenses and more (see Erik’s IG site below).Erik posted into the LFPP Facebook group ongoing work with Faux Orotones with some lovely results.The Orotone process was made famous by Edward Curtis and more info can be found on line (OK Wikipedia to the rescue) is looking for a similar effect using gold spray paint and it works really well.Simon has been busy using his Chroma camera both in and out of the studio with some expired velvia and, in the 6 towns studio, some Harman Direct Positive paper. We have a chat about the challenges of using HDP and its limited tonal range (high contrast). The Ilford PDF data sheet and a recent Ilford video presented by Rachel Brewster-Wright are very helpful if you are thinking of using this great paper for the first time. the subject of film speed testing friend of the show Billy Sanford recently appeared on the Sunny 16 presents show and talked about his experience with a Richard Pickup approach to film speed testing – he actually cited our LFPP interview with Richard as inspiration. listener and FB member Jahenzeb Haroon sent in a lovely email talking all about analogue photography in Pakistan, it’s a great email and do check out Jahenzeb’s work which he produces very much against the odds. We take off our collective hats and not in his direction. this link all about one of Pakistan’s oldest photography practices that is still going. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

7/26/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 14 seconds

Simon, Andrew and Yevgeni venture out on their first LFPP outside broadcast. Unfortunately Erik couldn’t get a ticket across the Atlantic so we had to use a naked female shop dummy as an able replacement.After two previous attempts we arrive at the wonderful imaginarium where Dave eats, sleeps and breathes creative photography.For part 2 we are mostly in the darkroom where the magic is revealed and the Tintypes of Dave come out pretty darn well.What a brilliant day we had and both of us are hooked.Things we chatted about on the show:Dave works closely with Jeff Perry who has helped him bring his photographic equipment vision to reality and Andrew will be using his 4x5 back and wetplate insert in pt 2 goes out of his way to shop locally where he can for his film and chemical supplies.RK Photographic is a long established high street retailer originally based in Potters bar, North London they recently relocated to Letchworth. Lunham operates Wet Plate Supplies from Ramsey (down the road from Andrew) and is a brilliant place for all you may need for wet plate and your alternative photographic process. Supplies in London – Founded in 1928 PS are one of the oldest photographic supply companies in Great Britain and still run by the Willes family in the same Clerkenwell premises. Burnett – the guy that shot the 2012 Olympic Games on a Speed Graphic with an Aero Ektar lens and took the photographs that led Dave into LF photography. Little Follies make accessories and home décor with very much a quirky twist – perfect for Dave as he brings his vision into reality.Dollie'slittlefolies (@BlackRoseCamden) / TwitterDave’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

7/12/2021 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 12 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (18)

#52 LFPP On Tour With Dave Shrimpton

Simon, Andrew and Yevgeni venture out on their first LFPP outside broadcast. Unfortunately Erik couldn’t get a ticket across the Atlantic so we had to use a naked female shop dummy as an able replacement.After two previous attempts we arrive at the wonderful imaginarium where Dave eats, sleeps and breathes creative photography.For part 1 we chat to Dave over coffee and Kit Kats as he shows us his various go to 4x5 cameras. Venturing into his photographic imaginarium that is his studio and we are like kiddies in a sweetshop…..oh and Simon exposes some LF film in his Chroma Carbon Adventurer camera.Things we chatted about on the show:Dave works closely with Jeff Perry who has helped him bring his photographic equipment vision to reality and Andrew will be using his 4x5 back and wet plate insert in pt 2 goes out of his way to shop locally where he can for his film and chemical supplies.RK Photographic is a long established high street retailer originally based in Potters bar, North London they recently relocated to Letchworth. Lunham operates Wet Plate Supplies from Ramsey (down the road from Andrew) and is a brilliant place for all you may need for wet plate and your alternative photographic process. Supplies in London – Founded in 1928 PS are one of the oldest photographic supply companies in Great Britain and still run by the Willes family in the same Clerkenwell premises. Burnett – the guy that shot the 2012 Olympic Games on a Speed Graphic with an Aero Ektar lens and took the photographs that led Dave into LF photography. Little Follies make accessories and home décor with very much a quirky twist – perfect for Dave as he brings his vision into reality.Dollie'slittlefolies (@BlackRoseCamden) / TwitterDave’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

6/28/2021 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 11 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (19)

#51 Todd Korol, Live and Breathe Photography

Living and working in and out of Calgary Canada, Todd is all about photography, if ever someone lived and breathed their passion it’s Todd. That passion shines through in this week’s chat and we hope you all enjoy it as much as we did.Things we chatted about on the show:Loads of photographers came up in conversation and here are some links: chatted about Todd’s LF images of rodeo folks and how he took inspiration from photographer Kurt Markus. recently restored a 1917 5x7 wooden camera and got his bellows made by Custom Bellows in the UK. National Geographic Photographer William Albert Allard. Renwick. shared some landscape diptychs recently on his YouTube channel and we discussed the work of Elliot Dudik (thanks to Greg Obst) and his Broken Land images. photographer Melissa Renwick and her surfer portraits. Format photographer Barbara Bosworth. Avedon’s work – in particular “In the American West” outs to:Erik’s appearance on the Home Made Camera Podcast. by Geoff Dyer.’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

5/9/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 36 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (20)

#50 Deborah Parkin's Family Snaps

#50 Deborah ParkinAn introduction from Deborah’s website.“I live with my family & animals in the beautifully wild North Pennines. My work is rooted in family life & my environment - past & present. I have been photographing for many years & use a variety of mediums - from large format to digital & processes such as Wet Plate Collodion, bromoil, albumen, cyantotype & silver gelatin.My work has been exhibited & published worldwide - including Japan, U.S. U.K, Bulgaria, Iran & China &is held in many private collections from individual collectors (U.S, U.K, Europe, Japan)to museums & galleries - including the Fox Talbot Museum (UK) & the Centre for Fine Art Photography (U.S) & Charlet Gallery (Paris).My books are published byGalerie Vevais”.Things we chatted about on the show:In between talking about Deborah’s life, her past, memories and how they impact her work we discussed so many other influences and hopefully most of them are here.Ingar Krauss. Hawarden. Gowin. Cahun. mentioned Sara Sentilles – and specifically her book “Draw Your Weapons” – here is an hour long interview about this work – looks interesting. mentioned Nan Golding. Teanby – researches early women photographers. Brewster-Wright mentioned Wet Plate guru Vince Donovon , SF based and is helping Erik test his new lens for Alanna Airitam’s The Old Homeplace Project. Drama “Shooting The Past” by Stephen Poliakoff.’s linksMainly her website but also on twitter. links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

4/26/2021 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 2 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (21)

#49 Naturally Decaffeinated, Dang!

Now that we don’t have the “bar room” chatter at the beginning of each show these occasional catch up shows allow us to update each other on all that we’ve been up to large format wise, or not, as the case may be.So no guest but, “dang” we enjoyed shooting the breeze and the welcome return of “Ask Erik”.Things we chatted about on the show:Andrew has been in a bit of a photo slump for a few weeks now, and that’s really odd as it’s completely out of character. Dr Erik tries to diagnose his problems.Both Andrew and Erik have been playing around with previous guest Jason Lane’s excellent dry plates. Andrew has been using the ISO 25 (shot at ISO 6) 1/6th (easier to type it than say it) plates in his Rolleiflex and developing with ID11 1+1 with minimal agitation to give some control over contrast. Seems to be working well which is more than can be said for his attempts so far with 4x5 ISO 2 plates – still more light needed methinks but we discuss some hints and tips.Erik has started a little project photographing cars on driveways in his new neighbourhood as a commentary on all things American (way too deep for Simon and Andrew but we humour him).You can find out all about Jason’s plates here, where to buy them and lots of useful technical detail to help get best results (which Andrew needs to read apparently)., surprise, surprise, has been buying more cameras this time it’s a Polaroid roll film camera that he will be converting to take 4x5 sheets. Lots of folk convert these cameras but Simon is ignoring all their advice and ploughing his own furrow so we look forward to how that turns out.Erik mentioned a Thingyverse downloadable set of files for 4x5 conversion – a really great website where you can purchase the thing as a kit if you don’t have access to a 3D printer. also purchased a French enlarger lens to use on his graphic camera (maybe) – a Boyer Saphir. These series of lenses are M39 mount and are named after a variety of precious stones (don’t ask).*ckDoWhyL1X2yUkkTQ8Andrew mentioned David Lago de Montana from the RB67 FB group who is making Instax Square backs for the RB – OK not LF but it formed part of a discussion around 4x5 conversions.If you want to learn more here is a FB link. the triumphant return of “ASK ERIK” emails from;Ian WallaceInstagram & Twitter @ian_onahillroadWilliam FurnissIG @williamfurnissAnd a shout out to John Farnan links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

4/13/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 59 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (22)

#48 (Nico's) Large Format Photography Podcast

Although not as cool as David Burnett (according to Greg Obst), nevertheless we thoroughly enjoyed chatting with the unique (if not cool) Nico Llasera.Nico has been bringing us the weekly film photography photo news since 2015 and alongside his spin off “Super film support” channel they are must watch You Tube shows.Things we chatted about on the show:How the channel came about (episode 1 from November 2015 is an interesting watch to see how the show has evolved over the years).Nico will be joining the Kamerastore team later in the year so he will be relocating to Finland. You can check out their website and blog. chatted a bit about Orwo film, Reveni Labs and Jobo. brought up the New Topographic work of Nicholas Nixon who is also well known for making annual 8x10 portraits of his Wife and her Sisters.’s linksNico’s website with links to YouTube, a route to ask questions and to support Nico’s activities.https://superfilmsupport.comInstagram. NewsShrugLFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

3/30/2021 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 47 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (23)

#47 Nicole Small: Vision/Experimentation

Self-portrait artist, studio portrait photographer, pinhole enthusiast, camera builder and enthusiastically inquisitive about all things photographic sums up today’s guest.Based in Montreal, Canada Nicole loves nothing more than to be out making (usually) large format pinhole self-portraits with cameras she builds herself, usually from foam core and tape – it’s all about the love of creating the image.Things we chatted about on the show:Using a pinhole camera for portraits with a longer “focal length” triggered an interesting conversation. There are some excellent resources including the Mr Pinhole site which is invaluable if you are thinking of making your own pinhole portrait camera. of the show Jason Lane came up a few times as Nicole, Erik and Andrew are all trying to get to grips with his wonderful J Lane dry plates. to Jason’s website for useful info on using the plates under differing lighting conditions.We go into some discussions about reversal processing, Nicole uses potassium dichromate bleach followed by exposure to light then fixing and second development.Here is an on line discussion link. more of Nicole’s ideas and camera building info on the excellent home made camera podcast. out more about the life and works of Andre Kertesz. once again recommended Alan Green’s book for all things camera building and more.’s links NewsLFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

3/15/2021 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 21 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (24)

#46 Jarob Ortiz; Ansel Did Not Do My Job!

