Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (2024)

Magda Pozzo recommends the frico, some San Daniele ham and a glass of white from the Collio. Udinese’s legendary former striker, the jovial Marcio Amoroso jokes: “I learned to drink wine in Udine because it was too cold and I had to warm my co*ckles. I’d go to the osterie with my mates. In Friulian (dialect) I’d order a taj — a glass of something — and all of a sudden Udine wasn’t so cold. It was a very warm place.”


Our conversation does not take place at the clubhouse at the Dacia Arena which has been modelled on the golf club experience, where you drive a few balls, finish way over par and then get to network with players in local business. We’re not even in one of the bars in Piazza Liberta talking over a caffe Toto, the coffee supplied by Udinese’s all-time top scorer and arguably their greatest ever player, Antonio Di Natale. “You can find my coffee all over (Udine),” he tells The Athletic. The pandemic may have split us up and kept us from meeting in person but Udinese brings us together. Magda is in Spain, Marcio in Brazil and Toto is in Tuscany finishing his coaching badges in preparation for his first job with Carrarese.

In some respects, the diaspora is a great example of the Fogolars Furlans banner you see at the Dacia Arena. It acknowledges the region’s history of emigration to every corner of the globe. Wherever you’re reading this article, the chances are there is someone from Friuli living on your street or working in your office. “Friulani are seen as hard workers,” Magda says. “We’re all over the world.”

This season’s away jersey pays homage to them with the names of all the international Furlans organisations featured on the yellow sash imprinted across the blue shirt. “I recognise myself as one and even though I’ve lived in other countries for most of my life, I’m very attached to my country, my region and to Udine,” Magda explains, “We were the first family in Europe to own three clubs (Udinese, Watford and Granada). Now we have two (the Pozzos sold the Spanish arm of their football network in 2016 for €37 million). “Pragmatically expanding into other countries is a very Friulana mentality. It is all connected.”

Last weekend, Udinese played Juventus in a match-up that brought back memories of that famous afternoon at the Delle Alpi in April 1997 when the Friulani went down to 10 men against Marcello Lippi’s serial Champions League finalists, boldly switched to 3-4-2 under Alberto Zaccheroni and somehow contrived to win 3-0.


“I don’t know how many years had gone by without Udinese winning or if they’d ever won in Turin,” Amoroso recalls. “We got there and after two minutes Regis Genaux, our full-back at the time who sadly passed away a couple of years ago, was shown a red card. I thought the mister was going to take me off, but he subbed Tomas Locatelli instead, kept three at the back, put a defender into midfield and we played 3-4-2, the system we’d been telling him to play for a month. He kept saying: ‘No’ on the grounds it was hard to change system mid-season, but that game gave us the chance to play the way we wanted.

“After the win against Juve,” he continues, “the wonder trio of Amoroso, Oliver Bierhoff and Paolo Poggi got started. When we returned to Udine it was like we’d won the World Cup. Beating Juve after being down to 10 men for the entire game was a huge achievement. What a day. That’s how the chant started,” he laughs. “Amoroso, Bierhoff e Poggi, sono tre punti anche oggi (Amoroso, Bierhoff and Poggi, that’s three points in the bag today). ”

While the two clubs are different in dimension, Udinese and Juventus have a lot more in common than just zebra stripes. Di Natale could have been one of those things if only he hadn’t turned down the Old Lady (and Liverpool) in 2010. “Yep, that’s right,” he says with pride. “Udinese were aware of it. I spoke to our president Giampaolo Pozzo and told him I wished to end my career in Udine and he was kind enough to let me do that. The president has always been like a father to me. If I had a problem I could go talk to him about it. We’d discuss my investments, talk about our families. We’d do it three or four times a week. He’s an owner but above all he’s a big fan. It was fantastic for me to see how happy a win would make him. I was gutted to see how angry he was when we lost.”

Italy’s second-oldest team, Udinese has long been a family business just as Juventus has in Turin. “Now that Berlusconi has stepped aside at AC Milan, I think together with the Agnellis we’re the family that has been in the game the longest,” Magda says. “The way it all came about was almost by chance because we come from an industrial background. Our companies were involved in the manufacture of woodworking machinery which obviously had nothing to do with football.”

