Guys, is it Gay to Kiss Your Robo Roomie Goodnight? (Asking For A Friend) - FrightenedPeaBrain (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1

A New Discovery

You stare up at the entrance that, despite being mostly crumbled, still towers over you. You pull your mask up to protect your lungs from the dust and make your way in.

You had always been fascinated by the old Freddy’s franchise -mostly because of the ghost stories and creepypastas you had read online- but had never been able to afford going the fancy schmancy Mega Pizzaplex.

When you had caught wind of the Plex closing due to that quake, the thought of finally being able to get at least some of the merch inside was enticing. Granted it had been a couple months since the closing so it was probably thoroughly ransacked by now, but you were still willing to check just in case.

You carefully step over the rubble of the entrance and look around. The place was in ruins. There was graffiti over most of the walls, glass shattered leading into what looked like gift shops, and a knocked over golden statue. You couldn't quite tell who the statue was from this angle so you turn your flashlight on and head deeper inside.

You make your way over to one of the gift shops, glass crunching beneath your feet. You do a quick sweep with your light over the shop hoping to find anything but come up empty. You're about to walk up the stairs at the back of the room when your light catches something on the ground.

You rush over to see what it is. It looks like a mascot fridge magnet. A purple hippo character with a black top hat, you don't recognize who it is but you're kind of excited you found anything at all so you grab it and stick it in your bag before heading back towards the stairs.

The gift shop’s second floor yielded nothing. You go to leave through the doors at the other end of the room only to find that the catwalk just outside of it had collapsed, leaving you to trek back downstairs.

Once you leave the first floor gift shop you make your way towards the escalators you saw when you came in. On your way to them you can finally see the full statue. Knocked over, with it's head broken off was what looked like Freddy himself. -At least you think it was Freddy, with your hazy memory and the head being broken almost beyond recognition, it was still kinda hard to tell-

Moving forward, you make your way up the stationary escalator and come to a crossroad. Forward were two elevator doors, to your left was a café, and to your right was a set of double doors leading to a “Superstar Daycare”. You doubted the elevators worked and your fear of heights keeps you from even considering climbing the pit ladder, so you move to your next option.

You look at the café, then squint at the catwalk leading to it. It looks sturdy but one look at the other catwalk has you second guessing, leaving you with your last option.

You walk over to the doors and open them only for them to jam almost immediately. You look around the ground for anything to help open the door and find the stand to the sign for daycare pickup and try to use it as a crowbar. You wedge it through the gap in the door and wrench it. The door moves a little before the stand bends, rendering it completely useless.

Great, you just got here and you've already hit a dead end. The door moving at all is promising though, so you stupidly decide to ram yourself into the door a few times. Each ram opening the door a few inches so by about the fifth ram it’s open enough for you to slip through.

Now on the other side of the door, you fetch your flashlight again and shine it at whatever was blocking the door. It was a knocked over green gator themed trash can. It didn't look accidental either, it looked deliberately put there to keep the door from opening.

That's a little concerning.

Deciding to ignore that thought, you move the can back towards the wall and shine your light down the rest of the hall. A large shutter door at the other end of it and two bathrooms to your right. You make your way to the shutters and see that they're propped open just enough for someone or some thing to pass through.

Curiosity causing you to ignore your instincts, you crawl through and end up in a huge room with part of the ceiling on the far end missing, having fallen at some point. With the new skylight letting in some of the sunlight from outside, you turned your flashlight off and walked deeper into what must've been the aforementioned daycare pickup.

You see the entrance to a slide leading down past a large net. Looking through the net you could see what had to have been the main daycare. Something that resembles a play structure, padded floors, and large fairytail looking doors leading into it. The only odd thing is that there was no rubble where the ceiling had collapsed.

Like it had been cleaned up.

You make your way down to the big doors, since the slide seemed to be blocked off, and slowly push them open. Right off the bat you see a plushy lying on the ground near the wall, a green gator with sunglasses. It matched the trashcan earlier. It must've been one of the newer characters, ‘cause I don't recognize him.

You fetch it, taking your backpack off so you could stuff the plush inside. As you start to zip up the bag you hear a noise behind you. You freeze, turning around and waiting to see if you had imagined it, nothing. You take a breath and go back to zipping your bag up the rest of the way.

“I'm sor-or-rry the da-or-daycare’s closed-d!”

You jump and turn around to see a towering animatronic. Holy sh*t! How is this thing still active??