When the USA National Park Service advertised for a large format photographer to come and work for them there were 4,500 applicants. Jarob Ortiz sent in his resume and, along with 18 others got through to interview stage and landed the dream job.Things we chatted about on the show:Before landing the job Jarob was already photographing historic buildings for his personal work – the town of Gary in Indiana for example.,_Indiana#National_Register_of_Historic_PlacesWe discussed the latest on the Reveni Labs spotmeter on Kickstarter now massively over subscribed but (as I type) still active. discovered that it’s really hard to see much of Jarob’s work for the Park Service in a digital form as they are a tad behind on the scanning front but you can go look at all sorts of interesting things at the Heritage Documentation Program site.The permanent collection of architectural, engineering and landscape documentation at the Library of Congress consists of measured and interpretive drawings, large-format black and white and color photographs, written historical and descriptive data, and original field notes. The collection captures the American experience through approximately 40,000 recorded historic structures and sites, from American Indian cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde to space-age technology at Cape Canaveral. I was sceptical, there is a really interesting FB page too. didn’t get to talk lenses which is odd but we did chat a bit about apparently clever digital cameras called Phase one (Simon seemed to know something about them). the show, Jarob mentioned to us that he would have liked to have answered a question that we did not ask, so here's the question and answer;What advice do you have for large format photographers?It's great to draw inspiration from famous photographers and their technique, but it's far more important not to chase them. Everyone has their own approach, all of which is unique to that individual based upon their life experiences and the personality as a result.Like in my case.... People calling me "the next Ansel Adams" - give me a break! I'll never be Ansel Adams. Ansel was a master of the craft; a man that revolutionized the photographic process with his Zone System approach. I'll never be that. All we can do as photographers is workhard and hold ourselves to a higher standard and someday (hopefully) we'll be noticed.Jarob’s links NewsNone to speak of…..LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

2/28/2021 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 13 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (25)

#45 Matt Beckberger, On The Spot

When Reveni Labs launched the Kickstarter for their innovative hot shoe mounted meter a couple of years ago it very quickly reached its funding goal. It was therefore no surprise that Matt’s latest Kickstarter was funded within 2 hours.Things we chatted about on the show:A fair chunk of time was spent answering some great emails from listeners and all four of us had things to say.Billy Sanford wrote to us following up our recent discussion around the need (or not) to post to social media and we kicked that around a bit more.Michael Wellman sent in a great email , although we think he meant to send it to our good friend Matt Marrash , all about image circle. We focused all our joint knowledge and realised it didn’t add up to much but we had a stab at making some relevant points.A couple of great books that cover this in some detail are:Using The Viewcamera by Steve Simmons.And View Camera Technique by Leslie Stroebel .Aforementioned Matt Marrash put out a video covering this; King wrote to us with some suggestions for LF press photographers, thanks Chris they are on our radar.Simon draws our attention to the interview on Grainy Dayz Podcast with Frank Thorp. Holmes draws us back to our “naval gazing “ episode which led to more chatter and then lastly Michael asked about our hard to find Ko Fi page. Here is the link. we get around to introducing Matt who gets Andrew very excited with talk of his innovative spot meter launching on Kickstarter. Pretty much all you need to know is here on the KS page. outs toHomemade Camera Podcast’s Photo News Carver marrash “Large Format Fridays” Korol Horne links NewsNone to speak of…..LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. Safe

2/12/2021 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 4 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (26)

#44 David Johnson – “A dream begun so long ago”

We were honoured to spend time with David and his wife Jackie for this show.What a life!Read and see more here: we chatted about on the show:Erik kicked things off by updating everyone on the progress he has made constructing the wooden barrelled lens for Alana Airitam (see show #39).David grew up in segregated Jacksonville and then after a stint in the Navy ended up in segregated San Francisco where he photographed what was known to him, and available to him, the citizens of Fillmore.When David was accepted into the California School of Fine Art it was none other than Minor White who told him how to get the best from his newly acquired 4x5 camera and then encouraged him to make photos of what he knew.David was part of the “Golden Decade” of photographers – here is an interesting article but you will find more if you search around. David came out of the Navy he was assisted as a “GI Bill” artist a scheme that continues to operate to this day giving financial assistance to veterans wanting to pursue a career in the arts.During segregation in SF black artists could perform but not stay at the Fairmont Hotel – here is a Wiki entry’s linksSee David’s work at the Library of Congress and the Harvey Milk Photo Centre in SF.’s work is featured in the book from the exhibition of the Golden Decade Photographers. NewsNone to speak of…..LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits.

1/30/2021 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 4 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (27)

#43 Unfinished Business

Eric, Andrew and Simon together for the first proper podcast of the New Year, a time for reflection and looking ahead.Things we chatted about on the show:Andrew got a bit philosophical about the addictive nature of social media and to post or not to post and why.Eric thanked folks for showing up to his world premier (in the LFPP FB group) of his slow riding picture taking film.“Amish” Gill and 35mmc came up somewhere and Simon talked about lens mounts for large format photography “wot he is making” – for barrel lenses, projector lenses etc.Bar room chat, how do we still incorporate that part of the show now that there are four of us.Diversity – not for “diversity’s sake” but to force us to widen our perspectives and, quite frankly, not to have too many guests who look and sound like us!Other NewsNone to speak of.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits.

1/15/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (28)

#42 Goodbye Cruel Year

Andrew and Simon were all set to see out the year in peace and quiet but a voice from across the pond just wouldn’t let us rest. Kicking and screaming we were dragged from our respective bunkers to record one more show.Erik and Andrew were “on camera” but Simon chose to be the all seeing “Eye of Sauron” , and why not.Things we chatted about on the show:Although we had planned to spend some time discussing the future direction of the Show Andrew and Eric took up so much time at the beginning we ran out of time, apparently Erik has a proper job that he sometimes has to go to.Andrew was excited to talk about his new Chroma Snapshot camera from the super clever Steve Lloyd of Chroma Camera – check it out and much more here tried to shoe horn is new Chroma Carbon Adventurer into the conversation but we all agreed it was far too orange to discuss in detail.Along with the new Snapshot is coming in the post a Schneider Anngulon 90mm f6.8 which is a teeny weeny lens that just about covers 4x5 and is an ideal companion to the snapshot for handheld LF photography.Thanks to Ben Reynolds or Ren Beynolds as his may be known as well for sending Andrew a Grafmatic film holder which will also pair up nicely with the Snapshot.Somewhow we moved on to barrel lenses and projector lenses. All three of us I think have the Leitz 200mm f3.6 mounted for 4x5 and whilst this set up is OK for paper negatives we eagerly await a commercial barrel lens shutter system like the one the aforementioned Steve Lloyd is developing.Erik spoke about the lack of creative spaces in the Bay Area where he lives and the need for such spaces where photographers and printers can gather, use darkrooms, compare prints and generally hang out. Simon tried to convince us that the Six Towns Darkroom in Stoke on Trent , England was such a space but we all agreed it just doesn’t have the weather.Simon gave a shout out to the spin off podcast “Sunny 16 Presents” and especially show all about Caffenol – here is a link finally join us on January 2nd for an exclusive LFPP FB Group screening of the Adobe Create documentary made all about Erik and his epic bicycle ride with a LF camera and dollar bill lens “Ride Slow, Take Photos”.Other NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom was OPEN but is now CLOSED as Stoke enters Tier 3 Covid restrictions.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits.

12/22/2020 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 54 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (29)

#41 Nick Brandreath: Alternative Process Phantasmagoria

From a recent interview with Intrepid Camera.“Nick Brandreth is the Historic Process Specialist at the George Eastman Museum, where he runs workshops that teach people how to create images using photographic techniques that span the whole of the medium’s history. The workshops provide alternative methods of creating images as opposed to simply buying consumer film for people who want to get their hands dirty.“With a lot of photography pre-1900, everything was made by hand,” Brandreth says. “You'd go out and purchase chemicals and mix 'em together and make your own material. And there was a culture, at the beginning of photography, where everything was made by hand. I think people like that.”Brandreth’s hands-on approach naturally suits the experimentation that large format photography offers. With the right attitude, the possibilities really are endless.“Because of the beauty of large format, you can Frankenstein a different lens with the camera and make your own format sizes,” Brandreth says. “It's the best. It's actually cheaper for me now because I have the skills and know-how, so I just make my own emulsion and all I have to pay for is raw material.” we chatted about on the show:Nick attended a workshop at the George Eastman Museum on historical processes with Mark Osterman who we seem to mention every show – here is an interview by Robert Gojevic. after this Nick found himself working as Mark’s apprentice at the museum and now teaches anyone who cares to listen through workshops in person or, increasingly these days, via social media.Nick’s recent work was informed by the historic “horror theatre” known as Phantasmagoria – Wikipedia comes to the rescue yet again. full interview with Intrepid Camera can be read and seen here. all the images on Nick’s website.’s earlier work after leaving college where he studied photojournalism, was influenced by the work of, amongst others, Eddie Adams (you will know the image of the Vietnam Police officer shooting a Vietcong member in the head in the street). you have any questions about emulsion making then speak with Nick as he has mastered numerous techniques inspired by Ron Mowry and Nick tells the story of his now hard to find book at the end of the show. you don’t want to make your own emulsion you can buy it from a number of sources. Andrew uses (with mixed success so far) the Rollei Black Magic Nick mentions.If you are in the UK you can get it from Nova Darkroom and various others.Mel Digiacomo was a mentor to Nick as he strived to express his photojournalist voice. Here is a YouTube video to watch when you have a spare hour or so. spoke of Ed Drew’s Afghanistan LF work. last but not lease Andrew bought a cool looking Chroma Camera Snapshot and Simon bought a Chroma Carbon Adventurer that is mostly orange.’s linksInstagram seems to be the place where you can get the best sense of what Nick is up to on a day by day basis. see his “Seeking Shadows” and other work we touched on in the show go to his website. NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom was OPEN but is now CLOSED as Stoke enters Tier 3 Covid restrictions.And watch out for a link if you want to join us for our next LFPP virtual gathering in the forest on Saturday December 5th.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits.