This was the mid-1980s, a time when Udinese started to become a household name. The team’s place in popular culture went beyond cameos in popular Italian films like Lino Banfi’s comedy L’allenatore nel pallone. Somehow this small, provincial club on the Slovenian border attracted Zico to play at the old Friuli. Politicians did not approve, particularly as Pozzo’s predecessor Lamberto Mazza was involved with Zanussi, the washing machine and home appliance giant, who were preparing to make thousands of employees redundant. But the fans stopped at nothing to make sure Udinese got their man. A protest was held in Piazza XX Settembre when the famous banner “Zico or Austria” appeared with the threat Friuli would secede from Italy if the Italian Football Federation didn’t allow the transfer to go through.


“Zico was my hero when I was a child,” Amoroso says. “When he went to Udine he put Udinese on the map (in Brazil and around the world).” The club’s current scouting co-ordinator Andrea Carnevale was his team-mate. “I was lucky enough to play with him and Maradona (at Napoli),” he tells The Athletic. “I was a kid. I’d only just turned 23 and here I was playing with one of the best players of that era. He was the No 10, I was the No 9. It was incredible. At training, I’d stay behind and take free kicks with him. It wasn’t my thing but I just wanted to watch and admire him. He’d take 20 and score 18. Once Zico was adamant that the crossbar wasn’t the right height. He was convinced it was too low, so we got the tape measure out and measured it and guess what? He was right. It was a couple of inches lower than it should have been.”

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (1)

Maradona and Zico during the 1984-85 Serie A season(Photo: Alessandro Sabattini/Getty Images)

In 1986 Udinese’s finances began to creak and the club got caught up in a betting scandal that ended in a points penalty, making relegation practically inescapable. Mazza was banned (but later absolved) and the team could have fallen back into relative obscurity.

Udinese had never been in Serie A until the 1950s and, far from being the mainstay they are today, were on their way out of the top flight after their longest spell among the elite, a duration of eight years. Fortunately for the Friulani, one of their own intervened and created a stable management structure that tried as best possible to take the emotion — but not the sentiment — out of decision making and run the club like a business. Pozzo picked up the pieces and assembled a pioneering model that not only re-established and consolidated Udinese in Italy’s first division but placed them at the cutting edge of the sport for much of the next three decades.

Franco Collavino, the longstanding general manager, says: “The DNA of our club has always been about innovation, growth and attention to detail.” This manifested itself in the reputation Udinese developed as leaders in scouting and recruitment. “Twenty years or so ago, towards the end of the ’90s, we were among the first and maybe the best at understanding the consequences of the Bosman ruling,” Collavino explains. “We realised how the club needed to act in a more open and competitive marketplace. By innovating we developed an international scouting work that enabled us to uncover hidden talent and turn unknown players into very successful footballers.”

Magda’s brother, Gino, was at the heart of the operation. “He’s always been theregista,” Carnevale says, using the term Italians throw around for movie producers and deep-lying playmakers. The visionaries who bring scripts and game plans to life. Everything goes through them. “We’re in touch every day,” he says. “He called me for a reference on a player before you rang.” Amoroso in particular embodies what the model is all about. “It all started with me,” he says, “I was bought for hardly any money and then sold on for loads.”

No scout found Amoroso. Gino Pozzo did. “He came to see me play live in Brazil. It wasn’t like today. Gino’s become much bigger in football and business now than he was then. But at that time he’d go directly to see the players who might be important (for Udinese). He got lucky with me.” Lucky in that Amoroso tore the ACL in his left knee, scuppering a move from Flamengo to Barcelona. “I was already on their shortlist and had an offer to go (to the Nou Camp).” After a year’s rehab, Amoroso moved to Guarani and Gino swooped. “It would have been impossible for Udinese to sign me before my injury,” he observes. “Gino came out to watch me. He’d already seen me play two or three games in Brazil and must have noticed something.”

What he noticed was a midfielder who would go onto become one of the most prolific strikers in the hardest league on the planet to score goals. After Bierhoff — a signing from second division Ascoli — won the Capocannoniere title in 1998, Amoroso retained the scoring crown for Udinese in 1999. “I finished up with one more goal than Gabriel Batistuta,” he delights. “I overtook him on the final day with a brace (against Empoli).” Amoroso’s favourite strike, a breathtaking chest, flick and blow-the-roof-off half-volley, is a Udinese classic only Zico and Di Natale rival. “No question, my best goal is the one against Parma in the last minute. Parma bought me (for €30 million) after that (in 1999). It changed the Pozzo family’s fortunes. They became billionaires!” he jokes. “That goal changed the history of Udinese.”