The bot comes closer to you as you try to back up only to hit the wall behind you. Dumbass you knew you shouldn't have come here. You should've just turned back as soon as the door was jammed. Now you're gonna be murdered and you didn't even tell your roommate where you were going. You're gonna get murdered to death and no one's gonna find your body.

Your panicked brain rambling causing you to freak out even more as the animatronic basically corners you.

“Dayc-care closed leav-eave.” it's staticy voice skips.

Don't have to tell me twice ! You book it through an opening to the robots right, slipping past a hand flying out to catch you. You get as far away from it as possible only to realize that you had just ran further into the daycare and now the animatronic is between you and the exit.

You two are at a stalemate.

“C-come on-on friend ple-on-lease?” it advances on you. You dash towards one of the play structures and quickly crawl in. No way that thing can fit in here. You crawl deeper into the structure.

Suddenly there's a thump behind you. You whip your head behind you and see it crawling in with no problem.

“sh*t, sh*t, sh*t,” You mutter as you try crawling even faster, but your shoulder is sore as hell after slamming it into the door so many times.

“La-language!” it scolds, shortening the distance between you horrifically fast.

Just up ahead you see a slide and you throw yourself into it.

Maybe it was because it was made for kids or maybe it was the fact that it was old and creaky and you just threw your whole adult sized body into it, but as soon as you made contact with it the slide collapsed. With you inside.

Dazed, you pull yourself out of the slide and assess the damage. Your head hurt a little but your already injured shoulder feels even worse now, having taken the brunt of the fall -luckily it hadn't been dislocated-, and a decently sized gash in your left arm from a shattered piece of slide.

Only remembering the reason you fell in the first place after seeing the large bot almost frantically rush to the security desks in front of you. It's reaching over the desk seemingly searching for something while also avoiding actually going behind the desk for some reason.

You try to get up only to get dizzy and fall back down again. You look back up to see the animatronic making its way over to you, slowing down and crouching as if to make itself appear smaller.

“Hur-t hel-elp” you can barely make out what it's saying but catch sight of a first aid kit in its hand. Does it want to help me? Wasn't it just chasing me, telling me to leave?

“My fau-my fault I-m help” It finally kneels next to you on the ground. It opens the first aid kit and grabs a few things out. It holds out a hand and you flinch a little.

“Ble-eding” it waves its hand again, asking for you to let it help.

You hesitantly lift your arm and it gently holds it still. “Hu-ur-t” it warns before lightly wiping the wound with a disinfectant wipe. You hiss and flinch away a little but its hand holds your arm slightly firmer keeping you still.

You feel a little awkward just sitting here in silence as it meticulously cleans the gash. You lower your face mask.

“So… you uh, you got a name?” You wince at your poor communication attempt, you're not very good at starting conversations, you usually just let someone else do that and you follow their lead.

“Some c-cal-ll me S-s-s-un, S-un-ny, Su-n-sundr-op but th-at-ats the na-name of t-the cand-andies” It starts to ramble a bit, almost like it forgot about its busted voicebox.

You could barely understand it with how much stuttering and skipping they were doing, but you could just make out Sun and that was about it.

“So Sun?” you ask, making sure. They nod their head as they finish cleaning the wound. They pull away, letting go of your arm, and turning back to the kit, taking out a box and holding it out to you.

“Pi-ick” they shake the box towards you.

“You want me to choose what band-aid?” They nod and shake the box again.

You take it and look inside. There are various band-aids with little characters on them. They were all the newer versions of the band. None of which you really recognize, so you just grab a random one, handing it to Sun. A pink plaster with a white bird on it. Must be this place’s version of Chica.

He unwraps the bandage and carefully sticks it on. Handing him one after another you watch, finally able to get a good look at him. His faceplate seemed to be split down the center in a crescent moon shape, there's a huge hole in the left side of his face around the eye socket, the eye itself was shattered, he was missing the casing on his whole left arm except at the shoulder where it was jagged and cracked.

Once Sun was done patching you up, your arm was multicolored and your dizziness had subsided somewhat. Your shoulder really starts to hurt and your bag isn't helping at all , so you shimmy it off and lay it on your lap. You grab your phone out of one of the pockets and check what time it is. It's not late right now but it probably will be when you get back home, plus you hurt like hell and kinda just wanna lay down.

“...I should probably get going…” you trail off towards the end and start to get up. You actually succeed in getting vertical this time.

“O-oh.” Sun has an almost disappointed tone. He was just trying to get me to leave, does he want me to stay now?

“Yeah.. I uh opened up a way out if you wanna leave this place” you try and reason.