11/30/2020 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 36 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (30)

#40 Jim Fitzgerald's Depth Of Carbon

“A traditional photographer, Jim specialises in monochrome Carbon Transfer Contact Printing from in camera negatives. Carbon Transfer printing, a process perfected by Joseph Swan in 1864, is a highly labour intensive process that yields prints of the finest quality. The artist has total control of the image tonality due to the creative blending of pigments used to manufacture the carbon tissue which is used to complete his vision. From this tissue the image is born. Carbon prints require a minimum of four or more days work to produce one finished print. Truly a labor of love and passion. Jim teaches carbon transfer printing and offers workshops in his studio/darkroom at his home in Vancouver Washington”.Things we chatted about on the show:Jim got his inspiration from his friend Vaughn who runs workshops with Jim in Yosemite National Park. negatives from PyrocatHD a very popular staining developer much favoured by all who use alternative photographic processes.Andrew uses Wet Plate Supplies for ready mixed PyrocatHD here are some links. more on Carbon Printing, and indeed Pyro developers check out Sandy King’s site. discussed cinematographer Karl Struss and the unique look he got from lenses (soft focus) and he was very close to Alfred Stieglitz and the pictorial movement. Osterman of Eastman House keeps getting mentioned and again in show 40. has mentioned Kelly-Shane Fuller before, he was the chap who managed to get Kodachrome to sort of come back to life. we give Chroma Camera a shout out.’s linksWebsite. NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom was OPEN but is now CLOSED due to the current National lockdown.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits.

11/6/2020 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 40 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (31)

#39 Wayne Martin Belger; Skulls On Tripods

A student of linguistics and comparative religion led Wayne to follow a path to investigate the roots of beliefs, passions and truths as told through alternative and historic forms of communication.“Wayne is an unconventional fine art photographer that uses historical artifacts and processes as his medium to build intricate functional analogue cameras that are hand-tooled from blocks of metal, and used to engage with underservices communities, highlighting current social and humanitarian issues”Today Wayne lives and works in a converted 1940s diaper washing factory in the dusty border town of Tuscon Arizona.Things we chatted about on the show:Sorry about the mad link (there is a way to smarten this up)Heather Oelklaus and “Little Miss Sunshine”. the end of the show in the email section Wayne talks about the camera he is going to build for his artist partner Alanna Airitum. See her work here. has her work at the Candela Gallery in Virginia and Wayne hopes to have work on display there soon. the email section. talks again about the wonderful Primitive Photography book (which Andrew has now purchased). give shout outs to some former guestsSam Hiser West of New 55 PN film. Barry.’s links NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom was OPEN but is now CLOSED as Stoke enters Tier 2 Covid restrictions.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram MathyA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits.

10/23/2020 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 25 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (32)

#38 Sneaking Smiles With Erik Mathy

A first for the show, the same guest two weeks running. This time we tried to do the podcast intended for part one, did we succeed? I think so.We also discovered how good Erik is at reading and answering our listeners’ emails which we have cleverly called “Ask Erik”. From now on email reading and answering will be handled by someone who turns it into a kind of performance art.Things we chatted about on the show:“Rides Slow and Take Photos” web article for some background to Erik’s Butterfield overland mail trail bike ride. sent us several links to things we chatted about on the show and some I don’t think we did! But they all look great.The work of Consuelo Konaga whose archive is at the Brooklyn Museum. the end of Erik’s Butterfield bike ride he ends up at the workshop of Wayne Martin Belger, we chat a bit about Wayne’s “third Eye” skull camera and his “Us and Them” camera which is remarkable. Erik drew our attention to Wayn’e ground breaking “HIV Bloodworks” project, here is a link. said “Also, I didn’t touch on him but I wanted to. Josef Koudelka’s “Black Triangle” was the first set of landscapes I’d ever seen that were both stunningly beautiful and incredibly hard hitting from a documentary perspective. uses the Fuji 617 panoramic camera to brilliant effect. He produced a book called Ruin and has completed a documentary as well. gives a shout out to artist and activist Lucinda Hinojos who he meets on his trip.This was made on his Graphic and dollar bill lens after Erik cracked a joke!Follow Lucinda on her IG at can get you ANY lens element and more. He sounds amazing.’s linksA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom is OPEN but if you want to come along please get in touch with Simon first as numbers are limited.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

10/9/2020 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 31 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (33)

#37 Hackery With Erik Mathy Part One

“My name is Erik Mathy, and I've been obsessed with photography since my Mom handed me her Pentax K1000 when I was 17.While I do own a digital camera or two, traditional methods are much more exciting to me from both an artistic and personal satisfaction standpoint. There is something about combining vision with hands on techniques and then being able to hold the end result up to the light that is incredibly satisfying”.Well here is a show that didn’t go as planned, none the worse for that but it means we have to have pt 2 to discuss Eric’s “Ride Slow, Take Photos” trip and film, his passion for making lenses and other projects. This show is a bit sweary as Simon could not find his bleeper...For this show……. Well I’ll list as many links as I can remember.Things we chatted about on the show:OK so we didn’t get on to this but here is a link to the article in AF magazine (get it if you don’t already) discussing Rides Slow and Take Photos. hinted at his passion for cycling which forms the means of transport on his “Ride Slow, Take Photos” epic journey. Check out ands subscribe to this blog which has some wonderful photo journalism by a talented team including Erik with some home made lenses. mentioned documentary photographer Eugene Richards and gave us a link (I’m sure I must have been aware of his work but couldn’t put a name to the images). a Vimeo clip. a thoughtful YouTube video interviewing Eugene Richards worth a watch. Podcast Erik also recommended the work of James Fee. Fuller I this is interesting….. his IG. colour images by filtering through separate filters and recombining came up in this part of the discussion. Andrew remembered a discussion in the early days of the Homemade Camera Podcast. Cant remember the episode but if you don’t already listen its great! at can get you ANY lens element and more. He sounds amazing. presents gets another mention, mainly because Simon was on the show with Steve from Chroma Camera. got excited when Erik gave a shout out to Glass Key Photo in SF – Heather Polley took him there a few years ago at the start of his 50th year USA road trip. Bay Area Looking Glass Photo. mentioned former guest Ben Horne’s recent video on 8x10 focus stacking….. have your mind blown. Kodak House and Rochester. great source for quality and reasonably prices LF focus screens.Look for Ebay seller in Lithuania Virgisst. and Huckleberry bikes!’s linksA not updated website. probably best for all things including rabbits. NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom is OPEN but if you want to come along please get in touch with Simon first as numbers are limited.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group now our Flikr group curated by Colin Devroe Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

9/29/2020 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 33 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (34)

#36 Shane Balkowitsch And The Permanence Of Star Dust

“Shane’s work shines on its artistic merit and for its collaborative nature. It is genuine and enthusiastic on a human level. For the folks of many different Indian tribes who sit for his portraits, and who often become his life-long friends, Shane builds lasting rapport. It is this rapport, and the importance of honest collaboration between people of different cultures, that is so vital for our country and is at the heart of moving forward as a nation. I strive to emulate the rapport that Shane has achieved in his art in the work I’m doing in congress. Shane’s photographs are not only beautiful, they convey the best example of good people working together to achieve something great”.Debra A. HaalandUS Congresswoman for New Mexico 1st District Laguna PuebloThings we chatted about on the show:The usual back and forth chatter at the beginning covered “how we value our work” which Andrew is finding extremely difficult at the moment, how important it is to record some info on a photograph and how crap cloud storage is for a long term solution to filing. Shane was very helpful in focusing our thoughts in these areas.Simon made an appearance on the “brand extension” of Sunny16 Podcast – Sunny16 Presents! – not sure if it’s out yet but you can find episodes here, it looks like a great podcast. referenced a lot of Shane’s public work and installations including the proposed 7ft mural of Greta. documentary talks about the Dakota pipeline that POTUS authorised on coming into power. Shane goes to the site of the protest to record the moment then later voices his disapproval in the only way he knows. can find the documentary on Vimeo or Amazon Video first Native American Shane made a wet plate portrait of was the great grandson of sitting bull Ernie Lapointe - lots on the net but here is a YouTube video with Ernie talking about Little Big Horn. made a Blurb book all about Ernie and the portrait sessions. follows in the footsteps of intrepid wet plate photographers og the 19th century and it was Bismarck photographer Orlando Scott Goff whose historic wet plate images of Plains Indians so inspired Shane to carry on a modern day version. Historical Society of North Dakota takes all Shane’s work (and they want his shirt and bowler hat post mortem). and our podcast recording will be stored there too)Shane loves to collaborate and make tableaus – the documentary shows the making of “Liberty trudges through injustice”Here is a YouTube video showing the mural unveiling in Bismark talks about technology and photography in a TedX talk’s linksShane suggests Googling his name and that works!His website is a good place to start. on IG runs a FB group called “Friends of Fredrick Scott Archer” NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom is OPEN but if you want to come along please get in touch with Simon first as numbers are limited.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

9/11/2020 • 2 hours, 13 minutes, 41 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (35)

#35 Jenny Sampson, Rolls & Tubes & Skater Girls

"Ultimately, despite the contemporary subject matter and modern details, we see a unique honesty and are struck by the strength and determination of these skaters."They are purposeful and courageous, open, playful and supportive."I admire their respectful and shrewd fight for a place in the world."A quote from the BBC News article that prompted Simon to reach out to Jenny and we are sure glad he did. we chatted about on the show:Like a wild animal caged in a zoo and poked at by small children Andrew, goaded by Simon and Jimmy Hickford was given some space to have a mini rant about a few things.Don’t pay too much attention to him as he is old and senile.During our regular catch up section, Jenny told us she had been making some lumen prints during lockdown using RC paper and some old expired colour paper.Lumen prints are some of the easiest ways to make photographic prints and read about them here and see some of the beautiful images created by Natasha Sanchez.,experiments%20in%20the%2019th%20century.Andrew mentioned arthrotypes which wasn’t at all the correct term – it was Anthotype. of the show and sometime video editor Jimmy Hickford drew our attention to Czech photographer Marketa Luskavova. spoke about Erik Mathy who makes LF lenses from Dollar bills! – he is featured in the upcoming Analogue Forever Issue 2. is related to Alma Lavenson one of the members of Group f64View her work on Google.,+photographs&safe=active&rlz=1C1GCEU_enGB846GB857&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LSz9U3MEnPjjcqUQKzkw3Ly5LLtKSyk630k_Lzs_UTS0sy8ousQOxihfy8nMpFrFKOObmJCj6JZal5xfl5OgoFGfkl-elFiQUZxTtYGQGr3JmMVgAAAA&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDm-32x73rAhV2UBUIHaY8Ct4Q_AUoAXoECBIQAw&biw=1536&bih=850Jenny is proud to be associate with the Skate Like A Girl organisation wishes to thank her publisher, Daylight Books’s linksCheck out the BBC article that kicked all this off. has her Skater Girls book out soon and orders can be taken via her website or your local book store. last but by no means least Jenny began collaborating with other artists during lockdown to make reimagined pictures of classic photographs, but they all had to incorporate toilet rolls.What a wonderful and unique project. Discover more photographers and see how many you recognise at the Rolls and Tubes IG page NewsThe Six Towns Darkroom is OPEN but if you want to come along please get in touch with Simon first as numbers are limited.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

8/28/2020 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 25 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (36)

#34 Andre Domingues, A Man Of Many Questions.