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (2)

Amoroso, pictured in the 1998-99 season, was top scorer in the Serie A that year with 22 goals (Photo: Matthew Ashton/EMPICS via Getty Images)

Amoroso wasn’t the only time Gino hit the jackpot either. “I’m not sure anyone’s ever told this story,” Carnevale says, “but if you’ll allow me, Alexis Sanchez was down to Gino. We went to Argentina to watch a game with the scout we had out there at the time and Gino spotted this kid. He was tiny but he had the most extraordinary talent, strength, dribbling, imagination. He was a kid in poverty. Gino signed him and it was a tremendous piece of intuition, all down to him.”


Carnevale understandably feels immense pride in the reputation the club has built in this sector. “When I go around Europe, all over the world in fact, as soon as I get to a game lots of scouts I know say: ‘You lot from Udinese are everywhere’. It’s great to hear. Scouts from elite clubs know Udinese go to every single competition no matter where it is. It’s true.”

For a long time, they used to be the only ones at youth tournaments in South America and Africa. Being on the ground mattered. The club’s technical director Pier Paolo Marino tells an incredible anecdote about Manuel Gerolin, a former player who later became a talent evaluator, who Udinese used to send to Brazil for months on end. “One day he saw a kid playing on the beach and he didn’t have a club. We got him to Italy, brought his parents over and signed him. That player was Felipe.” He went on to make 376 appearances in Serie A.

Marino is one of the most experienced recruiters in the game. While at Avellino in the 1980s, he was organising a friendly with Barcelona to celebrate his team’s survival in Serie A when an intermediary by the name of Riccardo Fujica tipped him off that Maradona had fallen out with the Catalan’s chief executive Joan Gaspart and was now up for sale. “I called Napoli’s general manager Antonio Juliano,” Marino reveals, “And that’s how the deal began.” He would later go on to work for Napoli himself, helping the current owner Aurelio De Laurentiis rebuild the team he rescued from bankruptcy. “We went from the third division to the UEFA Cup, signing (Marek) Hamsik, (Ezequiel) Lavezzi, (Walter) Gargano and a kid called Lorenzo Insigne.”

However, the club Marino is most closely associated with is still Udinese. When he arrived at the club’s old offices in Via del Cotonificio for the first of three spells in 1997 he could not believe the tools at his disposal. It was nothing short of a scout’s dream. The video room at Udinese — a wall of old Philips televisions — is the stuff of legend.

“We had Wyscout before there was Wyscout,” Carnevale says. “Someone took our idea. We could watch all the leagues, players and games from all over the world. There were 10 or 15 monitors recording games through the night. We went from having big VHS tapes to DVDs that I’d then take into our lab and show my scouts (Gerolin and the wonderfully named Geronimo Barbadiglio).”

Marino remembers the hum of decoders and stack of satellite dishes as he sat down, pressed play, stop, rewind and play again on a tape of some dusty Santiago Wanderers game in Chile. “That’s how we found David Pizarro,” he says. “But I repeat, it was a support tool that allowed us to complete the scouting of a player. Back then it was difficult (and expensive) to get to all the places where you could find talent. It gave us a major competitive advantage at that time.”

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (3)

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (4)

Udinese’s scouts had access to 10-15 monitors and thousands of hours worth of tapes that allowed them to scout players from all over the world

Everything was done to ensure the players settled too. We mentioned how it can get bitterly cold up there by the Slovenian border. “Freddo della Madonna” is how Di Natale puts it. Cold as …. (well, you get the gist). “I live in Tuscany,” he says. “The day after I joined Udinese we went to train in Rome because it was snowing and we were due to play in Reggio Calabria. We went from Udine where it was minus-five to Rome where it was 20 degrees. I remember it like it was yesterday. I found the cold hard to begin with.” Refuge was found in Ancona Due, the Neapolitan restaurant which made all the delicacies that reminded Di Natale of his childhood.


For the non-Italians, meanwhile, Udinese were on hand to make integration as seamless as possible, although Marino suggests one of the reasons the club signs so many Argentines is because a lot of them can trace their ancestry back to the old country and feel home away from home. “Other South American countries represent a slightly bigger risk,” he points out, “Almost all Argentines have some Italian heritage. Our game and the Argentine game are similar too in terms of physicality and the pressure you play under.”