“Oh I c-can-can’t lea-ave! Ag-gainst th-the ruls. I have-ave to wa-wai-wait he-ere until-until they fin-fini-ish ren-nov-novating.” He says, matter of factly.

You pause

“Sun. You- you know the Pizzaplex is closed, right?” you ask, confused. He just nods his head.

“M-mhm for ren-novations!”

“No, I mean closed closed. Like for good.” You correct him.

“No…-o-..” He says in disbelief. “Y-oure mist-mistaken mis-ter-ster”

“Sun, the building’s been abandoned for months. It's falling apart” you point at the caved in hole in the ceiling.

“what?” His voice small, “Th-they just-ust left us-s? Jus-t like tha-a-at-at?”

You look back at Sun, you’d feel like an asshole if you just left him after breaking the news to him like that. I seriously gotta work on not being so blunt sometimes . You go back and forth between bringing him with you or just setting him free like he's a wild animal.

“Look, you can uhm, come with me… place.. with me” You awkwardly suggest.

“R-real-eally?” He almost perks up with hope.

“I mean, only if you wanted to. Obviously.” You nervously scratch your non bandaged arm.

“Yes-yes-es!” He jumps up “Hold-old on! Le-me grab m-my th-in-ings!” He dashes off into the darker side of the daycare and comes back with three things in his hands. An aged little plush that looked like Sun but with a blue and white color scheme instead of his yellow, with no rays, and a little sleep cap on. A thick cord. -Most likely a charging cable- And a wrinkled piece of paper that was delicately folded.

You grab your bag and open the big pocket, holding it open for him to put his belongings in. He puts in his cord and plush, but hesitates a second before lightly placing the paper into the bag.

You zip it shut and sling it over your left arm, keeping it off of your injured right shoulder. You pull your mask back up and make your way out of the main daycare and up the steps towards the pick up, looking back occasionally checking behind you to see if Sun is following.

You make it to the shutter door and Sun leans over and pulls the door the rest of the way up, letting you both easily pass. You walk out the double doors and turn to see Sun pause just behind the doors, hands fidgeting.

“You ok?” You ask, remembering him saying something about not being able to leave the daycare.

He nods. You hold out your hand to him. He hesitantly takes it and slowly walks through the doors. He's still holding your hand after he's through and you take in just how much taller he is than you. He's gotta be at least 7ft considering your 5’7 ass only just makes it to his shoulders. You have to crane your neck up to look at him.

You just stand there staring at each other for a second before you snap out of it and gently tug him along and start walking down the escalator. You walk past the Freddy statue and out to the crumbled exit.

There's still daylight outside, and you don't want to get caught stealing a whole ass robot, so you decide to take the, albeit longer, more secluded back roads back home. You start to make a move towards that direction when you feel Sun stop walking and you look back to see him just staring at the sky.

Despite his static faceplate he almost radiates a feeling of amazement and wonder. Fall is close, so the leaves are just starting to change, and the air is a bit crisper.

You pull your mask back down and watch him take in the scenery for a minute or two before he looks to you, signaling that you can start the journey back to your place. You take him down a winding path just inside the tree line making sure to pay attention to your surroundings in case anyone sees the two of you.

Throughout the walk Sun is picking up little rocks and cool shaped leaves, staring at them in awe, then showing you. You guess he really wants to keep them because you keep feeling the occasional tunck of a small weight in the bag on your back.


You're about halfway down the worn path when you remember you already have a roommate, who you definitely need to warn about Sun's arrival. You tell Sun not to say a word and call Kat.

On the fourth ring you remember she had work today. That's kinda why you went to the Pizzaplex in the first place. You debate hanging up and calling back later but she picks up before you can decide.

“This better be an emergency I swear to God.” She already sounds done with your sh*t and you haven't even said anything.


“Oh no. Did you get arrested?”

“No no. Uhm. Weird question but, uh how do you feel about strays..?”

“... Dude. Is there a stray animal in our house right now?”

“No.” You look to Sun, “Technically.”

“What the hell do you mean technically?!”


She sighs your name in exhaustion, “You know what the landlord said about pets, man.” You can practically see her pinch the bridge of her nose just by the tone of her voice

“I know. But it's not a pet”

“What the hell are you going on about?” She's getting a little frustrated with your vagueness.


She calls you name again “What. Do. You. Mean it's not a pet?”

“...” You hang up.

“Ca-can I talk no-n-now?” Sun whispers. You nod and continue on with your stroll.