Andre is a film enthusiast, there is no getting over that. Those that have followed his progress over the years were overjoyed when he landed a job working with CineStill, couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.But the burning question, the elephant in the room if you will, is will he stick with this new found love and dare I say it, obsession, that is large format photography?This obsession so far has brought two LF cameras and a lovely Omega 4x5 enlarger, is he another Simon Forster, Andrew wonders, loves all the gear but we don’t see many images?Is Andrew being cruel, or realistic or, just maybe we are seeing a new Andre?If this show was anything to go by then he’s off to a great start and so far shows no sign of selling all his gear but time will tell.We gathered together a rogues gallery of former guests and others who just wanted to be a part of this recording which has also been committed to video for posterity. This will be available on out You Tube channel as soon as the file makes its way by pigeon carrier to Simon from our video engineer colleague Jimmy Hickford.Things we chatted about on the show:At the start of the show we chatted about 4x5 colour and Andrew’s issues with scanning. The solutions all seemed complicated so he will stick to colour at 120 size.Andre kind of announced that Cinestill film would be available in 4x5 sheets and also Eastman 5222 stock – this is super exciting.The internet was all giddy over Steve Lloyd showing his beta version of an electronic shutter for barrel lenses – this will likely be a KickStarter so follow along on one of Steve’s social sites (links below).Andre came armed with some questions and we all attempted to answer him, it was fun, but don’t take my word for it.Question 1 – Does (loupe) size matter? Are certain ones better than others.Andrew suggested 4x or 6x max but wasn’t sure why, Jason Lane said if they are too powerful then the ground glass image starts interfering with the focused image.Here is a picture of the one Andrew has but normally he just takes his specs off due to being very short sighted! Question 2 – Fresnel lenses….do they help and where should you place them?A mixed response from our room of experts (definition as ex is a has been and a spurt is a drip under pressure), but if you are going to use one buy one with a focal length in the same range as the lenses you are going to use. Probably aim for 150mm as that is likely to be in the mid range of what you are using.Jason Lane said place it on the photographer’s side of the ground glass with the lens rings facing toward the lens , so smooth side to the photographer.Ethan Moses was very dismissive of them but Steve Lloyd kinda wasn’t (fight).If you buy a cheap one of the net then you may be lucky or not – oh they also DON’T MAKE THE IMAGE BRIGHTER (that’s Ethan shouting at Andrew by the way).Question 3 – Is it bad to leave your shutter co*cked or your thick Grafmatic film holder in the spring back?Consensus here was short term say on a day trip all is good but if you are looking to maybe store those lenses or camera for a while then trip the shutter and remove the back.Question 4 – How do you store your film holders to prevent the darkslides coming out?Most (apart from Ethan who has photographer’s jeans) use zip lock bags. Even if those little rotating right angle darkslide retainer thingies are missing the friction of the darkslide in the holder will be enough to keep them in place, coupled with the zip lock bag.Andrew has a 5 holder cascade holder from Dan Stone – his products are really well made but not the cheapest 5 – Where do you put unprocessed film before it gets developed? Do you leave them in the holders or transfer them to a box?Most use old 4x5 film boxes. The advantage is that you can segregate the exposed films according to how you wish to develop them e.g a wide subject brightness range >5 or 6 stops maybe then reduce development by 20% or so according to your set up.Someone suggested a pack of black bags like the once that sheet film come in – either B&H or Freestyle maybe?Andrew and Dave Shrimpton tend to take out enough film holders to suit the development tank then process straight away – so 6 sheets typically.Question 6 – Can you split grade print contact prints?In short – yes. You can use under the lens filters or dial in settings to your colour head if you have one.The filter drawer in Andre’s Omega may get a bit toasty so possibly don’t use that.Question 7 – Do you use filters? 10 stop grad? Is fo how do you attach them?10 stopper maybe not – use slow film and f45 – get a 2-3 stop ND if necessary.Andrew uses co*kin P rings, filters and holders and Greg uses a GELSNAP holder from LEE Filters which seems to be out of stock everywhere. finally……Question 8 – What brands of floppy hat do you all recommend.Tilly T3 is the one’s linksYou can see pictures of his watches (his last craze) here. occasionally stays awake during a recording of Neg Pos Podcast – they have a great FB group here is CineStill who Andre works for. gallery linksEthan Moses Obst Hickford Money Brunjes Lyle Lloyd NewsThe inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 was cancelled but you can catch up with the virtual meeting we had recently where we were honoured to have Dave Shrimpton and Kate Miller-Wilson present their work and ideas to over 20 of us on line.….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom remains in lock down for the time being….but there is a plan to get restarted.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

8/17/2020 • 2 hours, 10 minutes, 36 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (37)

#33 Alex Burke And The Case For Colo(u)r

“The emotional connection we all have with nature is powerful. Nature can be intense and unforgiving as well as calming and peaceful. I seek out remote locations where these true feelings of the natural world can emerge, using photography as a means to capture these emotions and bring them back for all to see”.“The way I see the world is best conveyed through the lens of a large format film camera. The extreme clarity of this traditional medium allows me to capture every minute detail in the scene just the way it was. The rich colors and tones of film allow me to express my vision powerfully, while the technical movements of a large format camera allow for incredible focus and perspective control unlike any other format. Using the mountains and the plains as my classroom, I have taught myself everything I know about photography. I also process and print all of my black and white photographs traditionally in a darkroom.Through this medium I invite you to join me on my journeys and see the natural world through my eyes”.Thank you for bring some well needed colour into our world Alex Burke.Alex’s linksAlex’s website is superb, what a generous man he is. Check out the educational blogposts after having your mind blown by his colour images. a great overview and to keep up with his daily activity then follow Alex on IG. has written a superb ebook - we chatted about on the show:Back in the early days of lockdown Alex held a live Youtube Q&A – check it out it is brilliant. mentioned a recent 35mmc blog post about the free software to assist scanning – grain2pixel Roth was a former guest on the Lensless Podcast and does what Alex does, in the same area but with a LF pinhole camera to Lance here. photographer John Fielder was a big influence for Alex – you can see why here. the work of UK photographer Bruce Percy NewsThe inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 was cancelled but you can catch up with the virtual meeting we had recently where we were honoured to have Dave Shrimpton and Kate Miller-Wilson present their work and ideas to over 20 of us on line.….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom remains in lock down for the time being….but there is a plan to get restarted.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

8/1/2020 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 4 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (38)

#32 Guy Bellingham - Hidden Mothers and Knuckle Dusters

This week we are joined by circus performer and large format photographer Guy Bellingham.With most of the travelling circus community not able to work and with the future looking uncertain, it is with a passion and a huge heart that Guy is photographing his circus community friends to honour them and to share something of them to the outside world.Using home made large format camera obscura and photographing the image with a digital camera Guy melds the old and the modern in an exciting way.As well as making these hybrid photographs, Guy takes “Figalotype” images where he makes wet plate collodion images of his friends via the TV screen!With focusing Fresnel lights to deal with as well, Guy doesn’t believe in making life easy, but then good art often isn’t.Thanks Guy!Guy’s linksThe best place to view Guy’s portraits is on Instagram is probably a clever way to compress this big Facebook link!*F*F-R&eid=ARDtzm0dxhyJEkueK3SkT6LBshgXvO0WN2T0OlBu4Eadnc24WuYB1jQzHBq_xNQgLuFMtcSjiygkgRLd&tn-str=*FThings we chatted about on the show:Whilst discussing home made neck braces to keep sitters still Guy started talking about hidden mothers, it’s a thing even today, check out these links. this link giving some context. collodion images but not always in the traditional manner is a thing celebrated and practised by Guy and many others ideas and inspiration may be found at the gloriously named Collodion Bastards site. this FB group that Simon and Andrew have both asked to join. Ostermann of Eastman House was mentioned by Hollywood legend George Hurrell Guy uses focusing Fresnel lights to get that glamourous stage like lighting recommended a book. recommended Tenba lens wraps. Camera got a plug as did 20th Century Camera. NewsThe inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 was cancelled but you can catch up with the virtual meeting we had recently where we were honoured to have Dave Shrimpton and Kate Miller-Wilson present their work and ideas to over 20 of us on line.….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom remains in lock down for the time being.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

7/17/2020 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 30 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (39)

#31 What Does Jack Lowe Do All Day?