Which isn’t to say Udinese have ever narrowed their focus to a single market. They recruit everywhere and have psychologists and languages teachers on hand to help players adapt no matter where they hail from.“It’s a provincial club that thinks like a big club,” Amoroso says, “It’s always been that way. Udinese gave you all the things only the very top teams had.” In his case, he fondly remembers the 1982 World Cup winner, Franco Causio, taking him under his wing. “Il Barone helped me so much. He was a real champ, a guy who really knew his football. He used to tell me go here, go there. That defender there isn’t so good on his right or his left. To have a guy like that around gave you the chance to learn from and listen to a champion.”

Udinese were trailblazers in player liaison and pastoral care. They understood that if a player has nothing to worry about off the pitch he has a better chance of realising his true potential on it. “Even in those days they had people who would sort you out with a bank account, flats, everything you needed.” Naturally the support structure has moved with the times. “We place great importance on family,” Magda explains. “On the players’ wives and children. We have a restaurant open every day and they’re welcome to eat there. We have a baby club for their children. They can use our areas for parties.”

Leeds fans won’t want to hear this but Rodrigo De Paul says: “It’s not easy to leave. Over time you become part of a family. The club gives you everything even the simplest things so footballers like me only have to think about football. There’s a great group of people here. It’s a small but pretty city. The fans get right behind you. It’s a lovely place. The club’s always a step ahead.”

Luca Gotti, Udinese’s worldly and cultured coach who served as Maurizio Sarri’s assistant at Chelsea, likes to take his Ducati and ride through the Carso. The countryside is spectacular. The clubbing not so much. You won’t find the bright lights of Milan or Rome here. For player development that’s perfect.

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (5)

Rodrigo De Paul has been a target for Leeds in recent seasons (Photo: Marco Canoniero/LightRocket via Getty Images)

“There are no distractions,” Carnevale says. “There are beautiful women, of course, but when I came here my focus was on my football. Today, any young player who comes to Udine makes a great decision. It’s the best place to launch a career. I came here as a kid and had the chance to play regularly. Two years later I got my big move to Napoli.” Carnevale is just one name on a long list of players who used Udinese as a stepping stone to the big time. Alexis went all the way to Barcelona, Amoroso hop-skipped from Parma to Dortmund, Samir Handanovic recently captained Inter to the Scudetto, Bierhoff made the switch to AC Milan. I could go on.

Over the years the recruitment department has put some incredible teams at the disposal of smart trendsetting coaches like Zaccheroni, Luciano Spalletti and Francesco Guidolin. Everyone remembers the Amoroso and Bierhoff side and the age of Di Natale, which tended to get better and better like a bottle of Refosco. “For us staying up is a bit like winning the Scudetto,” Carnevale says, “We’re talking about a club from a city with around 100,000 people being in the top flight for 26 years in a row. No one should forget how in that time we’ve also reached the Champions League three times and the UEFA Cup three times as well. I don’t think other small clubs have done much better than Udinese.”


Marino calls it what it is — “a miracle of sport”. Only Atalanta compare and it remains to be seen if they can keep coming back and experience European football decade after decade. The memories die hard. Amoroso is still bitter about going out to Louis van Gaal’s Ajax on away goals in the UEFA Cup in 1997. “That was an historic game,” he says. “One of the most phenomenal that’s ever been played in Udine. We won but didn’t go through. While I topped the scoring charts in Serie A and made it into Europe for three consecutive years, for me Ajax was the most enthralling game of my life.”

As for Di Natale, he remembers elimination from the Champions League group stages on the final day in 2005-06 season after an agonising late defeat to the eventual winners. “We went out five minutes from time to Barcelona.”

Di Natale came very close to taking Udinese back in 2011 and 2012. This was a time when it was so much harder to make the Champions League for teams from Serie A than it is today as fourth and then third were only good enough for a play-off because the league lost its final automatic slot to the Bundesliga. The last great Udinese side lost to Arsenal and Braga after a penalty shoot-out in which Maicosuel’s Panenka landed comfortably in the goalkeeper’s arms. “Everyone can miss penalties,” Di Natale says. “Looking back we were unlucky in the first leg against Arsenal (at the Emirates) because we had the chances to score an away goal and make it 1-1. In the end though, they had that little bit extra and deserved to go through.”