“Oh Yeah!. Actually- about that.” You turn to him, walking backwards. “What's up with it? D’you bang your speaker up with the arm and leg or was it a separate thing?”

He stops walking and looks at his caseless endo arm and his tattered pant leg. He then stares out past you in thought.

“No-nope! Dif-di-difrent-t thi-ing.” Sun starts walking again.

You squint at him a little before nearly tripping over something, but you spin quickly back around to catch yourself only for that to cause you to fully trip and fall over a fallen branch.

Sun goes to help you up but you shoot back up almost knocking into him.

“I meant to do that.” You wipe your hands on your pants and continue onwards leaving Sun to speed walk to catch up.

“A-are you ok-kay?!” He takes your wrist to see if you had scraped your hand. The suddenness of the contact feels like a bad electric shock that shoots straight to your heart. You yelp and yank your arm back, holding it up to your chest.

Sun shoots backwards, thinking he hurt you even more, he starts to panic. His hands grip his remaining rays and he crumbles in on himself.

“OH I-I-I-IM SO SOR-OR-RRY I DID̸̨̦̣͈͇̺̙̤̤̾̃̏͛̓̌̒͛͋̔̉͘͝͝ͅĮ̶̺̦̺̻̱͙̭̥̳̟̎̉̌̒͒̍͐̀͗D̷̢̛̗̳̬̹̮͇̗̝͗̑͑̃͝ͅN̶̮̙͂͌̔͆̓̈͂̕͝T̶̛̼̖̃̒̔̀͛̌́̚ ̴̨̧̧̡̛͓͎̤̥͇̖͕͚̞͆͒̇ͅM̴̘̱̀͂͒͛̾́̅̿̒͛̐͝͝E̶̡̜̣̙͉̝͈̒̐̀͊͝-̴̘̺̦̳͍͖̞́̑̾̔͘Ḿ̸̢̛̮͓̱̻̻͌̈́̆̿́̋̾̕̕Ḛ̴̢̞̌̏̇͆͌͒̀̃̐̈́̐͜ͅĄ̶͉̌͋̇͐͊͘̚͘͠N̶̯̖̹̋̀͆̃͛ ̴̢̻̘̝̞̠̹͙͔̟̩̰̒͆͋̑̋̀͐̎̕͘͜T̴̡̬͕̞̳̹̝̲̒̓̾͒̉͒̃̈́̓̑̈́͝͝͠ͅ0̷̡̭̪̪̪̥̼̝͇̳͙͉͌̈́̓͋̓̈́́̑̾͂̕̕͠͝-̸̯͍̜̯̙͚̃̋̔͠T̸̨̨̡͍̯̫͎̗̘̎͂̈́̋̐̏̄Ȍ̷̰͎̌̀̍̔͜͝ ̷̨̝̥͍̱͈̯͕̤̫̤̖̻̑I̵̙̖̟͍̗̱̯̱͙͉̠̦̝͖̍́̈́̀́͌̊̏̊̕͠ ̵̼̜͈̱̟͙͉̙̖͓̱̹͓͎̾͛̌̄͑̋͆̋̓M̷̢̨͇̞͖̯̮̞̺̗͗̈́̈́̀̚͜͝M̵̮͔̲̺̤͉͖̭͛̃̏̀̀̃͗͂̏̕͝ ̷̧̡̻͈͉̻͓̗̺͔̫̼̥̅́̉̏̂S̵̢̤͍̰̱͙̱̮̩̬̻͙͑́̋̒̇̿̈̄ ̵̛͖͐Ǫ̴̖͚͓̮̬͓̌̾̇̐̃̅̒͊̆́͝-̷̮͚̣͕̻̺͑́̈́͋̎͊̂̿̂͛̚ ̶̡̛̰͉͉̳̱̂̀͋͠R̸̨̧͕̣̟͈͉͔͎̯͍̖̦͈̝̋̓̾̎̈͐͒͝E̷̱̒̒͋̔̓̍̈́͠Ỳ̷̡̤̭̯̭̹̖̯̀̇̎͛̈̃͋̑͠ “

Oh dear god, the seven foot robot is having a panic attack . You look around. A very public panic attack. His words are so staticy you can barely understand what he's saying. You approach him slowly.