“I never embarked in any one thing to which I have so entirely devoted myself, and to which I have devoted so much time, thought, and labour, and on the success of which I have staked so much reputation, and to which I have so largely committed myself and those who were disposed to place faith in me.” — Isambard Kingdom BrunelA quote that Jack uses on his website and after you listen to this show we are sure you will agree with him.This episode turned out to be quite a bit different from all our previous shows, we didn’t really dive down into large format photography (we will save that for part 2 at some point), but instead Jack talks at length about the struggles, highs and lows that accompany him on this adventure of a lifetime.Thanks again Jack.Jack’s linksEverything to do with the LSP can be found on Jack’s website. not help Jack finish this project and become a Patron for as little as £1 a month. Twitter comings and goings. dedicated Twitter feed for the Lifeboat Station Project. image used for this show's artwork was taken by Dominic Vacher and digitally altered to fit the square format by Master Andrew Forster. (He's better than his dad at Photoshop).Things we chatted about on the show:Simon has a 200mm f3.6 Leitz Wetzlar projection lens fitted to his MPP camera and made a rather lovely image of his Dad looking at a wasps nest.Some care and attention is needed to Simon’s processing techniques but we weren’t too hard on him – and Simon please use some fresh film you cheapskate.Andrew was enthusing about popping his dry plate cherry. Using Jason Lane’s 1/6th plate ISO 25 dry plates purchased from Analogue Wonderland. Gaiman’s Wife Amanda Palmer published a book called “The Art of Asking” – this helped Jack enormously. Gaiman’s 2012 commencement speech also inspired Jack and gave him the confidence to follow his idea and just do it. NewsThe inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 was cancelled but you can catch up with the virtual meeting we had recently where we were honoured to have Dave Shrimpton and Kate Miller-Wilson present their work and ideas to over 20 of us on line.….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom remains in lock down for the time being.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

7/3/2020 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 57 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (40)

#30 Great Reciprocity With Clyde Butcher

Our guest this week has many descriptors, humanitarian, conservationist, fine art large format photographer, book publisher, lecturer, legendary photographer and national treasure.Clyde Butcher has been making photographs for over 60 years, the last 35 in Big Cypress National Park which is in the Western Everglades of Florida State.Clyde’s stunning 8ft wide darkroom prints are made to fully immerse the viewer and communicate on a level to help raise awareness of the fragility of this endangered landscape.Thank you Clyde for finding the time to talk with us.Clyde’s linksClyde’s website is a great place to find out more is on IG on FB we chatted about on the show:Simon and Clyde got off to a great start with a slight disagreement about the origins of something called a Flektogon, Klingon or Emperor Ming, I can’t really recall to be honest.Simon of course couldn’t admit defeat so later came up with this article which demonstrated that they were both right, apparently. and I both missed the presentation that Clyde made this week at the B&H Optic 2020 – here is a YouTube link to hear Clyde and see his work. both continued to demonstrate our ignorance when we admitted to not knowing who Jerry Uelsmann was. mentioned Everglade photographer Oscar Thompson. NewsThe inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 was cancelled but you can catch up with the virtual meeting we had recently where we were honoured to have Dave Shrimpton and Kate Miller-Wilson present their work and ideas to over 20 of us on line. can see Dave and Kates work on IG….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom remains in lock down for the time being.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

6/12/2020 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 40 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (41)

#29 How Heavy Is Your Lens, With Dave Shrimpton

Eventually, when some form of “normal” re-establishes itself, we will meet Dave in real life, spend some hours with him and live in his world a bit. Until then let’s make do with this great conversation between three large format enthusiasts.Dave’s links we chatted about on the show:Jeff Perry got a few mentions, former guest and the genius behind 20th Century Camera.“Photographers I’ve always admired and influence me” A continued BIG thankyou to those lovely folks who go to the effort to make a Ko-Fi donation – believe me its not easy!Other NewsThe inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 has been cancelled. Lets see how COVID pans out over the summer but my guess this will now be moved to Spring 2021.And….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom is in lock down for the time being.Also Simon is selling radio-active hard to find lenscaps to amuse you in these dark days.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

5/22/2020 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 58 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (42)

#28 PROJECT: Svein Olav Humberset

Our guest this week thoroughly enjoyed the words of wisdom that Borut shared with us on our last show (as did many others), not worrying when it doesn’t go to plan, if the shots don’t work out. Own the emotion, learn and move on. Incorporate it into your art; make it a part of the “ritual” of creativity. It was against this background the host of Viewfinder Vikings Podcast, commercial and fine art photographer Svein Olav Humberset joined us to talk mainly about photographic projects, why bother, the challenges, the opportunities and well, you get the idea.Simon is off to photograph his garden from the same spot, every Month for 10 years...Svein’s linksSee examples of Svein’s atmospheric images from Norway at his IG site website to Svein and Ian Barnaby Nutt at the Viewfinder Vikings Podcast (it’s great) we chatted about on the show:The "Knowledgeable Simon Forster" was asked to write the foreword to a digitised book of the travel photos of Kurt Hielscher “Unknown Spain” – take a look here: course we couldn’t get through this particular show without referencing show #27 with Borut Peterlin in particular the moving video he had just posted in memory of Mike his dog.Grab some tissues and watch.*ck-2IB9QASimon gave a shout out to former guest on the show Kate Miller-Wilson. Kate has moved on from electrocuting herself in the quest for inner realisation and is now making some lovely wet plate images and sharing her journey in IG. gave shout outs to former guests Borut (see above) and Alys Tomlinson.See Alys’s work here. NewsThe inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 has been cancelled. Lets see how COVID pans out over the summer but my guess this will now be moved to Spring 2021.And….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom is in lock down for the time being.Also Simon is selling radio-active hard to find lens caps to amuse you in these dark days.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

5/1/2020 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 59 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (43)

#27 Topsh*t Photography With Borut Peterlin

Another show that's been long in the making, and it comes three weeks in to a UK lockdown due to COVID-19, with photographers trying to make sense of it all, trying to find motivation, maybe dealing with anxiety or frustration.Borut Peterlin is a man consumed with his art-work, seeking self-expression through a +100 year old medium, communing with nature, exploring the meaning of rituals in life.Borut’s YouTube channel is a must watch, Simon you need to play it through your TV in your living room, it comes to life then and is much more interesting that Casualty……We didn’t talk about gear at all, this was a thoughts and ideas show and was all the better for it, but listen and see for yourself.Borut’s linkshttp://www.topsh* we chatted about on the show:Borut’s latest body of work the New Earth Project which I think is a complete change of lifestyle for him and not just a passing project, was influenced by work shown in Berlin by Cuban conceptual artist Ana Mendieta- here is a link to work that was on show at the Tate., thinker and author Eckhart Tolle, writer and philosopher Alan Watts NewsWe didn’t mention this but along with Photostock 2020 the inaugural LFPP Gathering in the forest 2020 has been cancelled. Lets see how COVID pans out over the summer but my guess this will now be moved to Spring 2021.And….Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom is in lock down for the time being.Also Simon is selling radio-active hard to find lens caps to amuse you in these dark days.And a dog piss soaked 3D printer just arrived at his houseLFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

4/18/2020 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 5 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (44)

#26 Wayne Setser & The Long Awaited Email Show

We’ve been threatening to have an email / listener show for a while so we thought this would be a good opportunity to do that in a short show, of course it didn’t quite work out that way.It’s a good job we didn’t have any more emails to read out.Wayne’s links we chatted about on the show:We answered emails from;Chris Frear DiCorcia Flemming Fohl Matter the show he plugged which you can’t see at the moment. shared the tale of cutting a hole in the wooden lens board kindly made by Neil Piper’s Dad – you can check out Neil in various places but the best place to hear him is with Alex Purcell recommended a spiffing adjustable tool to cut holes moved on to address some questions from the FB group specifically from;AJ White Svein Olav Humberset who also has a podcast with Ian Barnaby Nutt and Wayne gave book shout outsDialogue with Photography of Seeing on Photography our meet up at the end of May is still on, BUT, if you haven’t already booked you may want to hold on a while to see how the plague settles down or not.Why not join us at the “LFPP 2020 Gathering in the Forest” over the weekend of 29th and 30th May.Bracelands Camp site, Forest of Dean (that’s in the UK for those in the colonies) – to all those who donated using the Ko-Fi site and to our email contributors, we finally managed to answer some (well two) before running out of time.Simon's wonderful lens caps!……Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom is in lock down for the time being.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

4/3/2020 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 32 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (45)

#25 Tangentially Speaking with Peter Defty

I am not sure what to say about this other than what a great guest, making great work and with a wonderful story to tell. Feeling very inspired in these dark days of plague and pestilence after two hours with Peter. In other news, we finally read out Jeremy North's email from January, never let it be said that we would ever leave a good email behind.Peter’s links we chatted about on the show:Peter came to our attention via Paul Bullock during a conversation that Simon had with him at the Six Towns Darkroom (another plug). Paul and Peter are both members of the Royal Photographic Society Analogue Group. and Ethnographer Edward Curtiss and his documentation of Native Americans. Cad and his wonderful photo store when Peter was putting together his large camera. darkroom printer Robin Bell. said his Outlaw and Miner prints are made to look like photogravure prints – still clueless? sources most of his paper from specialist paper supplier to the art world R.K.Burt. Anthropologist Sara Pink. Lowe (Grandson of Arthur) has been documenting RNLI crews for a while now using large format cameras. Bellows in Birmingham offer a great bellows replacement service as well as selling Bulldog self-assembly LF cameras. uses a piece of shareware to locally manage print tonality . supplies got a shout out – they are a great supplier for all things film and darkroom. our meet up at the end of May is still on, BUT, if you haven’t already booked you may want to hold on a while to see how the plague settles down or not.Why not join us at the “LFPP 2020 Gathering in the Forest” over the weekend of 29th and 30th May.Bracelands Camp site, Forest of Dean (that’s in the UK for those in the colonies) – will be arriving on the Friday and Simon on the Saturday. The main “gathering” will be Saturday evening when we hope to share witty tales of large format japes, drink adult beverages and eat burnt food…..what’s not to love.Thanks to all those who donated using the Ko-Fi site and to our email contributors, we finally managed to answer some (well two) before running out of time.And……Much to Simon’s dismay the Six Towns Darkroom is in lock down for the time being.LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

3/20/2020 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 12 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (46)

#24 Sam Hiser – The Real Negative Positives

Today we chat to Sam West who, along with Bob Crowley was behind the successful 2014 Kickstarter campaign to bring back a 4x5 Positive Negative instant film.Despite numerous setbacks New55 PN film is still being made and sold by Sam and his small team of elves in New England. Sam talks to us about that journey, his love of all things large format and where next……Sam’s links we chatted about on the show:Sam talked about his engagement with the Featherstone Centre for the Arts. touched on the different “families” of lens design, Simon got quite excited at this point and referenced his other podcast and the recent episode where Jason Lane gets into his lens design stride, catch it here. Feltus was a big supporter of the Kickstarter campaign and made some wonderful images to support the project using New55 PN material. See some of his images here and links to others got chatting about shutter repairs and camera repairs and Sam mentioned Bob Odess the go to Hassy man in the USA / World maybe. then mentioned Lyndon from Londinium Camera Repairs who offers a great service and his communication is excellent.https://londiniumcameras.comPrevious guest on the show (number 20) Kate Miller-Wilson published an article in PetaPixel showcasing the superb LF work she has been doing, using static electricity to create some otherworldly self portraits. Read the article here. previous guest who has gone on to stardom thanks to Simon and Andrew is the lovely Sandeha Lynch, Sandeha was a guest on the most recent episode of the Homemade Camera Podcast and here is a link to that episode. not come and join us the “LFPP 2020 Gathering in the Forest” over the weekend of 29th and 30th May.Bracelands Camp site, Forest of Dean (that’s in the UK for those in the colonies) – will be arriving on the Friday and Simon on the Saturday. The main “gathering” will be Saturday evening when we hope to share witty tales of large format japes, drink adult beverages and eat burnt food…..what’s not to love.Thanks to all those who donated using the Ko-Fi site and to our email contributors, we finally managed to answer some (well two) before running out of time.And……If you live anywhere near Stoke On Trent then why not get in touch with Simon and coma along to the 6 Towns Darkroom on a Tuesday eveningYou know how to find himSam suggested a couple of books for those who like such things.“Dialogue with photography” by Paul Hill – find it on AmazonAnd “The On Going Moment” by Geoff DyerLFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

3/6/2020 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 22 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (47)

#23 Travis Linville, Nose to Ass Brass & Glass.