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (6)

Former Udinese captain Antonio Di Natale is a legend at the club (Photo: Gabriele Maltinti/Getty Images)

The legacy of those nights was to make a routine out of the remarkable, the extraordinary look ordinary when Udinese’s wage bill is the fourth smallest in Serie A. “The history of this club (under the Pozzo family) creates expectation,” Marino observes, and meeting it isn’t easy. It’s not as if Udinese have lost their touch in the transfer market of late. “We’ve just been a bit unlucky,” Carnevale adds.

The foundations of another memory-making team were laid and ready to be built on. Friuli is famous for goalkeepers like Dino Zoff and the academy produced Simone Scuffet and Alex Meret. The scouting network found Luis Muriel and Juan Cuadrado in Colombia. Udinese loaned Duvan Zapata from Napoli and found a couple of playmakers in Piotr Zielinski and Bruno Fernandes. As Carnevale sees it the strikers — now at Atalanta — developed late.

“I was predicting Muriel would go to Barcelona,” he says. In the case of Zielinski and Cuadrado, he thinks Udinese’s coaches at the time weren’t patient enough with them and wanted established players, not kids. Carnevale remembers one of Cuadrado’s early games against Roma. “The manager said to me: ‘Who on earth have you gone and signed now?’. The kid had just landed from Colombia, he didn’t know the language, he missed his family. It was entirely normal for him to find it tough at the start. I said: ‘I find talent. You, as a good coach, have to improve the player’. Cuadrado is now one of the best wide players at Juventus.”

As for Bruno Fernandes, it’s a similar story. “We let him go to Samp and he took off at Sporting. United paid €70 million for him. I don’t know if it’s our mistake but at times coaches want a player who is ready there and then. It often depends on where you are in the table.”

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (7)

Bruno Fernandes (Photo: GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP via Getty Images)

The transfer market has also got more fierce and the technology Udinese pioneered to find players has become more widely available. This story is about more than Wyscout though. The economics of the game have changed. Carnevale uses Erling Haaland as an example (and one that got away from Udinese too).


“We were watching him in the Norwegian league and were maybe one of the first clubs to spot his talent. Then the ‘great powers’ showed up and you just have to hold your hands up. There’s nothing you can do about it. Lots of clubs can now afford to spend millions. Unfortunately, we can’t risk that sort of money on a 16-year-old. A top talent these days costs a lot of money even at that age. You’re already talking €15-20 million. In my day Maradona went for €3 million and that was considered a fortune. Now players like Ronaldo go for €120 million and that’s normal, it doesn’t seem like much money at all, it’s like going out and having coffee.”

The influx of money from oligarchs, sovereign wealth funds, Chinese and US investors has had an inflationary effect on the market and made it harder to find value. Udinese had to adapt and did so in more ways than having scouts focus on more affordable markets like Scandinavia, Belgium and the Netherlands.“At a time when there was a risk of losing competitiveness, we picked up signals relating to internationalisation and the synergies that could arise from starting a multi-national network of clubs,” Collavino explains.

In 2009, the Pozzos bought Granada and then added Watford two years later, keeping step with what Red Bull were doing in Austria, Germany and the US. “They have an extraordinary financial clout,” Carnevale recognises. “I mean, they work in F1.” As Marino sees it, “the collaboration adds value”, particularly in knowledge transfer. It also “gives us the opportunity to do swaps” and mitigates risk as players who don’t work out in Italy may have a different experience in England and vice-versa where the system, coach and style could be better suited to their skill set. Marino is of the opinion this gives players a better chance of “completing their development”.

Inevitably, the network has at times led to speculation about where priorities lie and whether one club is more important than the other, a notion that’s given short shrift. Take Watford’s signing of Richarlison from Fluminense in 2017 for instance. Isn’t that the kind of deal Udinese used to do?

“The financial means in other leagues is different,” Collavino counters. Paying €12 million for a teenage Brazilian is less of a risk for a Premier League club than one from Serie A. It’s enough to recall how the bottom club in England’s top flight makes more or less the same at the top club in Italy’s first division from TV rights and the appeal of the Premier League.

“I think our fans understand the collaboration and synergy with Watford,” Collavino elaborates. “Around a year ago, for instance, we had a fans’ forum that Marino was on in which we carefully explained how important the collaboration is from a sporting point of view. The supporters know that the club has generously provided the necessary resources to keep the club at a high level and how it has always looked for innovative solutions to stay competitive in a challenging environment like Serie A. I think Udinese’s presence in Serie A every year for the last 26 years is the best kind of reassurance for fans.”