“DID̸̨̦̣͈͇̺̙̤̤̾̃̏͛̓̌̒͛͋̔̉͘͝͝ͅĮ̶̺̦̺̻̱͙̭̥̳̟̎̉̌̒͒̍͐̀͗D̷̢̛̗̳̬̹̮͇̗̝͗̑͑̃͝ͅN̶̮̙͂͌̔͆̓̈͂̕͝T̶̛̼̖̃̒̔̀͛̌́̚ ̴̨̧̧̡̛͓͎̤̥͇̖͕͚̞͆͒̇ͅM̴̘̱̀͂͒͛̾́̅̿̒͛̐͝͝E̶̡̜̣̙͉̝͈̒̐̀͊͝-̴̘̺̦̳͍͖̞́̑̾̔͘Ḿ̸̢̛̮͓̱̻̻͌̈́̆̿́̋̾̕̕Ḛ̴̢̞̌̏̇͆͌͒̀̃̐̈́̐͜ͅĄ̶͉̌͋̇͐͊͘̚͘͠N̶̯̖̹̋̀͆̃͛ ̴̢̻̘̝̞̠̹͙͔̟̩̰̒͆͋̑̋̀͐̎̕͘͜T̴̡̬͕̞̳̹̝̲̒̓̾͒̉͒̃̈́̓̑̈́͝͝͠ͅ0̷̡̭̪̪̪̥̼̝͇̳͙͉͌̈́̓͋̓̈́́̑̾͂̕̕͠͝-̸̯͍̜̯̙͚̃̋̔͠T̸̨̨̡͍̯̫͎̗̘̎͂̈́̋̐̏̄Ȍ̷̰͎̌̀̍̔͜͝ ̷̨̝̥͍̱͈̯͕̤̫̤̖̻̑I̵̙̖̟͍̗̱̯̱͙͉̠̦̝͖̍́̈́̀́͌̊̏̊̕͠ ̵̼̜͈̱̟͙͉̙̖͓̱̹͓͎̾͛̌̄͑̋͆̋̓M̷̢̨͇̞͖̯̮̞̺̗͗̈́̈́̀̚͜͝M̵̮͔̲̺̤͉͖̭͛̃̏̀̀̃͗͂̏̕͝ ̷̧̡̻͈͉̻͓̗̺͔̫̼̥̅́̉̏̂S̵̢̤͍̰̱͙̱̮̩̬̻͙͑́̋̒̇̿̈̄ ̵̛͖͐Ǫ̴̖͚͓̮̬͓̌̾̇̐̃̅̒͊̆́͝-̷̮͚̣͕̻̺͑́̈́͋̎͊̂̿̂͛̚ ̶̡̛̰͉͉̳̱̂̀͋͠R̸̨̧͕̣̟͈͉͔͎̯͍̖̦͈̝̋̓̾̎̈͐͒͝E̷̱̒̒͋̔̓̍̈́͠Ỳ̷̡̤̭̯̭̹̖̯̀̇̎͛̈̃͋̑͠ “

“Heyyy...It's okay.You’re good, you didn't hurt me.” You try to comfort him.

R̸͓̿̐͝Ȇ̴͎̝̬̓̄̎̎̕͘-̶̢͎̼̳̮̀͆̀̓̂̃ͅR̶̡̜̼͝ͅͅE̷̬͇̟̫͚̊̿̊̿̏-̶̧͈̹͇̩̮̦̈̈́̄͂͠R̴̢̯̣͎͙̝̆͆̇̈́̅͜E̸̼̝͇̙̔-̸͕̣͎̭̱̯̓͂̔͆̈́̉̽R̷̨̲͈̭͎͂̃Ḙ̷̝̹̩̋͜-̷̖͓̺̣̃̐̊Ř̷̨͇̲̪͂̄̄͑͝ͅE̵̘̩͍̩͂̔̉͗̀̉ ̶͉̣̫̤̳͕̈́̍̎́͌͛

Sun’s gripping his rays so hard he rips one of them off. His speaker is stuck repeating the last word over and over. You're starting to panic a little now. No. You need to stay focused. You need to calm Sun down .

“Okay. It's okay. You're okay.” You gently reach out to him and he flinches. “Okay okay. No touch” You hold your hands up in surrender. “Just try and take a deep breath-” Right he's a robot . “Can you look at me?”