After a recommendation by Bob Matter and many months of being “on our list”, it was with great pleasure that we finally got to talk with Travis Linville about his love for wet plate portraits and analogue photography.Travis lives near Chicago so of course listeners to the Classic Lenses Podcast will know that we had to start the conversation by asking him what the weather was like. we chatted about on the show:Why not come and join us the “LFPP 2020 Gathering in the Forest” over the weekend of 29th and 30th May.Bracelands Camp Site, Forest of Dean (that’s in the UK for those in the colonies) – will be arriving on the Friday and Simon on the Saturday. The main “gathering” will be Saturday evening when we hope to share witty tales of large format japes, drink adult beverages and eat burnt food…..what’s not to love.In preparation for our Gathering in the Forest, Andrew bought new ground glass for his wooden Bomm L45 camera and to say he’s pleased with it is an understatement.Check out virgisst on ebay, he’s in Lithuania and super low prices and high quality, Thoroughly recommended.Travis hasn’t been making wet plate images for all that long, one of his inspirations for portraits was Giles Clement and you can see his work here.www.gilesclement.comThanks to all those who donated using the Ko-Fi site and to our email contributors, we finally managed to answer some (well two) before running out of time.And……If you live anywhere near Stoke On Trent then why not get in touch with Simon and coma along to the 6 Towns Darkroom on a Tuesday eveningYou know how to find himLFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

2/14/2020 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 29 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (48)

#22 Bill Schwab, Photostock, LFPP Festival In The Forest...?

Bill has been on the LFPP radar pretty much since we started the show and Graham Vasey mentioned him as they had met on one of his Iceland organised trips. Andrew had heard Mat Marrash talk about Bill years ago on the FPP when he interviewed Bill at his “PhotoStock” annual gathering in Michigan.Well it’s taken us to show 22 but we are sure glad we finally managed to get him on, hope you enjoy the chat.Things we chatted about on the showAndrew bought an old lens on ebay – he can't pronounce the name but the lens seems to have an interesting back story attached to a lens board Andrew wants to use the lens to shoot Jason Lane’s dry plates that have now landed in the UK and are available from Analogue Wonderland the ISO 2 plates which he thinks will be perfect for making salt printsOn the subject of salt prints Andrew and Bill both recommended books latter is by Christine Anderson who Bill speaks very highly of and has published a number of books on alternative processes.Bill spoke about creating digital negatives and indeed is collaborating with the aforementioned Christine Anderson on a book all about making them.Andrew referenced James Guerin who was the guest on show 81 of The Lensless Podcast and James uses a software tool called ChartThrob that easily makes printer print profiles for your digital negatives. mentioned a number of photographers who attend his PhotoStock gathering check out his website for 2020 The Date! We are in the very early stages of "organising" our own low key version of Photostock. The work in progress plan is to do something over the second May Bank Holiday weekend 30th/31st May in a field at The Forest of Dean, Gloucester, UKShout outs to Matt Marrash all round good guy to Jeremey North, Dan Tree and Greg Obst who have donated to the show since we had Max from Intrepid onAnd……If you live anywhere near Stoke On Trent then why not get in touch with Simon and coma along to the 6 Towns Darkroom on a Tuesday evening. You know how to find him!LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

1/24/2020 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 30 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (49)

#21 Intrepid To The Max!

After 20 very well received shows since we began this podcast last year, for some time we considered retiring from the fame, stardom and wealth that this has brought us. I convinced Simon that we should carry on at least through 2020 as there are many more brilliant guests we can have on the show.So we start 2020 with an industry big hitter Max Grew from Intrepid Camera. Since the successful Kickstarter in 2014 Max and his growing team have shipped over 5,000 brand new cameras – it’s a statistic we find staggering and really encouraging in this hi tech world.So thanks to Max for taking the time to bring us up to date with all that’s happening with you – exciting times ahead.Things we chatted about on the showMax uses the Brighton Community Darkroom to print his work – it looks to be a brilliant resource if you are in the area – check out their website mentioned DeVere as they are also in Brighton – listen to episode 19 or head over to their website for enlargers, lenses and other spares – or just some sound advice from John Boyce referenced Ansel Adam’s book “The Camera” as a superb reference for all things Large Format which he bought back in the 1980s it is still in print and reasonably priced you live anywhere near Stoke On Trent then why not get in touch with Simon and coma along to the 6 Towns Darkroom on a Tuesday eveningYou know how to find himAndrew mentioned the Stearman Press 8x10 daylight developing tank which appears in the Firstcall Photogaphic Catalogue – this is likely to be imported by Morco Photographic and both suppliers are really worth checking out is building at the prospect of the imminent UK availability of Pictoriographica dry plates – we think at Analogue Wonderland of course the successful KickStarter to deliver brand new dry plate holders – the ChromaGraphica will be available soon links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

1/10/2020 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 21 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (50)

#20 Kate Miller-Wilson No Words Allowed

We are beginning to run out of superlatives to describe the guests we have on this show, but Simon’s title for this week’s show pretty much sums it up …. No Words Allowed.Kate Miller-Wilson joins us for a thoughtful and insightful glimpse into her daily life at home with Eian who is on the autistic spectrum and her (currently) 5 years of photographing him mostly in recent times, with a 4x5 camera.Things we chatted about on the showAndrew was excited to receive some prints made from Polaroid Originals instant film, scanned and uploaded to Harman Labs – they did a great job and are thoroughly recommended. spoke about his recent photwalk and meet up with “The Danger Boys” David S Allen (@DBloomsday) and Simon Ridddell (@SRFFilmPhoto) – organised by Hamish Gill of 35mmc (@HamishGill)Who spent a week underground with an Intrepid Camera photographing in the dark and making a huge print – you can watch the video for a fee here (it helps recoup the costs of making it) Gill runs a great site called 35mmc and is a wonderful photographic resource Podcast gets a mention spoke about Susan Burnstine, he has her book Absence of Being Silver gets a mention – Andrew and Kate are both long-standing admirers of her work, a lot of self portraits her website’s Links is a member of the IG group MyOwnMaskFirstA Self portrait group project for mothers of children with special challenges. gives shout outs to Andrew Janjigian and Ray Bidegain links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

12/13/2019 • 1 hour, 30 minutes, 27 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (51)

#19 An Odyssey with John Boyce (Mr Devere)

#19 An Odyssey with John Boyce (Mr De Vere)Just Simon and Andrew “live in the studio” this week with a recorded interview that Andrew did with John Boyce owner of Odyssey De Vere (Large format enlargers if you are unfamiliar).Despite the lack of “live” guest we still manage to ramble on for a fair while so hang in there till you get to the inaugural LFPP Outside Broadcast (OK it will get better).Thanks to Neil Piper for the loan of his digital recorder, it’s probably something we ought to get for future use as the chat was a lot of fun.Things we chatted about on the showAndrew talked about his mini exhibition of Fenland prints and how he hopes to use liquid emulsion on watercolour paper for this – here are some useful links and a note of the book Andrew spoke about chatted about Bromoil process and Simon reference a series of YouTube videos and his pals at the Six Towns Darkroom Club in Stoke on Trent were recently gifted some paper and it included some lovely Oriental Seagull FB paper which is no longer available. This led on to a discussion about Lith Printing and Andrew ran through the basic process and mentioned a few helpful sitesThe Master who is Tim Rudman on Tim’s mailing list for news about current “lithable” papers go-to site for lith materials and info (and Bromoil by the way) is Wolfgang Moersch see beautiful examples of Wolfgang’s work check out his Flikr page had some emailsJoachim Gross sent links to the company in Germany where he bought his lovely wooden tripod mentioned he was given a Paterson Orbital print processor and Andrew mentioned the daylight tray being developed by Stearman Press…….. we lead in to just under an hour of discussion with John Boyce of Odyssey Devere – Now Simon refused to edit this to cover up for Andrew’s ineptness but hang in there as John is a lovely guy and we had a wonderful chatJohn’s Link links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

11/29/2019 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 10 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (52)

#18 Brendan Barry & His Melon, Bread and Skyscraper Cameras

What a wonderful selection of guests we have had since we started the show, all very inspirational loads of fun. Our guest on show 18 is no exception, so if you are unfamiliar with the work of Brendan Barry then head over to his website straight away – alternatively do that later, sit back, pour a glass of something and enjoy the conversation. Just a note of caution, we had a few audio issues for this episode, hopefully the gremlins will be gone for next time.Things we chatted about on the showCary Norton builds cameras from Lego and was an early inspiration was asked to turn the 46th floor of 101 Park Avenue into a camera obscura, the building has 160 windows and is a space of 26,000 ftsq – not a problem – just ask and to hook up with some students of diverse backgrounds to come along and help. Find out more here course it wasn’t long before we had to mention those good old boys over at mentioned the wonderful Heather Oelklaus who has a pinhole truck and a great website – www.Camerakarma.comBrendan shouted out to Stephen Raff and Nicky Thompson, Wet plate Collodion workers in the UK and also's a link to the Positive Light Projects - https://www.positivelightprojects.comBrendan’s LinksIf you are going to start somewhere then Brendan’s website is the best place Instagram a new commercial venture that looks super cool, relaxing and informative a wonderful Ilford Film links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

11/15/2019 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 4 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (53)