The collaboration also brings with it commercial opportunities. “We’re trying to create cross-country sponsorships,” Magda explains, “where our partners have access to different countries.” In a sport with financial fair play where you can only spend what you earn, identifying ways of boosting income is an absolute necessity and redeveloping the old Stadio Friuli into the Dacia Arena was central to that strategy. “We have only the second family-owned stadium in Serie A,” Magda says. “It was very difficult to go through the process of building a new stadium because of the problems in the Italian market (where 76 per cent of grounds were built before the 1940s). It took us around 10 years. The mayor of Udine at the time was quite innovative and helped us a lot.”

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (8)

The Dacia Arena, home of Udinese (Photo: Dino Panato/Getty Images)

To Magda, the Dacia Arena is more than just a football ground. “It’s an incubator of ideas,” she says. “When we opened it five years ago, we wanted to create a structure that would be operational 365 days a year and not just for football. We host other sports events, commercial and B2B activities, concerts and book launches. Football was very male-oriented but that’s changing. We want it to be open to families. There’s still 20,000 square feet that we want to develop for family activities, a music centre, an e-sports arena, a gym.”


The FIGC (the Italian Football Federation) is working on re-opening stadiums and welcoming fans back particularly with the opening game of the European Championship due to take place in Rome on June 11. Instinctively creative, Udinese have been at the forefront of Project Restart. On Fiorentina’s visit to the Dacia Arena in February, the club trialled new wearable technology that vibrates when social distancing is not maintained. “The pursuit of innovation never ends,” Collavino says. “This is one of the many activities we’re involved in where we try to move with the times and read the future.”

Saturday’s game against Bologna unfortunately still comes too soon for supporters to be back in the stands. Udinese currently find themselves 11th in the table and hope to finish in the top half by the end of the season. The analytics community will tell you that they’ve been to Serie A what Brighton have been to the Premier League, putting up very good underlying numbers without getting the results their performances deserve.

“I think the same,” Gotti says when The Athletic brings up Udinese’s bad luck in front of goal, “but you’ve got to reconcile that with reality. This is where we are in the table and considering we lost five of our first six games, we shouldn’t take it for granted. It’s not easy to make up the ground we have when you’re playing at the highest level.”

It’s not difficult to see why Sarri wanted Gotti on his staff at Chelsea. He’s just finished a book on Shackleton’s expedition to the South Pole. “The term resilience is overused these days,” he says. “That book is an incredible example of endurance. There were 28 men under Shackleton’s command. He had to have order, discipline, authority. I took a lot of great things from it. Every week I pick up a book and enter a new world. I don’t have TV at home. The only thing I watch are football games.Two weeks ago I was reading a Hungarian novel set in the 19th century. I think I’m one of only three people in Italy to have read it.”

Of course, no story about Udinese this season can be complete without its leading man, De Paul. Last weekend he conjured up the pass for his team’s opening goal against Juventus. The Argentine set up a couple in his previous game, a handsome 4-2 win over Benevento and is now up to eight assists for the campaign. His sense of invention and silky ability to create off the dribble makes De Paul one of Serie A’s most watchable players.

“You can say we’ve been unfortunate up until now,” he says, “(Roberto) Pereyra and (Gerard) Deulofeu joined (from Watford) when the season had already started and we had to be patient. Stefano Okaka got injured while on international duty when he was in top form. (Ignacio) puss*tto did his cruciate ligament. But I’m not the kind of person who goes looking for excuses. We should have picked up more points. There’s still a lot more up for grabs and we want to give our fans something to smile about.”

Gotti is convinced more uncut gems will emerge at Udinese. “I’m not going to name names,” he says, “but it’s not just De Paul and (the goalkeeper) Juan Musso. There are guys behind them who’ll surprise you.” Breakout stars like Nahuel Molina and Jayden Braaf, the Dutch teenager on loan from Manchester City, perhaps. Give it time, Marino says.


“Today the competition has figured out the moves Udinese made to get ahead of the rest. I’m not saying they copied us but our methods inspired a lot of clubs. We’re looking into a series of things that will help us anticipate the future.” When The Athletic asks what exactly, Marino gives a smile and says: “If I tell you about it they’ll copy us again! All I’ll say is we hope to be able to innovate and repeat the cycle that Udinese enjoyed at the end of the 90s and start of the millenium.”

(Photos: Getty Images/Design: Sam Richardson)

Inside Udinese: Sanchez, Fernandes, De Paul and the making of a talent-spotting dynasty (2024)
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