“.̵̧̢̡̡͈͚͎͈͈̘̹̪̹͕̅̔͆̕͠.̵̢̛̛͇͉̘̱͚̉̅̄̇̀̆̚̚.̷̧̛̜̬͖̣͎̫͖͙̬̺̳͚͍͂̔́̃́͜.̷̧̦͙̭̺͔̥̤̊̐̉̓͊͐͘.̶͉̾̄̕͜͠.̴̡̨͇͕̩͙͉̗̟͇̆̉̀͊͌̉͜͜.̴͙̭͇̂͆̅.̴̣̱̤̼̮̘̭͕̭̱̅͌̌̈́͌̓̿͋̄̐̚͘͜͜ͅ.̸̮̮͂̈́̎̿̒͗̈̃͗͐̃.̶͎͍̖̖̙̟͎̄̽.̴̧̧̛͇͖̼̬͓͕̼̥̱̱̭̻̀̀̋̀͑͑̒.̶̡͌̋͋͐̊̓̓̀̓͑̚.̷̟̬̩̭̏̈́́͛̇̒̏.̴̡͇̤̤̤̞̼̻̰̼̿̿̄̃͛̅͜͠͠ͅ.̴̔͗̈́̌̇͝ͅ.̶͓͉͎̼̓̏͂̽͆̌̽́͌͂̌͝ͅ.̴̭̬̟͈̣̟͓͓̝̺̮̖͓̠̃.̵̛͓̞̲̈́͗̄́̓̂̿͒̒̀̂.̸̢̢̧̯̤̳͖͈̻̣̬̟̫̰͉́̄̚” His voice is only static now.

“Sun, can you look at me?” You slowly take your bag off, laying it next to you, and lay down on your back. He eventually unclenches his hands from his head and looks toward you, the static starting to quiet a little. Good , you internally sigh in relief. You thought he was gonna rip the rest of his face off.

“Good. Good. You're doing great. Now come down here next to me.” You softly pat the ground near yourself. You reach into the bag as he slowly lowers himself even more so his back is also on the forest floor. Your hand hits something, you grab it and pull it out.

Great job, now, can you hold your hand out for me? ” He obliges. You carefully put your hand on top of his and open it. A small weight lands on Sun's palm and he pulls away to see what it is.

A little rock, one he had found earlier, a completely smooth one, with a nice flat side. He runs his thumb along that side. Then rolls it around in his large hand.

The static quiets to a little hum as he lays on the ground, fidgeting with the little rock.

He eventually lays the hand down onto his chest. You sit up and look down at him. “You feeling any better?”

You get a thumbs up in reply.

“Well that's good.” You smile at him. “We should probably keep going, it's gonna get dark soon and I'll probably get us lost.” You grab your bag and stand up. You hold out your hand, offering to help Sun back up. He takes it, even though he doesn't need the help, getting up with ease.

You start walking again, Sun trailing behind you.

“Sorry about that earlier, by the way.” You glance back at him. “People touching me without warning sends me into fight or flight mode a lotta the time.”


“Hey, you're fine. You didn't know. I'm not mad at you.” You turn back to him with a reassuring smile.


The rest of your journey is uneventful. You walk up to your little townhouse and unlock the door. You walk in and hold it open for Sun. He has to duck a considerable amount due to his height.

“I'm gonna take a quick shower,” You point your thumb behind you, “You can make yourself at home. Feel free to like put on a movie or something, the remote should be on the coffee table.”

Sun nods while looking around at the decor. You head to your room and gather some comfy clothes and deposit them into the bathroom. You take a quick peek to see how Sun's doing. You can only see the back of his head from this angle but he's looking back and forth from the remote to the TV, moving through streaming platforms. He should be fine for a little while.

You head back to the bathroom, turn on the shower, and then start playing some fast paced, exciting music. You sigh as you feel all of the dust and dirt wash off your body. Your cut is protected from the water by the impenetrable layers of Faz-Plasters and the warm water does wonders for your aching shoulder. You use a touch too much shampoo just to get your hair really sudsy, making you feel cleaner.

The shower gives you time to think about earlier events. Like the fact that you found a whole ass working robot! A robot who had a very real panic attack. A robot who is probably definitely sentient.

Christ on a stick, who the hell leaves a sentient being out to basically die like that. There's no way that's how he always would've reacted to the possibility of hurting someone. That kind of response is a result of constant negative feedback. Man, maybe those rumors about Fazbear we're true.


A little while into your shower, you hear a noise outside of the door.

“Sun?” You call out over the running water.


“D’you need something?”

“... No!” He responds hesitantly.

“Okayyyy...” You trail off and get back to rinsing the soap from your hair. After rinsing the last bit out, you turn the faucet off and grab your towel. You dry yourself off inside the shower.-Having had Kat tease you for dripping water all over the bathroom floor way too many times-

You get dressed as the mirror unfoggs. It doesn't take long considering your showers tend to run on the cooler side. You look at yourself once the fog does clear.