#17 Jeff Perry, 20th Century Man

We have been admirers of Jeff’s Graflex SLR mods for a while now, and who could fail to miss his awesome sheet film inserts for pretty much any size sheet film you could want. Jeff is the driving force behind 20th Century Camera and we were pleased to spend time with him chatting about his business and loads more.We read out emails from Joachim Gross (Sinar and cutaways in glass) and Ben Farrar who puts us right over the origin of the term “Indian Summer”Monty Craig (the lens guy) gets a shout out too as we try and answer another question about lenses.Links and references arising from the discussions:Jeff loves Nico Photo News on YouTube (he reviewed the new one instant pack film) of pack film, Andrew is super excited to receive his “One Instant” pack film from the successful Supersense Kickstarter. This film is currently made from old Polaroid stock and whilst FP100C it is not, those who love an expired look and the old polaroid film are in luck.Learn more over at Supersense the subject of instant film – did you know that following the demise of “New 55 Film” a pos neg polaroid film for your 5x4 camera, Sam Hiser picked up the remains and is now producing the film under the name “Famous Format” – boasting 100 and 400 speed emulsions, a better spread of chemicals and an improved balance between the resulting negative and the print. Again not cheap but id instant photography is your thing….. go to Steve Segasby who has kindly agreed to donate a 5x7 enlarger to the Six Towns Darkroom Club in Stoke-on-Trent. (Message Simon if you want to attend the club on Tuesday evenings). Steve was a previous guest on the show so check out episode 6 to hear what he gets up to.Jeff gave shout outs to Dave Shrimpton who we hope to have on the show soon ubiquitous Ethan Moses of too many podcasts we can't name them all fame and Cameradactyl his son Sam (sorry no link for Sam) who thinks his Dad now has a bit of street cred as he’s been on a podcast – sorry Sam you must be confusing us with another podcast.Jeff’s linksSee Jeff’s Graflex conversion service and his LF film spirals here him on IG Facebook links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

11/1/2019 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 5 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (54)

#16 Ex-Voto, Alys Tomlinson

We are truly honoured to be joined this week by 2018 Sony Photographer Of The Year, Alys Tomlinson. Amongst many topics, Alys talks with us about her 5 year Ex-Voto project that documents landscape, people and faith from Lourdes through Ireland and Poland. We discuss the background to the project, as well as it’s ideas and thoughts it provokes.A truly inspiring artistLinks and references arising from the discussions:Fancy a trip to Lourdes art darkroom printer Robin Bell Crawford of the Lighthouse Darkroom London Darkroom are a really interesting independent photography publisher who were instrumental in publishing EV-VOTO and have some great titles on sale – check them out here listen to the end where you will hear from EM with a message about the 2019 edition of the Emulsive Secret Santa event. There’s not much time left to register folks!’s links is represented at the Hackelbury Gallery links - The shutter tester that Simon used can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

10/18/2019 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 39 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (55)

#15 Getting Stuck In (a slot canyon) with Alan Brock

Hunky Pilot, body builder and press up champion (ask Ben Horne) Alan Brock joins Simon and Andrew to chat about hiking in the far reaches of Zion National park, backpacking with an Intrepid Camera, the Darkslide Collective, Fresnel screens and lots of other stuff…..ahhhh you’ll have to listen.Oh and Simon clearly wants to get into wet mounting... (we left an outtake in the middle of recording)Links and references arising from the discussions:The View Camera Store in the USA sells all sorts of cool LF gear and Alan uses BTZ tubes for developing his sheet film. Andrew has one of their elasticated hoods Lowery came up quite a bit in the chat – check out his work here scanning!!!! Check out google – here’s a video with a scary dude uses Praus Productions for his film developing – looks like an interesting company’s links out Alan’s flying vids links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

10/4/2019 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 11 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (56)

#14 Sandeha Lynch Puts Things Into Perspective

We have been trying to get Sandeha on the show for ages, it took a meal and a beer in a dodgy pub in Wales to finally convince him it was a good idea to come and chat with us.Andrew has known Sandeha since the days when they both hung out on the Fiim and Darkroom User (FADU) forum, this is still going strong and can be found in the link below.So sit back, close your eyes and listen to this erudite gentleman talk with us two numptys.Links and references arising from the discussions:FADU…. gave a shout out to Odyssey Devere and to John Boyce in particular – OD refurbish and make large format enlargers (including digital ones whatever they are) mentioned a great book “Adventures with pinhole and home-made cameras” by John Evans – a few on sale here discussed painting’s effect on photography and vice versa, touching on Simon’s favourite subject of perspective and Sandeha recommended looking at paintings by Degas’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

9/20/2019 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 15 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (57)

#13 Amy Jasek The Texas Girl

Amy Jasek The Texas GirlAmy is a passionate film user, street photographer and in recent times large format photographer.Heavily influenced by her Dad from a young age and now in possession of some beautiful wooden cameras, Amy’s love of the medium shines through in our conversation.Links and references arising from the discussions:Coming up on Saturday 28th September is World Cyanotype day – check it out here. Plate artist and workshops by S Gayle Stevens uses DK50 developer which is a bit like D76 – lots of info out there but here is one link to look at…..we discussed or Amy did, Azo photographic paper, I found this thread sat up and took notice when Amy mentioned DeviantArt site!!www.deviantart.comAmy runs the Instagram Group for the Film Shooters Collective, use #heyfsc for a chance of having your work featured – check out all they do here Shoots Film and Shootapalooza are two other groups that Amy is involved with for some reason we mentioned Graeme Jago of the Sunny 16 Podcast’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

9/6/2019 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 31 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (58)

#12 ChromaGraphica With Steve Lloyd And Jason Lane

Another zone system free show as Simon and Andrew channel their inner talk show hosts as they quiz guests who, to be frank are only on the show to sell stuff.Mercenary guests Jason Lane and Steve Lloyd are on the verge of completing “ChromaGraphica” a Kickstarter campaign for brand new, injection moulded dry plate holders.We talk to Steve about his back story and the awesome Chroma Camera that will very shortly be on sale to all and sundry and then Jason tells us all about Pictoriographica, his dry plate business – the history, the process, hints and tips and why we should all be out there using dry plates (film is dead folks).Links and references arising from the discussions:We discussed storage methods for dry plates, Andrew uses Secol in the UK for all things archival plugged “Dry Plate Photographers” Facebook Group – Andrew has joined it and very informative it is too referenced the work of Denise Ross who wrote about her dry plate experience on her great “light farm” site Mowrey, former Kodak emulsion engineer – check out a youtube video and go from there mentioned a youtube video by “Planetrandy” (yes I know) who uses a large wooden wetplate camera and Jasons plates’s linksCheck out his website for Chroma Camera’s linksHis website is the place to go for sales, hints and tips links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

8/23/2019 • 2 hours, 26 minutes, 58 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (59)

#11 Wet Plate With Joseph Brunjes

FPP archivist and occasional guest joins us this week to discuss his love affair with all things wet plate.We get to question him about the process, history, materials and a bit about gear though not too much (mmm another guest we need back on).We didn’t discuss the zone system on this show so apologies to anyone out there who needed a zone system fix, you may have to wait a few shows.Links and references arising from the discussions:For dark cloths and LF development tubes etc was influenced by the wet plate portraits of American Cowboys – check out his work here does one on one workshops for wet plate collodion and silver gelatin printing. For more details just contact Joseph through his website Workshops in the USA Wet Plate Supplies;Tanks and helper trays:Lund Photographics https://www.lundphotographics.comAluminum plates: Main Trophy Supply(800) 323-6054https://maintrophysupply.comChemicals: Bostick and Sullivan - They have a great wet plate starter kit complete with mixing instructions.https://www.bostick-sullivan.comWet plate holders: http://www.chamonixviewcamera.comJoseph is a fan of Chamonix productsSupplies if you live in the UK as a base for tintypes – google trophy aluminium, in the UK one would be said the best way to learn about LF portraiture is to study the work of the mastersAugust SanderEdward CurtisRichard AvedonIrving PennPhilippe HalsmanArnold NewmanYousef KarshTimothy Greenfield-SandersDouglas KirklandThere are many more of course but it is a good start with this list. shout-outs toMike Raso on the FPP Riley and his “Um” song Sheaks video channel the Classic Camera Revival Podcast especially their latest LF episode’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

8/9/2019 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 17 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (60)

#10 In The Zone With Richard Pickup

We chat this week by all-round good egg Richard PickupRichard is a teacher, street photographer and user of an 8x10 Intrepid camera using it for, amongst other things, making portraits and contact prints.Richard has a great web site which is full of useful stuff for film enthusiasts. As he recently published a blog all about the zone system we thought it would be a good idea to spend some time talking about this often misunderstood subject ……..and of course Simon asks every guest we have about it so rather like the monkey / typewriter / Shakespeare thing eventually he will understand it.Links and references arising from the discussions:Andrew again recommended two books by Bruce Barnbaum to help with the whole previsualisation thing discussed the work of John Blakemore and his approach to the zone system – here is a great book some point we discussed night photography and how the zone system works here – two twitter folks who are night photography fans and exponents areSandeep - Ian Nutt some reason we mentioned The Hypersensitive Photographer’s Podcast learnt a lot from Michael Freemans books, in particular a similar theme gave shout outs toIsabel Curdes Storey’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

7/26/2019 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 17 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (61)

#09 Residual Energy And X-Ray Film With Gregg Obst

True to our word we get last week’s runner up on the show in the form of Greg Obst – Greg proves to be another “great value” guest leaving us both inspired fired up to get out there and make pictures.The “why” of photography is a bit of a running theme of ours and makes a refreshing change from too much “gear talk” – we love that too don’t get me wrong but what goes on in a large format photographers hear…well, heck who wouldn’t be interested in that? (no need to answer it was rhetorical).Greg talks about his love of photographing places that ooze with what we might call “a sense of place” , lingering energy and a need to make a picture that reflects how he feels about a place. Sometimes no pictures are taken at all.Wonderful stuff Greg we enjoyed it immensely.Links and references arising from the discussions:Greg and Andrew talk about using xray film and in particular Greg’s preferred single sided Ektascan B/RA made by medical imagers Carestream – if you live in the USA its great value still but will only get more expensive we think. mentioned “The Large Format Photography Forum” as a good place to go for all things X ray film (and more related) Greg talks at length about places that carry a sense of residual energy, especially where bad things have happened we were reminded of Eric Swanger’s work – check it out here. notable influencers for Greg are Fredrick Evans and Bruce Barnbaum recommended two books by Bruce and a YouTube video’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

7/12/2019 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 49 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (62)