Yeesh, my eye bags look crazy right now. You run your finger along them before trailing lower to scratch at the stubble on your cheeks. You glance down at your razor, pausing for a moment, before picking it up and starting the process of mowing your face.

You turn off your music and open the door and immediately find Sun sitting right next to the bathroom in the little hallway.

“What happened to you messing with the tv?” You question him

“I co-ould-n’t figu-ure o-ut h-ow to w-w-or-ork it so I th-th-ought I’-I’d wait for-or you to-to-to finish. Als-so yo-our music has-has a lot-otta bad w-words in-in it”

“Well that's cause I'm a grown adult. Also, I did ask if you needed anything, you coulda’ just told me, I would've helped you out.”

“W- I did-dn’t wa-nna-a intur-rup-pt your sh-show-er! Tha-that’d be r-rude!” He stands back up from the ground.

“Okay, c’mon” You lead him back to the living room and crawl over the back of the couch into a half reclined seat like a weirdo. While Sun walks around the couch, like a normal person, and sits down on the other side. He looks at you and does an almost comical double take.

“Yo-you’re smoo-ooth.” He points out

You scratch your newly shaved chin, “Uh, yeah… I got bored of it”

“I-its nice.”

“thanks” Your face tints and you look away to face the tv. You start scrolling through your various streaming platforms desperate for a topic change.

“So what kinda movies d’ya like?” You look back to Sun.

“W-well we we-weren't re-r-aly a-able to wa-atch anyth-thing th-that wasn-n’t Faz-f-azbear pro-operty”

“Gross, really?” You blanch.

“M-Mhm!” He nods his head.

“Okay so do you at least have a preferred genre. I mean you worked at that daycare right?” He nods again. “So do you… wanna watch a… kids movie? -Which is completely fine by me! I've actually got a few recommendations if you do wanna watch some” Sun nods again.

“We-w-we can-n or- or we cou-could w-watch an-anhthing w-ith li-lttle to-t-to no swe-swearing.”

You don't really keep track of how many swears are in the movies you watch so it'd probably be safer to just watch kids movies. And you have the perfect one in mind. You turn the movie on and turn the lights out.


A crab get frozen into ice when your stomach decides to make itself very known. Sun's head snaps in your direction.

“Wh-en was t-th-e la-ast tim-e you a-ate?!” He leans over to your side of the couch.

“Uhhh” You genuinely can't remember. You know you had to have eaten something but you're not entirely sure, your brain tends to have a hard time fully notifying you when you are hungry so you never know.

“W-well get- get up an-an go ge-get something to-t-to ea-eat!! I-i-I’ll pau-se the mo-ovie s-so you do-n’t miss any-anything!”

“Okay okay. I'll heat up the oven for a pizza or something.” You get up and head to the attached kitchen. “And don't worry about pausing. I've seen this movie a million times by now, I practically have the whole thing memorized.”

You walk to your oven and start to preheat it, then glance at the fridge. You open it, grabbing the juice. Before you close the door you catch a glimpse of a bottle of spray whipped cream. No, I can't. You look away, then back. Yeah okay I can.

You take the can of whipped cream and spray a good amount straight into your mouth. A little falls out of your mouth and onto your hand making it kinda sticky. Worth it though. You wash your hands and turn around to see how far into the movie Sun's gotten.

The movie is paused and Sun's head is turned fully towards you behind him. You flinch. Holy sh*t, that is nightmare fuel.

“I said you didn't have to pause it. I'm good back here, I can see the tv.”

“I-i hear-d a no-noi-se”

“Oh, that's just whipped cream.” You hold up the can. “Anyway, you can go back to the movie. I'm just gonna put the pizza in” Sun turns back to the screen and the movie resumes. You let out a quiet sigh of relief. I really gotta fix his face up a little at some point.

You move on autopilot taking the pizza out of the freezer, then the box, then putting it into the oven. You turn on a timer to a specific time not listed on the box. You had done this so many times, with pizza being one of your most consistent safe foods over the years.

You walk back to the couch just in time to watch the main dudes lose their sandwich car.

Eventually, the timer goes off so you go to fetch and cut the pizza. You grab a plate full and sit back down, trying your best to ignore Sun's eyes -well eye- on you.


A little bit into the next movie, the front door opens. You both turn and you wave at Kat. The keys fall from her hand.

She says your name in a stern voice. Okay not a good sign.

“My room. Now.” You jump up off the couch and follow her to her room. You would make a joke about first dates but she might burn you on a steak.

She closes the door behind you, and starts whisper-yelling.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Gonna have to be more specific.” She flicks your arm. “Ow- okay, yeah, the robot, I got it.”

“Why didn't you just tell me it was a giant scary robot on the phone?!”

“Because if I told you he was a giant scary robot you would've flat out said no!”

“Gee, big shocker at what I'm gonna say now.”

“Okay, but you're not even gonna ask where I got him from?”

“I don't care where you got it from. What I do want to know is why you thought it was a good idea to bring it home with you in the first place?!”

“The place was busted to sh*t and he was the only thing there still active. I couldn't just leave him .” You continue to emphasize the pronouns.

“You very well could've left it!”

“Kat, he's not even that scary!” She gives you a look. “Okay, maybe he's a little bit scary-but! But- all we gotta do is fix him up a little and he should be fine!”

You both hear something behind the door. Nooo. C’mon man I'm trying to plead your case don't be right outside the door!

Kat opens the door to find Sun just standing right in front of it. She slams the door shut. You rush to open the door a crack.

“Hey Sun, could you just wait for me on the couch? I just wanna have a private conversation with Kat real quick.” You whisper to him.

“B-but I wan-w-anted to ap-appolo-ize for-for sca-car-ing her.” He fidgets with his endo hand.

“Okay, you can apologize in a little bit. We're not gonna take a while”

“Oka-kay” He turns and walks back to the couch as you close the door and turn to Kat. She sighs.

“Look, I've had a super long day, I'm exhausted. Can you please make sure it doesn't come in here while I sleep?”

“Yeah man no problem.”

“Cool, great, now get out.”

You leave her room and look back out to see Sun is trying his best to pay attention to the tv, but as soon as you close the door, his head snaps in your direction. You walk back over to him.

“Yeah so, you're gonna have to postpone your apology till tomorrow. And also she doesn't want you going near her room. At least for right now.” You tack the last part on to hopefully not make him feel worse. Unsure if it worked, you sit back down on the couch to finish the movie.

  • :•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•

The credits roll and your eyelids start to droop. You check and see it's 10:26, you should probably go to bed.

“We should figure out your charging situation.” You stand up and walk to your bag that you left by the door. You pull the thick cord out and turn around to talk to Sun.

“I mean you obviously need to be near an outlet.” The only one that's open -and not currently blocked by a piece of furniture- is one stationed near the corner of the living room.

“I can set up a little nook for you over there so you're at least comfortable while you charge.”

“O-oh you do-don-n’t ha-a-ve to! I’m f- I'm fine j-jus-t on th-the flo-oor.”

“I've got like a ton of spare bedding dude, it's fine” You head over to the linen closet right next to your room and pull down a rather puffy lavender comforter.

You also spot a small pale blue blanket. You pull it down with a small smile, it used to be your baby blanket. Your mom gave it to you when you moved out saying something about giving it to your potential future kids. It had baby versions of characters from an old cartoon floating on clouds.

You decide to bring it too -it could be a nice cushion when rolled up- and head into your room to grab one of the eight million pillows you have on your bed, a star shaped one, you found it fitting.

You head back to the living room and plop your goodies onto the floor before properly setting the nook up. You roll the baby blanket up and place it on the floor then fold the lavender comforter on top of it also rolling part of it up in a way that creates an almost nest like structure. You finally place the star pillow at the apex of the nest before plugging the cord into the wall.

You step back from your masterpiece and turn to Sun.

“Whaddya think?”

“I-its mis-miss-ing som-methi-ing.”

You tilt your head, confused, as Sun walks to your bag, roots around, and pulls out the Moon plush. He walks back to the nook and softly places the worn plush next to the star pillow. He stands back next to you.

“Now-ow its-s-s per-perfec-t.”

“Okay, well I'm gonna head to bed soon so we should get you hooked up”

Sun nods and sits down in the nook, shifts around the pillow and plush a little, and leans back onto the wall. He takes the cord and plugs it into a port on his back at the base of his neck. The lights dim for a half second before brightening again.

Oh our electricity bill is gonna skyrocket isn't it. Ignoring that thought, you ask if he's comfortable. You receive a thumbs up.

“Kay, I'm gonna go sleep. If you need anything just ask, my room’s the one at the end of the hall.” You point your thumb behind you at the hall.

“Night.” You head out hearing a stuttering “Go-od-ni-night!”

You crash onto your bed barely getting in properly before falling asleep.

Guys, is it Gay to Kiss Your Robo Roomie Goodnight? (Asking For A Friend) - FrightenedPeaBrain (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.