#08 Wayne’s World of Caffenol Waterfalls

Fist fights all around as guests squared up to each other to have the honour ofbeing on the LFPP this week. Large Format Pugilist and all round clever person Wayne Setser joined us to talk about camera movements (ably demonstrated by Andrew and a beer mat), Stairways to nowhere, the joys of Caffenol and using one film, lovely wooden cameras and lots more…oh and Simon gets to talk about lenses.Links and references arising from the discussions:We discussed ID78 as a warmtone paper developer and Wayne suggested Steve Anchell’s book as a useful reference for the recipe and for all things “home cooking” uses just FP4 and advocates really getting to know a film and not joining the “film of the Month” club – he develops all his film in Caffenol CL – for this recipe and all things caffenol down load the Caffenol Cookbook onto your fruit based device gave Nick Lyle a shout out for helping him fit a back to something or other – Nick can be found on the awesome Home Made Camera Podcast gave a shout out to Greg Obst for losing this week’s Podcast Guest fight – you’ll be on real soon Greg’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

6/28/2019 • 1 hour, 55 minutes, 31 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (63)

#07 Ethan Leads Us To The Promised Land

We are joined this week by Ethan Moses of migraine inducing Cameradactyl camera fame.Ethan comes to talk to us about his love for LF photography, options for new starters, some stuff Andrew didn’t understand and the super awesome handheld Cameradactyl OG (Old Goat, Orange Guice, Otter gizzard…heck we forgot to ask him).Links and references arising from the discussions:Ethan’s favourite podcast isn’t any that Simon and Andrew host but the rather brilliant Homemade Camera Podcast (here is the episode he appeared in) was also a guest on a recent FPP show – listen here video will change your life likes to use paper negatives in LF cameras – the definitive guide can be found here discussed (well Ethan did) chemical reversal of tones on darkroom paper – Don Froula is your man – here is a link to his IG you want to make a version of the shutter speed tester discussed in the show, head on over to Emulsive by clicking on this link’s links links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

6/14/2019 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 8 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (64)

#06 Emotions And Malevolence With Stephen Segasby

We are joined on the show by another of Andrew’s mates (he doesn’t have many so don’t worry) the very lovely Mr Stephen Segasby.Steve was responsible in many ways for getting Andrew into Large Format Photography and even tried to explain the Scheimpflug Principle at their first LF meet up in North Norfolk, surprisingly they remained friends.Steve is a thoughtful and deliberate image maker who uses metaphor and print series to convey feelings and emotions through the use of cameras and other print medium. As a founding member of the “Inside the Outside” collective he is passionate about the English Landscape, its mysteries, weirdness and history.Hope you enjoy the chat.Links and references arising from the discussions;Steve refrained from explaining the Sheimpflug principle but we all agreed there are some excellent YouTube resources to help us – like this one S has a 12x20 ULF camera made by another bearded, hat wearing photographer Richard Ritter Izu is a LF photographer Steve mentions he uses a ULF Deardorff camera and makes platinum prints – check out is work and books here shout out to a previous bearded guest Graham Vasey – Steve and Graham are going fly fishing together (honestly). work of influential landscape photographer Joe Cornish is mentioned.’s hero John Blakemore of course the Inside the Outside Collective where you can access loads of essays, series of work and hook up with all it’s members. Brydon (Inside the Outside) has a book out of solargraphs Segasby has a great website where you can view the series “A Process of Reclamation” that we discuss in the show, and much more twitter, there have been rumblings of discontentment regarding our theme music by Graeme Jago of the Sunny 16 Podcast. We shall run a pole in our Facebook group as to whether the music should be retained or retired. The poll will be closed when the correct result is reached.Should you wish to send spam/abuse to Graeme, please send it to [emailprotected]LFPP links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

5/31/2019 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 54 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (65)

#05 The LFPP Meets The LF Part Of The FPP

Andrew could hardly contain his effervescence when Mat Marrash of FPP fame agreed to come on the show, and Mat didn’t disappoint, once again we have a guest where we just need to get him back to talk more.Mat is such a generous giver of his time and knowledge and if you want to reach out to him and ask him anything to do with what we discuss on the show, or any other film / darkroom questions then please contact him via any of the links below.Enjoy the show – we did.Links and references arising from the discussions;We discussed Mat’s early 8x10 Barbershop project and this image of the bear shows some enthusiastic use of front swing – remember a little goes a long way folks…… returned to the subject of choosing a LF lens and Mat directed us to this online resource so we don’t want to encourage GAS for Simon but he really needs this cool spot meter – listen to Andrew and Mat discuss the Zone system for dumbos (that’s the only way Andrew understands it) Tarey shoots awesome portraits and Mat gives us the link wonderful FPP goes out every two weeks (sounds like a bird) and you can catch the show (what show) on all your favourite podcast catchers – here’s a Podbean linkhttps://filmphotographypodcast.podbean.comMat can be contacted and you can view some of his work at his website responds to DMs via twitter likes Mat even more as he still uses Flickr links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

5/17/2019 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 3 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (66)

#04 Little & Large Format Vintage Photography With Rachel Brewster-Wright

We are joined by the nicest, sunniest and loveliest Rachel Brewster-Wright.Most will know Rachel as the nicest member of the Sunny16 Podcast and perhaps for her day job as owner of Little Vintage Photography.You may not know that Rachel has been drawn to Large Format photography for a while and now is the proud owner of two, yes two Chroma 5x4 cameras.We eventually steer Rachel around to talking a bit about Large Format but not before we cover loads of ground about her background, influences and real passion for all things analogue and educational.The interview is cut short a bit with some live drama – you’ll have to listen to find out (Everything is fine by the way it sounded more dramatic than it was so don’t worry).Links and references arising from the discussions;Following a successful Kickstarter campaign the wonderful Chroma Camera (as held by Simon and me at the Photography Show) Pioneer and friend Fox Talbot Anna Atkins (she’s dead now but you can find out all about here here) appeared at this year’s Photography Show in Birmingham (UK) with Historian Rose Atkins work can be viewed in this beautiful book can be found most weeks as one third of the Sunny 16 Podcast and often keeping Graeme in check on the Backing Paper Podcast – both accessible via their website out all that Rachel does: Twitter her website which I think is being updated links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram

4/19/2019 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 45 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (67)

#03 Rivers of Zion and the Valley of Death with Ben Horne

Our third episode in and we reach Zion !Well our guest does…most years in fact.The super wonderful YouTube extraordinaire Ben Horne joins us for a nice long fireside chat to tell us all about his trips to Death Valley, Zion National Park and The Colorado Plateau (did we speak about that last one …mmm)So listen in as Ben shares tales of breaking cameras, rabbits pretending to me mountain lions, press ups, discarded nappies (diapers if you will), mylar balloons, reflected light, slide film and much, much more – we try to get him to explain the Scheimpflug principle but he dodges that particular bullet.Another guest who we need to get back on.You can find out all you need to know about Ben and his work via his website, this has all the links to the YouTube channel and his portfolio box sets.www.benhorne.comBen is active on Twitter - and references arising from the discussions;Reciprocity timer app via Apple Store (not sure about Android sorry) uses the Large 100mm gradual filters from Lee Filters, they also make some push on holders for lenses that don’t have threads can catch Ben chatting to the Studio C41 folks Photographer Charles Cramer remains inspirational to Ben links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram Art by Ben Horne - Grand Corridor

4/5/2019 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 9 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (68)

#02 Graham Vasey Of The North

We are back with episode #2 so clearly we mean business!Today we are joined by our good friend Graham Vasey, bearded Gentleman of the North, angler extraordinaire and who also knows a thing or two about using large format cameras.Graham crafts wonderfully evocative images made largely within 20 miles of his home in the Durham area using a variety of older uncoated lenses mounted on a 5x4 and sometimes 10x8 camera. His final images are made using liquid emulsion, salt prints (hey did you know Andrew did those), wet plate collodion and lith prints – you’ll be pleased to hear or not we didn’t get to talk about ANY of those things so that will have to wait till Darth Vasey returns.Simon started off by asking Graham what a fine art photograph was cos that’s what it says on his website – come on Simon, don’t ask our guests such challenging questions without any advance warning!The discussion for the next 90 mins or so covers the use of roll film backs on LF cameras, we touch briefly on Graham’s use of liquid emulsions, emails from Cass Fitzgerald who asks us about paper negatives and speed rating in particular and haze on lenses where Simon gets a shameless plug for the Classic Lenses Podcast.We also dive into an email from Ben Reynolds who puts Simon straight on the difference between Micro-Press and Micro-Technical cameras. The use of Aero Ektar lenses, older uncoated lenses, advice on buying on line – be careful – maybe go to a good retailer and discuss (see links) – Ben asks us a question about bellows extension so that takes up a bit of time.We all thoroughly enjoyed our time chatting with Graham and hope you enjoy listening.We realise there is just so very much to cover and much more to discuss with Graham at a later date.You can find Graham’s work in the following places;https://grahamvasey.wordpress.comwww.grahamvasey.com has some of his prints on show and for sale at his local contemporary art gallery in Darlington called The Gallerina!Links and references arising from the discussions;West Yorkshire Cameras - Cad - - www.mifsuds.comFfordes Photographic - https://www.ffordes.comSimon Chesterman - www.collectablecameras.comLatent Image - Hand Darkroom - and Graham mentioned Camera Fairs as another good place to go:Tadcaster Camera Fair, Wolverhampton Camera Fair were two but a Google Search will reveal more we are sure.Graham gave a couple of shout outs:Tony Richards, Wet Plate Photographer - Pederson – sorry about the links but they do work links - can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Podcast Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram artwork by Graham Vasey

3/22/2019 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 2 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (69)

#01 Large Format 101

Lensless and Classic Lenses come together for episode one of a much awaited (cough) new podcast all about – you’ve guessed it Large Format Photography.The premise is deceptively simple, Simon plays the role of eager puppy, keen to impress the leg of great Aunt Flo and Andrew plays the role of senile Uncle Bulgaria trying to answer questions and often failing miserably.In episode #1 Simon asks some general introduction questions around definitions of Large Format, how to use a LF camera, components (we didn’t finish that section as Simon diverted the conversation) of a view camera, types of – and an inadequate answer to question about lenses and coverage for different formats.We agreed to get knowledgeable guests on in Months to come who knew what they were talking about.So let’s see how this goes. can join in the fun at our Facebook Group Twitter updates for the show from Andrew – from Simon – feedback, ideas and questions for the podcast[emailprotected]Links and references arising from the discussions;Using the View Camera A creative guide to large format photography – Steve Simmons – ISBN 0-8174-6353-4Sinar View Cameras – history and types 45a (Andrew’s Field Camera) Speed Graphic, Press Camera 16 Podcast & Graham Hosts Social Media presenceSimon Bartram by Simon Forster. A picture of a Meridian 45B

3/8/2019 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 16 seconds

The Large Format Photography Podcast - Winamp (2024)
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